Can we stop asking for devs to get fired?

What are you talking about? Nobody is lying here. Your name is literally “No Doom Rework”. Am I to take it you’re happy with the state of balance? If so, I’m terribly sorry if I’ve misread you, sir! Unfortunately for you, though, this point is irrelevant anyway and doesn’t take away from my overall arguement. So why even nitpick this?

I never said it is only you who is upset with the balance changes. You quoted me so I mentioned you specifically. We are having a one on one conversion here. Well, at least one of us is. The other seems content hearing themselves talk.

Futhermore, I mentioned the amount of people who agree with the OP as proof that this topic is not in favor of either side. That’s obvious to anyone who can read. Some people are happy and some aren’t. Is that a lie as well?

I’m sorry, but your reading comprehension is incredibly poor, along with your debate and communication skills. I say this because your entire reply to me is one big strawman argument. In other words, you’ve completely misconstrued what I said and then based your argument around that false representation of my argument. A sign of an inexperienced debater. Or somebody so desperate to win the argument that they’re willing to stoop that low, hoping nobody will call them out on it. I honestly can’t figure out which one you are.

And what is your obsession with ageism? You talk about how the “real world” works, yet you look down on people who have more “real world” experience than you. What’s truely ironic about this is, the older generations you so readily dismiss didn’t grow up with smartphones and social media bubbles. They spent all of their time in the “real world”. So if anyone is out of touch with reality…it’s certainly not us.

I’m assuming you’re young based on this. Well, when I was young, my first job was serving the elderly. You see, my generation was taught to respect their elders. That doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything they say and believe. Or even like them as people. But, at the very least, you should acknowledge what they’ve been through and all the wisdom they’ve accumulated over the years. The hardships they’ve endured.

To do anything less is utter folly and a shining beacon into your character.

Y’know…I wasn’t going to reply to you at all given how poorly you’ve communicated with others in this thread. Writing in all caps, the strawman arguments, your tirades against “Boomers”…it’s all a bit much. You seem incredibly emotionally invested in this topic. But since you took the time to quote me, I figured I’d grant you the same courtesy against my better judgment.

I have no intentions of going any further with you on this, however. I’ve said my piece on the matter. Take from it what you will.

As if any of us on the forum would do a better job. So it’s still a weird thing to get upset over to the point of calling for people to get fired (in team 4’s case).

IF the majority of the playerbase, (and if the stats show it) are angry at the game and dont play it doesnt matter what game it is then yes the company should fire the people responsible for the failure of the game, just because itvis a software job and not a factory job, emplyees need to be held accountable for their mistakes

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No…They deserve the smoke.

There’s the toxicity i come to expect from the overwatch community! Keep it up champ! You feel better about yourself?

I’m not upset. I’m just saying that if you’re trash at your job, you shouldn’t have that job anymore. It’s very simple.

Would a competent developer release Brig 1.0 or Sigma 1.0? The answer is simply - no. You wouldn’t hire a developer that would come up with trash ideas like that right? So would you keep one?

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I wouldn’t go so far as to say that.
The pressure is high, but the salary is decent.
In fact, in most cases, developers are not to blame if bad decisions are made about the game’s features during the development process.
Developers implement what is asked of them, it’s not that they love every hero / map or hero ability or even care about it.

( I am not talking about designers, i have no idea about designers.)

Please be more specific, what kind of developers are you all talking about?
Are you talking about a “Lead Game Designer”?

i dont ask for this, but they needs move those people to other ow area. maybe skins or something. but they cant continue balancing the game. especially geoff.

I personally wouldn’t ask for anyone to be terminated. However if the game is unfun we as players aren’t forced to play the game. It really is that simple. Seeing a small fraction of beta has made me really question if I will play OW2 or not. The development team has 3 months the smooth out issues with OW2.

Can they do it???

Whichever developer responsible for things like the garbage matchmaker that’s so bad that it puts GM-level players against Golds in Quickplay or low-Master tanks versus OWL Champion tanks in Competitive. Whatever developers are responsible for trash-level code like that. Stuff that you should get fired over.

Does that answer your question?

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Actually I saw some software developers being paid as low as 140K which is wild. Pay peanuts, get monkeys I guess. Hopefully they were on sabbatical or something but I doubt it since that leaked spreadsheet included a TON of low-paid developers on it

I would argue that most of this is the result of management and marketing decisions.
By this logic, all players have themselves to blame if they play a game and spend money on something they don’t like.
These numbers are used to measure how something is received.

Analyses are carried out to find out what might go down well with gamers.
This is a point that I think could be improved.

What are you talking about? What does that have to do with writing garbage code?

Why did they code the matchmaker so badly?

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I am trying to explain to you why you are asking the wrong questions.

Name one specific thing without having to give an example.

Why would you add a restriction like this? Something tells me that is not in good faith

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Don’t care + didn’t read + echo chamber + L + ratio + denial + cope + pathetic + bad cognitive ability + liar.

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Thank you OP - it’s good to see that there are at least some posters around here with some common sense.

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If you had any dignity you would’ve just bowed out gracefully instead of posting a string of incoherent nonsense.

At this point, I’m practically on my hands and knees begging you to stop replying to me. Don’t embarrass yourself any further.

Wow i love how people say 140k is low I make 39k a year on salary and still can live, have a place and eat, if i made 140k i would never complain again

Yeah, but can you deal with crunches and clients like the ones that frequent this forum?

It might look like a dream until you have to do a 1-month crunch because both the planners and the clients are retarded that keep changing requirements every day just for the LoLs.