Can we stop with the Mercy spam?

hahahaha… blizzard reading forums? Wow… you really are naiv are you? When exactly did they listen to us? When we said mercy (rework on ptr) is op af? Or when we said Hanzo is broken af? Or maybe Moira? Or… wtf faqq its easier to count how often they listened to us because its just a 0, nothing, nada… i can insult everyone in every topic and i only get banned when that post gets reported but if no one reports … do you think mods read all the topics and posts? No… they just work dowon the reports. They need over half a year to ban an aimbotter/wallhacker that gets reported over and over again but for xqc… a few hours is all its needed to smash a 15days ban… yeah yeah all of the players are equal… i really hope that game dies faster because the slowmotion death is to hard to take even tho i love the game i hate the path its taking, so they should kill it faster so i have not to suffer that much


This feels like a ten year old wrote this. Please, at least capitalize your I’s.

Also, to solve your issue, you can just avoid reading threads that are discussing Mercy. It is a discussion forum. If you don’t like a particular discussion, do not take part in it.

I feel the same. I wish for a complete purge about all Mercy nerfs complaints threads, i can’t hear anymore this whine that has been here for months

According to one of the pinned posts at the top titled “Welcome to General Discussion”, it clearly states that bumping is not allowed and considered spam.

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Nah it’s a stupid nerf to Mercy. If they wanted to help out Ana, they should have given her lunge instead of to Hanzo.


It’s certainly better than continuously making threads of the same topic.

No, I have to disagree with you. Mass rez was not more active as you claim. You say that Valk “all you have to is left click and right click”. All you had to do for mass rez was press Y, triangle, Q. Valkyrie SHOULD be used as an advancing ult with damage boost but no one ever uses that. Plus, Valkyrie charges so much that it can be used to take out pesky characters that no one else on the team can. I’m sorry, but Valkyrie does make you more active in a way. Flying a little faster, having a longer beam stretch, infinite ammo, I find it infinitely times better than rez.

Except it’s best utilised by staying as far as possible from the fight :roll_eyes:

If you think it’s a spectator mode, you’re using it wrong. I use it to push with damage boost, Kill pesky enemies that the team can’t kill easily, and to get to faraway teammates quicker. It enhances your entire kit making you better. I think that it could have something else, but mass rez was too simple and too frustrating to fight against. I’m saying this as a bloody Mercy main. I like Valkyrie more than mass rez because it makes me more involved. You aren’t using it right if you think it’s simply “spectator mode”. Besides, spectators don’t noon’d or aim botted once you fly to the sky

No it doesn’t.

Rip tire is frustrating for me. When is it going to get removed?

I’m saying this as a Mercy main with over 500 hours on her across all my accounts.

It’s best utilised by staying as far as possible from the fight.

Glorified spectator mode.

Figure of speech.

People will still complain about hide and rez.

“Hide n Res” was a garbage strategy that was predominently used because of an SR exploit. Safe to say, no one will be using that strategy now since that SR exploit is gone now.

And even if they did the mercies who used it would be stuck on lower elos because that was easily countered by any team with even an inch of coordination.

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Hide n Rez was easy to counter as well since that means Mercy is not healing her team causing the push to likely stall. It also gives clear signs what your team is doing.

We need General Mercy Discussion, a place where mercy mains can go to complain about mercy while everyone else goes to the normal page and gets to view actual posts about revelent content. I’m sick of it.

Titanium explains it well :stuck_out_tongue:

I wasn’t disagreeing with ya, just people still complained left and right about mass rez even tho it had major faults.

You’re sick of something you chose to click on and reply to? Makes sense.

This is one of the first mercy posts I’ve opened, period. I agree that it’s getting annoying. I’m not here to talk about mercy, I’m here to encourage not talking about mercy.

You’re endeavouring in something you find annoying? Shocking.