Can we try 6v6 again?

No, because it would show that all the people who pushed 5v5 were wrong, including the devs. This is our sad reality.

Look at this clown. You are talking about 2-2-2 problems which were arguably just as terrible for OW as 1-2-2 was. That’s why the game has to go back to making open queue the main format. AKA the iteration of OW that was insanely popular maintaining millions of active players. Except you know, actually have competent devs who will balance the roster and create healthy heroes for once. Instead of whatever the hell we got over the past seven years.

If you disagree just admit that you never played peak, classic OW during 2016-2017.

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Yep, RIP tank duos. 5v5 really dumbed the game down. They didn’t even rework most of the tanks to fit 5v5. How crazy that Hog (6v6 off-tank) is getting his 5v5 main tank rework over a year late!


Hell yeah, if they bring back the OW1 server and 6v6 only then I will play again…


Im down for 6v6 as long as tank HP is reduced to the current state like in open que. Unless that happens, we gotta stick to 5v5.

I mean if they ever bring back 6v6 they will use the ow1 stats for the old heroes except the ones that were reworked those will just need to be tuned down.

There really shouldn’t be a full change. I think 5v5 and 6v6 should be in qp and comp. I think if you like 5v5 somehow, you should be able to play that. But the game shouldn’t be fully changed to make 5v5 work.

Tank isn’t fun, or double shield. Definitely could’ve been fixed for sure.


  • One tank
  • “Quicker queues” because for as long as I can remember queue has been a solid “< 1”
  • Supports are over-tuned becoming the better choice over going dps.
    1 tank means no protection for support while also making space. So they gotta dps.
  • Tank is the biggest single decider of a game. imo.
  • Counterswap as much as possible, you will like playing all the characters.
  • Power creep in general. I think this has definitely exaggerated any short comings so much that even in “casual” cases like qp. People notice a lot more and adding the scoreboard into way tighter bounds for error. Just made OW more toxic to just enjoy at even a casual level. There’s more pressure than ever.

Why pick a support with low dmg and no get out of jail free card than pick a support with high damage and high heal output that also has a rescue for bad plays.

  • Tanks don’t get the chance to win and play what you want in most cases. You get counter picked not only by tank but dps & supports.

It’s a lot harder to hold ground with a character designed to not be the main frontline tank. We’ve also lost skill balance in an off tank. It’s focus 1 person and hope they don’t run double immortality that doesn’t allow them to die.

  • Immortality, stuns, etc… Took Cassidy stun from OW1… Made it more op than it was.

Sorry for the long one but, I think the changes to make this format work just made it worse. The game just feels like a boring cookie cutter limited options in a massive sandbox. Maybe we don’t focus on the very very top level of play. It should firstly be enjoyable at the lowest level for all roles.

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The old stats on tanks in OW1 were broken, there is a reason tanks were meta in open que. Idk if you play open que comp but the meta is fairly stable in its current state because tanks can actually be killed by dps. The mode still needs balancing like barriers but for the most part, it actually works. So yeah if 6v6 was to come back, tanks would need their health drastically reduced. Tanks already have many ways to mitigate damage and when paired with another tank, unless addressed from the start, a BS sustain meta could start all over again. I would take 5v5 over another sustain meta any day.

ok so we could use the new open q stats and for open q and the old role q stats for role q and to be honest tanks didn’t used to feel too op in ow1, like I used to spawncamp sigmas and orisas on Lucio, but, nowadays: “Man I’m Dead :skull:”, but, idk it could be just for me I really never felt like tanks were to strong not even in open q the supports made them stronger in goats, but, without brig or bap afterwards i never felt like tanks were op.

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Nahhhhh, you want 6v6 badly just say it man.

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I promise you I don’t :grin: That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy Overwatch 1, I had around 1800 hours in it and played since the beta, but 6v6 had too many flaws. I’ve been enjoying 5v5 a lot more, especially as a Tank player, but I also play plenty of DPS/Support too

Surely… well if you are happy with 5v5 then good for you man, but, c’mon you kinda want a classic 6v6 mode don’t you? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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We’ve got roleque and openque in the same game. Don’t see why it’s such a big deal they can’t do the same with 5v5 and 6v6.


for me, the current 5v5 pay to win game has far more flaws than 6v6 ever did


And it was the best 2.5 years of the game’s history.

I say 2.5 because the last 3.5 don’t count - they all but abandoned the game to prepare for the current travesty.


Exactly, is 5v5 perfect? No, nothing is perfect but its better than 6v6.

The problem isnt because 5v5 is bad, the problem is because hero balance is bad.

You have supports dominating dps and tanks in 1v1 situations and nowadays people acting as if thats not a bad thing, like what?

Maybe im just remembering the old hog where he was getting free kills or the overcharged zaryas melting me team since more people means faster charge, or dva constantly harassing anyone she wanted while being uncontested unless you had a beam hero. Of course the double barriers as not any better. Lots of annoyances that were gone in 5v5. Less tanks means less charge for zarya, we also have a long time to melt her after she uses both her bubbles. Dva cant just constantly fly back to her team for heals anymore or hide behind barriers, hog cant go around one shotting and flanking anymore etc. its a double edge sword, the only way to truly balance out 6v6 is by handing out nerfs across the board for both supports and tanks.

5vs5 is absolute garbage. The most hilarious thing is, only OGs know what real Overwatch was like, and this is not it


I’m not at all against it existing, I just wouldn’t want 6v6 balance to take over the game again.

They need to just add 6v6 as another mode. Comp and QP should be 5v5 role/open queue
and 6v6 role/open queue.

6v6 Nerf tanks for it.
Heavily heavily nerf supports in 6v6. Nerf supports in general. Too much free sustain with little effort.
No role passives
All damage output should be lowered (only some tanks). Again supports should be doing maybe 75% of the damage they do. No reason for this support best dps meta.

6v6 was just better.