Can we stop asking for devs to get fired?

I mean it’s relative man. If you have everything you need then whatever salary you make is good right. What I am saying is that 140K is low for being a developer the same way it would be low for being a surgeon or something. Also it depends on where you live a lot. In California where Blizzard is, 140K is actually REALLY low for a developer now that I think about it. It’s expensive to live in California.

But again it’s relative. You might make 39K a year but if your job is very easy, low hours and your cost of living is low, that might actually be on par with the livelihood of someone making a lot of money. Personally I have taken both a 45K paycut and a 55K pay raise switching jobs and found I was happier making less money at times because the job was worse and had long hours. The best paying job I had was the worst job I had and the worst paying job I had was one of the best and most favorite.