Can we try 6v6 again?

What’s a tank? It’s a brawler lol

(But yes 6v6 was better gameplay and better for the game)


tbh it doesn’t matter if someone wants to play tank or not. We can have 6v6 open Q.

With the strange game balance changes it receives. its probably going to be interesting to see what new metas come about. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: .

I’ve been saying this for about a year now but while 5v5 fixed some problems it introduced a whole lot more.


For many players, myself included, role-less queue mode is the very best this game has to offer

so I and many others would prefer it stay

But what if it was open 6v6?

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It’s better, actually.

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Just replace the tanks with a Reinhardt AI (that doesnt peel) at this point

Oh rly, wasn’t the game open queue when all the og tanks were released? There was no 2 lock on tanks… And they were trying really hard to make solo tanks vs tanks that don’t need 2 other tanks (breaking up goats) - sigma, hammond.

The MM is not as “wacky” as people present it to be. Especially the scoreboard and the titles bur the vision of most people, and they have no idea what it really means. OW is currently so “wacky”, because is less skill and more counter based. So you can have the best Dva player, but if the enemy is picking quad beam, your team will lose if he is not willing to switch and even if he switches, he is not as good with other heroes.

The MM cant predict external values.

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I don’t think people realize how horrible going back to 6v6 would be. The tank role is awful right now thanks mostly to the support role being overpowered. Tanks basically can’t leverage much in the way of skill to have a positive impact, they pretty much can only play poorly to have a negative impact, and it makes the role feel awful to play at times.

Going back to 6v6 would obviously require a rebalance, but even if that did happen, the potential for tank synergy has increased a ton with the roster expanded. We’d have this “only tank picks/synergies matter” situation. Not only would they dominate the game (can you imagine a Doom/Ball rollout?) but you’d also get those situations where x player wants to play y tank and refuses to synergize with their team or counterpick, so you lose. That still happens in 5v5, but there is usually an in-role pick you can swap to that will at least help with the situation.

Think of it this way: the more you increase the potential of a role through inter-role synergy, the more potential they have to take over and dictate a match. Tank will always have the highest potential thanks to the largest health pool and easier to confirm damage output.

To be clear, there are things I miss about 6v6 and the off-tank role. Peeling is way harder and a tougher decision without an off-tank, as is managing high ground threats. The game felt way more team-oriented (which I like) and I’m still struggling to adjust to the new nature of the game today.

However, there are also things about 6v6 I don’t miss. Like not being able to see anything due to all the particle effects on screen, or how much more likely it was for 1 person to ruin other people’s experience just because they were being stubborn and obstinate. And then there was the old tank role. New tank might be boring right now, but old tank was always an exercise in frustration.

Actually, I think the tank and support queue were a lot closer to each other back in OW1. It was mostly the DPS role that had absurdly long queue times. In OW2, tank queue is by far the shortest even though you only need one now (and support queue went up). But that’s not surprising considering they literally got rid of the second tank.


I think this season would be the perfect time to implement 6v6 back into the game. Even if it were for a day to test it out, people may be surprised. The “meta” dps characters continue to be the ones that can melt a tank quickest, and the “meta” tank character is usually the one that can sustain themselves for more than a second to outlive the damage. With the direction Overwatch continues to move in, having 2 tanks would allow the role to have substantial impact again. For a developer it can be hard to revert to old ways, but I see this less as an admittance of fault and more as the work devs have done to make a 6v6 shooter possible again. I urge them to test it out, or let us players test it out.

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Custom settings only for 6v6.
Nerf support damage, increase cooldowns on supports (slightly like 1-2s)
Allow damage on life grip.
Decrease zarya bubble health, ram cooldown on mike tyson mode and ult charge.
Would be curious to see some de-tunes to the roided out survivability because almost getting a kill and having a “gotcha” ability to just be immortal is not enjoyable for most.

The compromise move which Blizzard can make is to put 6v6 format in arcade with all the current main modes. I saw that players play wacky things in quickplay open q just because there isn’t 6v6. If Total mayhem isn’t getting balanced, then why should 6v6 need it in the arcade.

Couldn’t have said it better.
Instead of one punching bag getting all the hate when things don’t go well because they didn’t meta and counterwatch. You could have a rein block and you could also have a ball or dva or winston to make room to move and have fun playing aggressive or defensive on tank. Now it’s play meta, counterswap asap, or don’t and get rolled or have a bad time because high odds the enemy team goes 1-2 dps counters for tank or dps and tank countering and you have no chance with half the tank roster.

OW1 for a long time wasn’t “Play this very specific way or lose” I only knew dva, roadhog, and orisa when she got added. Never had a rough time either. Never had to switch my tank unless I wanted to.

dude if you think about it everything is leading to 6v6 again, in 1 year 5v5 is as bad as 6 years of 6v6, also now that the devs regained the control of the game so they might start doing some interesting changes (pretty sure they discussed this 6v6 thing at least some times and there must be devs who preferred 6v6), also the Overwatch league is getting shut downed (sadly R.I.P Owl) that means that 1 of the 2 reasons to make 5v5 is going away since 5v5 was supposed to help the owl viewers to understand better what was going on because of visual clutter (it didn’t) and the other reason for 5v5 and passives to exist is being able to call the game a sequel, but, look at cs2 same game better physics and graphics that was what ow2 was supposed to be with the PvE and I know we don’t have the PvE anymore, but, Overwatch has changed enough for it to not be considered the same game even with 6v6 and no passives and even if it becomes too similar to the original let’s not forget that cs2 is the exact same thing as the original and still the fans liked because the devs said they were gonna do this and they did, now our devs need to do what they said and hear the players, most of us are asking for 6v6 for more than half of ow2’s lifespan it’s time for the devs to listen as they promised and at least make a separated 6v6 qp/comp mode.


why in arcade they could make it a qp and comp mode like 5v5 but it would be called like classic or something and 5v5 would be the modern one, and I mean they have the ow1 hero stats so balancing for 6v6 would not be that hard and the new heroes just tune them down for 6v6.
And 6v6 could also be used as the more casual mode you know while 5v5 would be the more competitive one with more rigorous changes while 6v6 had the more goofy changes like lucio’s beat killing (please blizzard let us kill people with beat :pleading_face:)

Well even that can work. 5v5 open q can be a tutorial for all thoes players who want to be prepared for comp whilst 6v6 can be for all veteran and casual players.


No, because it would show that all the people who pushed 5v5 were wrong, including the devs. This is our sad reality.

Look at this clown. You are talking about 2-2-2 problems which were arguably just as terrible for OW as 1-2-2 was. That’s why the game has to go back to making open queue the main format. AKA the iteration of OW that was insanely popular maintaining millions of active players. Except you know, actually have competent devs who will balance the roster and create healthy heroes for once. Instead of whatever the hell we got over the past seven years.

If you disagree just admit that you never played peak, classic OW during 2016-2017.

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Yep, RIP tank duos. 5v5 really dumbed the game down. They didn’t even rework most of the tanks to fit 5v5. How crazy that Hog (6v6 off-tank) is getting his 5v5 main tank rework over a year late!