Can we stop asking for devs to get fired?

The usual exaggerations for greater visibility – the implicit proposition being you either love the OW developers or not depending on your attitude towards OW2.

How about we stop with the strawman arguments and get to the heart of the issue – do you like OW2 or not? I don’t think the community has a lot of personal animus on the devs. It’s the hero design (like Mercy, Moira, etc.) that they have a lot of beef against.

As if the sentence ‘it technically can not be done’ does not exist.

Unrelated to that workers can always unionise if they are abused by directors and leaderships - and trust me if set of developers threaten the directors to all quit at same time leaving them naked in the cold - they would surely listen.
Thing is having balls and being developer is usually not qualities that go hand in hand.
That precisely is why there are so many junior and so few senior developers.

Reading comprehension? Workers get fired once dissent from consumers/public reaches higher ups. They’re not going to resign of their own accord after their repeated failings, now are they :slight_smile: Like you said, they’re humans that need to survive! The poor darlings…

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Cool but can we fire the director or Bobby? He is the one making all the decision

It’s actually a sign of extreme stupidity.

Bear in mind, the people that make these suggestions have absolutely zero idea about the area they are claiming somebody is incompetent in.

I’m sure if you asked them what a developer’s day actually looks like, they wouldn’t be able to accurately describe a coffee break, let alone actual work.

It’s pathetic and childish but above all, making wild assumptions on a solution for a problem you know very little about is simply a sign of stupidity.

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Heh, remember last year when this forum was outraged about how people were treated at Activision-Blizzard? Apparently that concern is gone, now forming an angry mob and calling for people to be fired because a video game isn’t exactly right is just fine.


Not true at all. Basically all the progress they did in OW2 for the past 3 years was PVE which means Jeff was in charge of those decisions. 5v5 is the only one he made that we 100% know about and 5v5 is not the issue with OW2. The systematic butchering of any hero who was even remotely unique is the problem and it’s not Jeff’s fault. While balance was questionable with him at the helm, atleast heroes felt unique and were atleast playable. Not even remotely close to this in OW2 where they have somehow dumbed down heroes, made them significantly more boring AND made them less viable.

The balance team was never changed. It could use a change in structure. I mean you cant be this incapable of reading the room and balance always around the problems without addressing them. This stupid philosophy has to change. Otherwise OW2 will be a nose dive and we will be back at square 1.


Mob mentality is why I previously took a break from these forums and is the reason I’m considering taking another one

5v5 and Push and the removal of 2CP are the gameplay decisions we know about. Do you really think though with the amount of skins they have ready to go that they have not been working on them for years? Or that they had not decided to move away from lootboxes years ago considering how many countries were banning them? These are the kinds of decisions you make during the planning phase so that you know what resources you have to allocate to what.

Meanwhile, the OW2 beta is already in a balance state that took years to reach with OW1 despite all the reworks hero additions and major changes that should in theory have put us back to ground zero. When I compare OW1 even a year or 2 in to what we have in OW2 right now OW2 is just significantly ahead from a balance state with a far higher ratio of playable heroes.

I am not going to touch upon “dumbed down” because without a tangible definition it has no meaning. For instance I could say OW1 heroes feel “dumbed down” compared to their OW2 counterparts and there really is not a retort because we have not come up with a common definition for said term.

My guy, what do you think happens when someone underperforms 250 times in their job?
This is the exact same except the devs are told what to do by people that don’t understand the game, that’s the ONLY excuse.
So yeah, people SHOULD get fired for doing really bad jobs, which they are doing, mostly because they are being coerced.
God we’ve become so weak.


Yeah because no one has ever been fired because of what someone said in a forum or social media or because “hate trains” on reddit etc, right ? … oops :smiley:

Yeah if people have to get on a hate wagon to complain about a videogame not being as good as they wanted to, so someone gets fired … thats pretty weak.

If someone is consistently underperforming, trust me, no forum/reddit/IG/tiktok/twitter post is needed to assess that issue and get them on a performance program or getting them warned/suspended/fired.

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Not sure you read so I’ll just type it again.
In the real world, people get fired for doing a bad job.
Sometimes it’s not outright fired, but they wait until the contract is over to not renew it.
I had it happen to me when I worked in McDonald’s, and rightfully so.
Sorry, but you’re being a nuisance to everyone and you’re making the company lose money, just like these guys are (this is the part where you get mindblown) by making people absolutely hate the game and driving people away, with tons upon tons of complaints, as seen on the forums.


If they were doing better, there wouldn’t be so many of complaints and negativity and more people would be actively defending the expectational job they’re doing :man_shrugging:t2:


WOOSH buddy.
Like, do you think the forum IS the real world?

Yeah double WOOSH mate.
Amazing that you are not getting 2 fundamental FACTS:
1 - In order to give feedback, you dont need to ask for ANYONE to get fired
2 - Complainers are going to complain and this might blow your mind, because it is indeed a fact: Forums are a minority of the actual playerbase.

So yeah, everyone should mind their bussiness, give feedback (like a normal person, and not a “cancel culture” wagon) , voice their opinion and dont ask for anyone to get fired. Thats what “real world” feels like. Read the room and check the numbers.


Don’t come at them with facts and logic. The fact that this thread got as much pushback as it did pretty much shows this forum is mostly just a lost cause.


If you fire him, you have to pay him hundreds of millions of dollars… or you can just hold on, wait and let Microsoft pay him off…

I know what one I’d do if it was me in charge of the payroll…

… But that Bastion has a new hat!

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They aren’t going to gift you ow2 for white knighting bro


You are right, the devs are alright, only the management should get fired.