I don’t know my average accuracy on the new Zarya. But i know i personally don’t feel much of a difference when playing AS Zarya, just that playing against Zarya feels much more scary for me (as Lucio, brig, ana, hammond and so on)
maybe it’s just perception tho? like some kind of placebo effect? i’m not quite sure myself because i never felt the difference playing against zarya, tho there was one specific time i felt a difference playing as zarya.
that being said, i still would prefer lowering the “window tolerance” rather than lowering her overall damage. the bugfix, imo, only really affected squishy heroes because tracking beams on tanks was always an easy affair. but if you lower the damage output playing against tanks will make a significant difference imo
I didn’t even know they changed anything about it until i looked it up after getting melted a good few times
It’s not a placebo.
I noticed this in aim training on Havana too.
I had no idea about the buffs and was confused at why zarya and especially sym seemed to give me no chance to kill them.
Eventually the lobby leader left, I went into the settings to undo whatever changes i suspected a troll leader had made and was genuinely shocked to find every setting at normal.
It’s only when I dug around in the PTR patch notes I realised the cause.
You’re not imagining it, this bug being undone means zarya and sym have been significantly buffed in terms of damage.
Fixing bugs that prevent damage does, though, increase the actual damage dealt.
They didn’t increase her the damage in her design, but they definitely increased the damage in her actual implementation.
Double shield certainly gives her lots of opportunity to charge up, but she also has a real increase in power.
im not talking about imagining the buff itself tho, we were talking about the “imagining the impact” because as the devs stated:
i asked them how much their accuracy was because i was curious if they had low accuracy (hence they would feel it more) but because they said they didn’t know and even said that they didn’t feel a difference playing AS zarya vs playing against zarya, i was asking if maybe it was only “perception” because maybe at their rank the beam fix wouldn’t be that noticeable as the devs stated
idk what context you’re in but our original context was “what they should do should zarya and sym become too problematic due to the fix?” and i’ve already said my stance on that, i’d rather keep it’s context that way
Umm no lol, for sym to get to full charge takes like 3 seconds +
You definitely still have to aim with them & you need good tracking which a lot of players don’t have. Sym is finally in a somewhat good spot in the meta, she doesn’t need to be nerfed because of it… counter pick her like you would everyone else… adapt.
I mean sym still has no in combat mobility or defenses. Her ranged attack is also blocked by shields so as long as you burst her down before she gets to your shields you will be fine. That being said in silver where I am, sym usually carries games but I attribute that to the same reason bastion dominates low elo, people not being used to the counterplay and lack of team coordination.
About time.
Change it up.
I’m all for this character being viable but holy hell you barely have to aim with her now. it’s so easy to build charge even without shields to farm, and if you have even one healer pocketing you, you can hard carry every fight.
She’s busted as hell right now. Can’t believe you people defend this trash.