Can we stop asking for devs to get fired?

You’re right. We need gillliwillietuine

the woosh and mate makes me know you’re just a boomer.
Do you even know what woosh means? lmao…
Woosh is when sarcasm isn’t understood, it’s when someone tries arguing about a point someone’s making while clearly exaggerating.
It’s ok though, your age puts your limits on you.

1 - In order to give feedback, you dont need to ask for ANYONE to get fired

“MAKE SENSE.” - Goblins, World of Warcraft
What is this statement even supposed to mean? lmao.
Uh, they ignore our feedback buddy.
They always have, Blizzard never listens to their playerbase and that’s evident in EVERY.SINGLE.ONE.OF.THEIR.GAMES.

2 - Complainers are going to complain

Wow you found that out now? Good news, everyone! (Putricide, also WoW)
Criticism is often mistaken (for those who have no arguments) by complaints, and even so a complaint is… still very much valid.
Ok the forums can be a minority of the playerbase, but where then are the other people giving their “”““feedback””“”? They aren’t, or they’re in Reddit, and I think it’s pretty stupid to ignore your own official forums, so you’re invalidating the forums opinion, or?

So you are saying underpreforming is fine because their job is only making ‘video games’.
So cant help but wonder if underpreforming would be fine if they were policemen on duty for example and there was a school shooting - while policeman sat outside being afraid to do job they are paid for - or did it badly like they do now.


It aint white knighting “bro”. I just feel like wanting an entire development team to be fired for problems with a game that are probably mostly out of their hands anyway is a little extreme?

How tf are people so entitled there’s pushback against this.

Oh there we go, the ad hominem fallacy. Havent seen it in a while! It usually happens when someone can’t refute a point and has to attack the poster image/reputation instead. Thanks for exposing yourself mate and also :

Nah dude.
WOOSH is simply a “marker” when something, usually a joke, a point or sure, for more simplification we will include “sarcasm” goes over your head and you didnt get it.

Ding ding! we are going into conspiracy theory guys!
Seems you need a history lesson buddy, because many changes that the game had, were LITERALLY taken from the forums. But hey, since that will totally counter your point, feel free to tap your ears and scream while denying the facts mate.

It isnt valid when it starts with “You should fire the Devs that did X change”.
Clearly you have nearly zero experience with feedback from communities or customer service etc because otherwise you would not try to refute what I said. I can see that you cut off the sentence only to the part you “sort of” can answer to, so that means you cant refute the last part, because you know its 100%.

Thanks for taking the L , you can walk out now and stop quoting … WoW characters? :man_facepalming:

Amazing strawman fallacy mate.
Not only I NEVER said that, but I clearly stated that if someone is underperforming, the company will take care of that how they see fit. Im sorry you can’t refute my statement and you have to cut off parts of it to try it, but it doesnt work that way on the real world, ok? … literally the NEXT sentence is:

Congratulations on refuting nothing and answering something that is refuted directly afterwards lol. Bonus points for comparing it to policemen doing their job, now let me strawman this like you did with mine:

“Oh so you are saying that Developers not balancing the game properly (in your opinion) is equally as important as policemen not saving people from murder/crimes. Nice!” :+1:

See? We all can do that. It refutes nothing, it means nothing :sunglasses:

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Nah dude.
WOOSH is simply a “marker” when something, usually a joke, a point or sure, for more simplification we will include “sarcasm” goes over your head and you didnt get it.

Lying because he can’t admit he’s wrong lol.
You know perfectly that is not the meaning of whoosh… r/whoosh is a subreddit…
it all started from there…

Ding ding! we are going into conspiracy theory guys!
Seems you need a history lesson buddy, because many changes that the game had, were LITERALLY taken from the forums. But hey, since that will totally counter your point, feel free to tap your ears and scream while denying the facts mate.

Name one single change.
Is that we still have Symmetra players begging for reverts for 1.0 and 2.0?
Is that why we still have people rejoice in the memories of Open Queue?
Is that why alot of people quit and didn’t come back because of Brig?
I could bet you never even touched Hearthstone.
I played WoW, Hearthstone, HotS and Overwatch.
All of those games have lost population, you’re coping and it’s so SAD to see you’re in plain denial, outright SAD, you’re probably twice if not thrice my age.
Blizzard removes and changes without consulting, they do whatever the f they want.
Tier sets in WoW? removed, returned because people complained for years.
Pruning, SEMI-REVERTED after years, because people kept complaining for years.
The PvP community talked and talked for years, the WoW pvp pro-scene is pretty much DEAD.
Gold traders and boosts are rampant WITHIN THE ACTUAL CHAT CHANNELS.
Hearthstone had people rage, it HAS people rage everyday about RNG, when the PvE and Tavern came out, those modes became utterly popular because players COULD refuge in there from the stupid RNG.
You know nothing.
You cry about ad hominem I might have done WHILST providing something to talk about.

Well 1st I don’t know why but you sound so angry.
2nd yes I think that its equally important - in fact I think that all jobs have objective standards to what is considered good, and that personal preformance matters close to nothing if its below certain standard. So whichever job you are doing and getting paid for it - you should do it at least above average objective standard, be it developer, gardener or policeman.

This is wrong on more than one level because forums are there for me not only to give feedback but also to provide my opinion and my opinion can be that devs are not doing their jobs well and that on the market there are better devs just that those likely ask for more money which blizzard isnt handing right now because - they dont have the money.
However irrelevant my opinion is I can always state it and you can always disagree.

Then this is also wrong because im sure blizzard is aware that their devs are doing bad job - but for what they are paid for even that is fine, because company isnt after best devs on the market but after cheapest. So they wont fire them regardless of dev preformance, and in such situation community showing that they dont support current policy of blizzard with bad dev hiring for cheap money is through forums in the way we are doing it now.

Dude you really need to actually learn how to debate, without actually insulting anyone. Its getting annoying when you can’t refute anything, you start throwing insults like it means something.
Theres no lie there, anyone with google can see it, there are even memes about it, but if you are so triggered because I called you out, congratulations, you are just proving my point lol.

Invul for Mass Ress Mercy. The existance of Brig (forums were asking for a hero to counter dive). Thats 2 of many, do your research and stop crying wolf and saying someone is lying because you dont know anything about OW history.

You have done NOTHING so far but throwing insults, fallacies and conspiracy theories that are based on the same source : "Dude … trust me".

First, not angry, annoyed. Dont be hardcore disingenuous here. You know you are strawmaning my sentence, dont act surprised when someone is annoyed at that.

Second No. its not even remotely close. Not even in the same league lol. One of them is VIRTUAL, the other one is REAL (like physical harm).

Its not wrong because you say so buddy. Thats literally how every company works.
Again re-read the sentence. Its pretty clear and thats general knowledge. If you disagree, you either dont know what “feedback” means, or you haven’t had a real job where you have to peer/performance review your coworkers.

Again, you are not getting it: Forums are a minority.
You are basing your entire stance on what 10-12 dudes on a forum say … about a balance for a game that is played daily by half a MILLION. Now please tell me with a straight face, that what 10-12 dudes complain about in a forum, while trying to get someone fired, matters more that what 499k+ players think.

Wait someone in rl is getting their OW tattoo replaced or removed?

You’re coping hard.
You cover your ears (in this case eyes) and you’re telling me: YOU’RE WRONG LA LA LA LA LA.
This is SO sad coming from an adult.
I don’t care if you think it’s aggressive, it’s PATHETIC.
The hypocrisy is insane.
You claim what im saying is made out of thin air while you yourself bring up no sources or make up any other argument, even if it’s made up lmao.
“Mass Rez”. You gave me one example about something even the pros hated?
Well congratulations man, they really did a fix on one issue out of 30 or 50, that’s really amazing.
Liar and in HARD denial.
How old are you? :confused:

Im just gonna say this:

If you go to a coffee shop and the barista makes your coffee wrong every single time and it never gets better, in fact, now he keeps givng you tea instead… are you going to say something?

Or do you think that person just maybe isn’t good at making coffee and maybe should go scoop ice cream instead?


But is it okay to ask that managers and other suits get fired, so the devs can do their job without them interfering?

If company policy precludes a decent cuppa, and customers are fickle and unreasonable, and other customers asking for the exact same thing that you do but expect something totally different than you do, maybe it’s not the barista who is at fault?

Lotta Karens here.

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Again, game balance can be subjective. You don’t believe the devs are doing a good job balance wise. Well, many others are enjoying the game, including myself. Your opinion does not override ours.

Sixty-five people agree with the OP based on likes. Not all of them have replied here, though. Which is to be expected because they are probably too busy playing the game, or have more…pressing matters in their “real lives” to worry about. I’m very much in that camp.

In other words, there isn’t as big a consensus on the matter as these echo chambers would have you believe.

Most people playing the game don’t even post here, mind you.

I don’t care about the devs personally but if anyone is doing their job poorly, it’s fair if someone else thinks they should not have that job, subjectively or not. If someone’s boss subjectively thinks they are underperforming, they will probably fire that person if the behavior persists, they have that power.

“But it’s their livelihood!”

So? with this logic, nobody would ever be fired. Everybody has bills, most people don’t get to keep a job they’re performing poorly at just because they have bills. idk who the ultimate decision maker is but some people feel that that person is performing their job very poorly which means little in the grand scheme.

It’s really not a big deal if someone who has no power to fire someone else, thinks the person is doing a poor enough job to be fired. If the people over the devs think they should be fired, they will fire them. I don’t think they care too much about Bob and Nancy posting their opinion on a forum that they mostly ignore. When it comes down to it, Bob and Nancy need to pull out the big bucks and then they’ll get those layoffs happening quick.

TL;DR- Just be rich enough and/or be the boss and you can fire anyone you want. It’s just that simple.

If the stuff they were making wasn’t trash they wouldn’t get criticized.


One doesn’t take basic human rights away.


But why do you have to be dishonest to the point of posting this? :confused:
Me? ME? Im the one who doesn’t like the balance?
Nitpicking your topics because you wanna be blinded to the truth of what the majority thinks of these changes.
It’s like, you’re in a room with 70 people.
69 are saying they hate hot dogs, one says he likes hot dogs.
You’re literally tunnel visioning and ignoring the 69, “hey, this guy likes hot dogs, clearly they’re alone in hating hotdogs”.
The ones who aren’t complaining are either old people/casuals who don’t care about the game that much in the long run, it’s a small hobby for them, something they put a few hours in every week.
Blizzard catered to casuals in WoW and well… the world speaks for itself.

If someone, anyone, is doing a garbage job - just get rid of em. Nothing wrong with saying that someone’s work is trash. We’re not calling the developers trash, we’re saying what they are DOING is trash. It’s a fair distinction.

This whole thing is practically Activisions fault anyways, not the devs. If it was up to kaplan and the team when they first started, theyd be making only PvE and pvp would have been getting updated for years