Can you please start focusing on toxicity?

You were absolutely the victim of toxicity there (toxicity does not just extend to bad language) that must have sucked when you contacted CS.

The system should have a better appeals process too (with a real person, not some weird automated nonsense that just repeats the same thing over and over again.)

I donā€™t think anyone seriously believes that. However, there is also the other side of the equation which is this:

For every legitimately toxic player that warrants an actual reportā€¦ there are just as many players who take every little thing as an assault against their very being and report for it.

Weā€™re stuck somewhere between ā€œevil exists only because good people stand by and do nothingā€ and ā€œthe boy who cried wolfā€¦ā€. Is it any wonder there are so many reports that blizzard seems to do nothing about?

Take Riot games, for example (makers of valorant, etc etc). They said they receive SO MANY reports each year, that even if they took every single riot employee and had them field 5 reports per minute, it would still take them over a year to get through every single reportā€¦ let aloneā€¦ give each one the time it deserves. And that is before even determining if itā€™s a legitimate infraction, or if someone was just reported because another player was mad they lost.

So keep this in mind next time someone tells you to move onā€¦ because theyā€™re not saying ā€œget over it, bad things happen and thereā€™s nothing you co doā€. But what they are saying is this: Life is full of bad things that happen to youā€¦ your job is to determine which ones you can do something about, and which ones you cant. HINT you cannot control the way other people behave, but you can control how you react to other peopleā€™s behavior.

Make things easy on yourself. Do what you can, and as for the rest, let it roll off your back.


Bro the person they were replying to basically does believe that.

I didnt bother contacting CS. Itā€™s literally not worth my time.
Look at the end of the day, I actually dont like racism/homophobia/able-ism either.
But iā€™m not naive enough to expect everyone around me to try and stop it.
The reason? Itā€™s the same philosophy as censorship. At the end of the day, I donā€™t have the right to tell other people how to talk or think and I will never be able to change them all. I worry when people start TRYING to do that because WHO gets to decide whatā€™s right and wrong to sayā€¦etc? Just dangerous ground to tread.

I know that people are immediately going to jump to ā€œwellā€¦its blizzardā€™s property and if they dont likeā€¦itā€¦ā€.

Sureā€¦youā€™re right. But theyā€™re doing a bang-up job, arenā€™t they? (eyeroll)

I just think its better if you ignore it and/or if you set the game up so that you dont even see it to begin with. Toxic players canā€™t stand not having an audience :slight_smile:

Nahā€¦ read what they said, what they actually said without applying your own interpretation to it. Then read my response and itā€™ll make more sense.

No one is wrong for being upset over toxicity.

No one is wrong for thinking people should be punished for toxicity.

On the other side of the coin, howeverā€¦

No one is wrong for telling you to worry about stuff you can actually control and get on with your life.

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I did read what they said.


I agree with you, letā€™s take Riot games for example, which I already did use in my post.

In League of Legends, if you say a word thatā€™s on thier list of banned words. Youā€™re instantly chat muted and punished.

This has reduced toxicity by a LOT.

So, OW2, Blizzard. Take Riotā€™s lead and implement a similar feature, would love to see it and would help out a ton.

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Loved your post Ornery, but at the end of the day , you still have more hope for humanity than I do LOL :slight_smile:

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Definitely canā€™t dispute this

  • but I donā€™t think thatā€™s whatā€™s happening either

Most certainly! But thereā€™s a line to draw between actually insulting people vs. exaggerating.

  • Most complaints of toxicity are just that
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Souv, I actually agree SORTAā€“iā€™d rather they just make it impossible for the text to say what they want it to say.
IE - change it to something else.

You say the S word and it just translates it to poop? I dunno, I actually think that would crack me up. I remember playing Yahoo Scrabble (cantā€™ recall what they used to call it) and if you even tried to curse, the AI would just change the word.

Didnā€™t say anything about there not being a ban. I said there was no appeal process. They basically just ignore you.

And yes the ban process is mostly automated. Not sure on the threshold be it 10 reports, 100 etc but it happens once you reach it no matter what.

Some topics get faster results than others as well. Cheating/hacking/etc is mostly ignored. Abuse in chat and other such reports tend to get more action than others. Especially if itā€™s text chat, as they can easily parse the logs with an ai bot or something.

yah after that action, i just turned off all chat. I have to admit, itā€™s made it a lot less stressful for me, at least.


Do we count ā€œfk prideā€ as toxicity? If so, my last toxic encounter happened last week, likeā€¦ 50 games ago or so. Guy got instagibbed by one report.

If you encounter toxicity almost every other game, I have a strong feeling you are a darn effective catalystā€¦ are you one of those people who tell others to switch and how to play the game but then cry about toxicity when they tell you youā€™re bad at the game?

Once again I am enjoying comp games with nice people joking around in vc while everyone around me seemingly gets put into WWE trash talking lobbies :person_shrugging:

Edit: After reading through some of this thread it seems like youā€™re actually talking about racism, homophobia and ā€œkysā€ style insults. Yeah, no shot. That happens in less than 1% of my games. And when it does happen the people get instabanned like the above encounter. Iā€™m convinced youā€™re either lying/overexaggerating by a lot or you are actively instigating this behavior in others.

How about at first making game less frustrating?

In Internet , online games toxic people exist . It is upto to indulge them and trash talk them back or ignore and move on .

Unless you didnā€™t read anything which Iā€™m inclined to believe, Iā€™m talking about racism, homophobia and telling people to unalive themselves.

So say you support that behaviour now, if not, then you agree with me and you should shut your mouth.

Yes, and often as result of game being frustrating, so fighting toxicity fights symptom, rather than cause.

You mentioned nothing about this in your original post .

You yourself are the toxic person , ignoring you is the best approach .

Cope and seeth my friend. Bye.

In my hood, when someone cries we beat them harder, so they stop doing it forever, because they realize there is no point to cry anymore. That is the best medicine.

The solution people found to deal with toxicity is simply to avoid voice chat and perm turn it off. Nearly everyone I know has a much better time not using it.

What Blizzard has failed to do is make muting people easier. Itā€™s a fairly lengthy process to mute a person.

Which is really just answering toxicity with more toxicity and everyone in VC has to deal with it to the point where many just turn VC off all together and even text channels. The 5% ruin it to the point they woudl rather guarantee they never have to listen to it at all at the cost of never hearing another human again.

It really just starts with humankind being really awful creatures at heart and easily wanting and accepting to bully others when possible for the slightest offenses and not caring at all what their action does impacts others. Many simply ignore sympathy/empathy.

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