Can you please start focusing on toxicity?

Telling you that you would think differently if you were neurodivergent is not making it an identity.


What part of that you have the right to say anything, but have to deal with the consequences, do you not understand? You can scream the n word from your roof, but if 20 people around you shoot you, don’t Pikachu face. But if they DON’T, don’t also Pikachu face. Gauge your surroundings.

What you want is to become Dr. Manhattan and change the entire human species to your own version.

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Cool, so you support Blizzard cracking down on toxcity which is what my post is about.

I don’t know why you got so triggered about the post then buddy, seems like we agree!


I agree. If their TOS says don’t say f’ed up s, or you’ll be banned, then don’t. But if you also join games and see people saying “bad words that hurt my emotions” then mute and report. WTF just move on. This isn’t your grandma’s backyard bbq where all guests will be pre screened 20 days prior.

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Sounds like you’re being a bigger baby about this then anyone else right now.

You agree with my post but you’re still crying about it?

Wierd flex dude, but ok.


Not a flex, just realize not every one is here to cater to your emotions. Some people won’t be flagged in 30 games prior and you might hear “naughty words.” If you don’t like that, then don’t play multiplayer. I dunno what to tell you.

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Bro you’re just rambling about nothing at this point.

Someone get this boomer some help.


you can’t shut everyone up, its not going to happen. It’s foolish to keep wanting that.
This is like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 101
you are the one who decides how words affect you. It’s a tough life skill, but you’ll be a happier person if you learn.


I’m not “rambling.” I’m telling you, when people are in your games saying things you don’t like, mute them and move on.

And Boomer is an ageist term. I thought we didnt like racism or homophobes here? So now you hate on someone over age? Wooooow. So much for not hating someone.


This is both the weirdest and funniest thread i’ve read all night




Agreed. It’s why I hang out on the forums so much, it’s ten times more funny than the actual game.

Bro thinks boomer is a homophobic or racist slur

BRUHH I CANT :joy::joy::joy:



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No, just the Gen Z use it so common they think it’s ok. You’re using a term to hate a person for something they can’t change, like color, gender or age.


Well I certainly took the advice of ‘mute someone forever and move on’… :roll_eyes:

Blizz really needs to hire more CS staff to deal with reports in a more timely manner. As it stands, it is an absolute coin toss if a genuine report leads to any sort of action.

Whilst I believe that unfiltered chat should be just that, some phrases take ‘trash talking’ too far into common harassment.

Suicide baiting, racism, homophobia, and all other forms of bigogtry, is not allowed in the game. It doesn’t matter if they use the cleanest language imaginable, it is an actionable offence against TOS.

Players can take individual action to make sure they are not exposed to the unhinged people who get let loose on the internet. But without staff actioning those reports, the situation is not going to get better.

Rather like the mods here not taking action on troll posts for several days, Blizz CS staff in general are far too slow to react to reports or flags. They don’t escalate the issues properly, and don’t react appropriately.

I’ve been gaming since the 80’s and this is just unprofessional for a live-service game. CS must be dealing with a backlog of reports that they just physically cannot catch up on at this point.



Cap or boomer?


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Stop using slurs against people that can’t change what they are. Isn’t that the point? Or is it only what they allow on Tik Tok as words?


Tiktok words actually made me laugh out loud lmaoo

“slurs” :joy: This is too good.


The cognitive dissonance is strong with this one


This thread in a nutshell: