Can you guys get this childish and petty mindset out of your brains?

I agree with what you’re saying except for 1 thing.

DPS players who did nothing but praise roleQ before it came live and who only talked about how roleQ is a good thing, those players don’t have any right to complain because they are part of the problem why we now have that.

Everyone knew DPS would have a much higher waiting time, and if you supported roleQ before, don’t complain now, you knew what you were getting into. Even Jeff said it.

Also I don’t think it’s fair to have to wait 15 minutes to find a game when you’ve played 10 games of tank/heal and you just want to play 1game of DPS. But that’s another topic I guess :slight_smile:


Nice analysis of my post, however i didnt say he blamed “us”. He talked about healers/tanks saying its their fault for waiting. Which if it isnt their fault who’s is it? Cuz it sure isnt ours thats L #1 for you

Everyone can play what they enjoy sure, but why complain if its something you enjoy? When people wait outside of a video game store for hours to get a copy early rather than later, why do they not complain? I just stated they should play other roles cuz there isnt a long wait time on those. so L#2

Again you can play what you want, same way i can say what i want about what you play. Cuz free country right? L#3

I have 2.2k on DPS this season so yeah i have seen them cuz i play DPS as much as healers which i have a higher SR on L#4

You get 4 clowns my friend :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

Yet another clarification - These players choose to be stubborn and not to learn other heroes besides DPS because “MUH SKILL”, “MUH FUN” and “MUH AIM” (At least the DPS players I know don’t play other roles besides DPS unless they really really really have to - and that doesn’t happen everyday)

And no - we don’t need more than 2 DPS slots to have a normal game. It’s not like DPS are the core of every composition and not the only ones who do everything for their team. In fact every role does equal things to do the others in order to win but unfortunately DPS is the one most noticeable when it comes to “Not doing anything” because as a DPS you’re supposed to kill stuff - if you don’t then yes people notice and therefore begin to be toxic. Yes, some games and not winable even if the team tries their best. But of course in the end we know what’s gonna be the result:
DPS being blamed for not killing the enemy
Supports for not healing
Tanks for feeding/not protecting the team

Also , Longer DPS queues clearly means that we have too much DPS heroes and therefore too DPS mains that it’s hard to find a game for them. So as I said :
To avoid longer queues you should find a friend from a different role and play with them. At least you know your queue time will decrease drastically.


Clarification: the long dps queue times are due solely to Blizzard choosing to limit the supply of dps slots to well below the level of demand

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So what - we need more than 2 DPS slots in the 2/2/2 ?

Sorry but no thanks, I love the games now - having 2 supports and 2 tanks to rely on.

We don’t need more DPS to have a normal game.

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I made no such statement

I mean, it is the DPS’s fault for their que times. They are queing up as DPS. It is simple supply and demand.

No reason to get butt hurt over it.

Clarification: The fault for the long dps queue times lies with Blizzard for making the decision to lower the supply of dps slots far below the level of demand

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Clarification: Adding more DPS slots isn’t the way for the game. You’d still have long que times. All 6 slots could be DPS and you’d still have long que times.

Clarification: People who only que DPS have only themselves to blame for long ques.

Clarification: Using clarification to attempt to make a bad point does nothing to make your point more valid. Stop doing it in every post, clarification.


I think I need some clarification on this post.


I got you fam.


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Would you like some clarification for your clarification?

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I have already clarified that the fault lies with Blizzard, not with the dps players

The word “clarification” was used properly in the statemrnts i made

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You guys got some more… C L A R I F I C A T I O N .


It’s more regarding your posting format that we take issue with. There is only a need to post the word once, not after every single sentence.


Clarification: the statements I have made have been clear, grammatically correct, and conveyed the meaning i wished to convey.

Honestly, there were some dps players who would just q, insta-locks dps and force the team to switch around them, or stubbornly stick to their choice even when 4-5 dps roll out the doors with one miserable support. Now, they can’t get away with it.

Teams will have an actual comp, and everyone else doesn’t have to sacrifice their first pick for the selfish players, but as a consequence q-times are longer for dps. I’m sorry but if you only want to play Widow/Genji/Tracer etc. then that’s what happens. I’ll tell you what would stop making it happen… if those same players tried tank or support. Then, q times would be more balanced. You don’t have to play the role all the time, but the more who branch out in to it, the shorter dps q-times become. Don’t even bother with the ‘but I can’t play support/tank’ argument that used to get thrown around, cos rank is based on role now.

Honestly I don’t see how you can expect Blizz to fix a problem that is self-inflicted. People asked for role-q, they said it would increase wait times, but no one had a problem with that until they realised they couldn’t just wait 2 mins and insta-lock Genji… that they actually would have to wait longer. This is a natural consequence of the ‘I’m not switching even if it helps others I’m only playing dps’ mindset. Not that all dps are to blame, but obviously there is enough of them to make an impact on wait times. In fact, they’re the ones making the other dps suffer.

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You may post however you wish. However, if you want to be taken more seriously, I recommend changing up your style. You might draw more people to your cause. I’m not trying to be mean, only offer helpful advice. Do with it what you will.

Here’s your problem, you seem to think Overwatch is a pure fps like other fps games. It is not. It is an objective-based team hero shooter. Characters like Brigitte and Reinhardt should give you a hint.

Dps queue times are both Blizzard’s and said dps player’s faults. If you want to get into a quick game as a dps and not wait, you can go in the clown corner (arcade) or make/find your own group.

If you just want to play the game and are comfortable playing multiple roles, you should be fine queuing up as a tank or healer if the dps wait is too long for you.

There are plenty of solutions and what’s childish is thinking the players are not at fault at all for somethig they can very much take control over if only playing dps is so important.

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It’s not, it’s the systems fault that Blizzard has decided to implement, since before Role Q there were shorter times. Also, the poor decisions that they make when making new tank heroes as well as how poorly they have made tanks causes longer queue times.