Can we stop with the Mercy spam?

This isn’t one of those countless mercy discussions, this is a discussion about not discussing mercy.

Making three threads over the course of a couple months on a topic is hardly spam I’d say. Don’t really agree with the OP, but that’s really stretching it, especially since bumping is not really allowed.

If you already made one that got nearly 1k views, I’m pretty sure he got his message across but then decided to make 2 more. I’d say it’s spam but that’s just my opinion.

Actually, its a thread to ask people to stop spamming. Not a thread to ask for people to stop discussing everything Mercy.

oddly enough…if your talking about not talking about her…you are talking about her anyways.

the thread is counter productive as just by existing it is a post about what it wants to stop.

Well you could say most discussion about Mercy is spam at this point.

Nah, I just think spam is when the same person posts the same topic continuously.

Just my opinion though.

inb4 don’t reply, it’s my opinion.

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I would say posting the same crap over and over non stop regardless of who is posting also counts. These are the same threads just worded slightly different.

My opinion :stuck_out_tongue:
Buy I get yours also :slight_smile:
Its wonderful respecting others opinions eh? Wonder why Mercy mains cant when it comes to Mercy issues and what needs fixing.

Because most opinions from non-mercy players are incredibly wrong. Also, the opinion of a Mercy player is infinitely better than the opinion of a non-mercy player.

Bias on both sides most the time tbh
Makes it difficult.

talking about the people talking about her, so yes, indirectly, but not intentionally.

Eh, I’m not really inclined to agree. There have been patches since then, the game had changed, and those who may have seen it versus those who did not could change with a new thread. In addition, opinions change. Initially, I liked the Mercy rework. Over time, I think I’ve recognized there are multiple issues with her right now that stem from that rework. And I don’t think it would have changed as quickly if there wasn’t popular discussion going on.

you mean how a single buff started the entire issue with 1.0 and rather than undo it they rework her into a monster worse than anything 1.0 had?

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To be frank, I was confused why they chose to rework her in the first place.

The Mercy spam won’t stop till the 5 people making them get her reverted back to 1.0.

The Orisa patch broke support SR and that created the exploitation of hide and Rez to get boosted ranking. This was the point where Mercy became a noticable problem, but the very vast majority of Mercy mains did not engage in this behavior; the people engaging in it were the ones who wanted boosted ranking and swapped to a new “main” when Mercy was no longer the path to the easiest to abuse SR gains.

Prior to that, she was in most cases a troll pick at high ELOs, and at lower ELOs she was either workable, at least viable enough that she wasn’t literally throwing, or the opponents were too potato for it to make a difference for what was picked. She was in this state for most of her life post Ana launch and was slightly under whelming because she died almost all the time when using Rez making her ultimate pretty trash for anything beyond tempo rezing as she couldn’t survive through a huge Rez. The only thing Mercy players wanted was some type of survivability tool for when she was Rezing, or some type of self peel that she could use to survive better when Rezing and/or a REAL counter to Rez to be made so that the only counter to Rez was no longer only “kill Mercy” which would also have helped boost her survivability as ending her before she can do anything no longer becomes so mandatory. She was otherwise generally fine and Mercy players everywhere generally agreed with that, even despite her otherwise non-meta state where she was a bit underpowered outside of Rez, which again at the time was extremely powerful but essentially ended up feeding the enemy and an auto death for her anyway.

Invulnerability on Rez made it so her ult was no longer useless or just feeding more often than not. The developers themselves said that was the reason they made this change, so that she could actually use it and not be instantly killed almost all of the time. That change was needed, and Mercys generally agreed Rez still needed a real counter that players could use to stop Rez without necessarily having to kill Mercy to prevent her from using it, and that there were other ways they could have gone about balancing her. For the most part, Mercys also generally accepted that this was what the devs wanted and we were stuck with it, so no point in making a big fuss on the forums about it since it wont change anything. But lets also be real about this; even if they put iterations of Mass Rez and actually tested it on the PTR, and even if Mercys had been vocal about the lack of counter to Rez and ways to go about fixing that (which we actually were in a fair number of places prior to the rework hitting live) they wouldn’t have listened to any feedback about it either way.

So really, what Mercy players want is for her to no longer be a must pick. Mercy players want her to no longer feel terrible to play or feel like she’s being raked through mud all the time with the now incredibly slower and incredibly contradictory play style she has compared to what it used to be before when she was fluid and had to actively make a lot of choices mid fight. Mercy players want her to be a viable choice but want her to have her place that doesn’t encroach on other supports. Mostly though, Mercy players just want to be able to play her in peace and have fun their way while she’s not god awful and not OP. Mercy players have tried and tried and tried very noticeably since at least April of 2017 and to a much lesser seen level since at least October of 2016 to give feedback and discussion with ideas or suggestions or as best of contributing discussion as we could to reach that end.

Non-Mercy players want her to no longer be a must pick. Non-Mercy players want her to be deleted and Mercy players to get banned, quit, or just go die somewhere because they just straight up hate Mercy players and always have.

Really, there is a lot of common ground here in that no one wants Mercy to be a must pick, and the one thing that has been true every single step of the way is that a very significant portion of the non-Mercy players have made it a point to actively pollute, troll, and derail the discussion or contribute nothing beneficial towards constructive discussion or constructive feedback to achieve actual balance. It’s been literally just delete her, or make her so bad that no one wants to play her because non-Mercy players believe she deserves to be below F tier and anyone who plays her deserves the worst and is less than a human being. Or at least, that is what most Mercy players have been subjected to for well over a year.

I think you’ll find that last part to be the reason why so many Mercy players no longer respect your requests to shut up and gtfo.

At this point, what is there to lose? It’s not like we ever got your respect to begin with, what difference does it make if the status quo never changes? At least with constantly posting about it, it’s at least DOING something instead of quietly and futilely accepting a turd sandwich.


Thank you for saying this. I’m so glad someone else will also openly say this piece of very important truth.


The saddest part is they’d barely see it because Mercy wasn’t really played at those ranks. So he was crying about something that wasn’t even common.

Two reasons:

  1. The megathread clearly wasn’t being read, no discussion took place, it was just being used as a means to damage control and hide the fact that the rework actually didn’t work out. Why post in a megathread when there’s a slightly increased chance that someone on the team might read a thread outside of it? Besides of which it’s impossible to have a discussion about Mercy in the megathread when other threads, including a joke about Mercy, are being moved there daily. All I can say is thankfully the ‘mass flagging’ has put an end to the misery and deception which the Mercy megathreads caused for nearly a year.
  2. Those replies that Jeff made weren’t originally posted in the megathread, thus he most likely barely read any of the feedback. The replies originated from other threads which were then moved into the megathread later on. The replies also didn’t engage in any feedback in the slightest and were just quoting two things in reality, firstly being that revert is off the table and secondly that pick rate and/or win rate are fine.

Sombra 3.0 went live… trust me blizzard doesn’t listen.

To be fair has their been a single patch that they changed before live? They even keep the bugs!