Can you guys get this childish and petty mindset out of your brains?

Can Blizzard do some math and fix it?

I’ve seen that format used a ton, but that’s the first time I’ve seen it italicized and honestly +1 it’s a good stylistic choice. :+1:

Upon quoting it, I’m pretty sure there’s more *'s than letters. :disappointed_relieved:

I recognized that and also stated other reasons why queue times are so long, why ignore them?
The DPS Role has abundant demand, but there is not enough supply (slots) to fill the demand.

That is a HUGE generalization there, not even accurate in the slightest as every role contributes to working as a team and each role has an equal chance of not playing the game as a team.

This might burst your bubble but having a 2-2-2 composition does not enforce team work as the same healers/tanks/DPS that didn’t work as a team before still can do that now.

All of this is subjective

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Guys, seriously stop replying to Megadodo.

His M.O. is always going to be to make a nonsensical statement, claim he didn’t make said statement, then use “clarification” before every sentence, while using his own biased terminology like “Forced Queue” and “Freedom Queue”.


Sorry but megadodo’s statement are correct and the way he types should not be a problem. Try arguing but don’t personally attack him, bud.

Unless you don’t have anything else to say, haha

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What other reasons? I didn’t see whatever they were.


They were in the first reply I made to Gorilla

The devs don’t talk for me.

Well, all you had to add was “I don’t agree” and for all I know, you’re Dodo’s sockpuppet…so no, I don’t have anything else to say.

Going by that post, then, if they “fix” Tanks, then the problem will be solved?

They speak for the rest of us, apparently, though.

Not just fixing tanks but that is a start. There is no sure way to tell if it will completely solve it but I think it is safe to assume that it would help a lot.

They don’t though as many people have disagreed with them on this matter.
A small group of developers don’t speak for the whole community. You might agree with them but others don’t.

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Sounds like someone got stockton smacked in an argument.

Well, that was the only other solution you presented that wasn’t related to Role Queue/Supply & Demand, so I guess that’s it.

Do you have numbers that show how much of the community is on either side?

If not, then this argument will lead nowhere.



I also said better tanks added as well, more of them would help also.
If you want to be certain the queue times will go down, remove 2-2-2 :man_shrugging:

I do not, so I agree that we should not argue about it.

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bud, i do not necessary want to be on the receiving end when it comes to dodo’s arguing but it seems like everyone loves to target his way of typing.
just discuss if you can’t, bye…?


That’s…what we were just talking about, wasn’t it?

So again, your two suggestions are: 1) improve tanks, 2) increase supply (remove role queue).

Again, didn’t we just cover this?

Because his way of arguing derails topics. As I described above.

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It does not really derail them so much as once he states a fact, it is kind of hard to refute but people want to disagree anyways…

No amount of DPS slots could fill what would be needed for ‘1-2 minute que times’ for DPS only players. The other reasons is “There isn’t cool tank and support heroes” or some other bull is exactly that - bull. There are plenty of high skill, good tank/support heroes that can be played right now.

Don’t be silly and think we don’t see through the lines of “There isn’t fun and interesting tanks/support” as most of the tanks/support characters have way more fun and interesting abilities than any of the DPS characters.

It is not. Cause even in mid diamond up to GM (Saw it countless time in Surefours and Seagulls stream) You’d get 4-5 DPS only players on your team that refused to fill for what is needed. Now that isn’t an issue.

Hate to burst your bubble, but it does enforce team work if you want to win. Nothing stops trolls who want to troll, no system will change that. 2-2-2 forces a solid foundation to play the game on. Not “Let me que and hope I don’t get 4 tank or healer or DPS players on my team cause then I lose”.

It really isn’t.

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I guess everything looks like a “fact” if you agree with it.

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Very similar but a distinct difference which is that you were discussing “fixing” current tanks while I mentioned newer additions to the tank role.

Add in 3) Add more tanks that are interesting.

But yeah, nothing else to discuss from what I see so nice discussing with you :slightly_smiling_face:

You can’t refute it though, which is my whole point. It is objectively correct.

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