Can we please nerf Ana's nade already?

I don’t think it’s a bug. It’s just the size of her projectile + the projectile hurt box’s on enemies being larger already. For reference:

Hanzo’s projectile size is .2m where as Mercy’s is more than double that at .5m. Funny enough Baby’s blaster has the same size as well, and I’m sure we’ve all heard people talking about how lethal that thing is.

I’m not even trying to slight Mercy for it. Her pistol is her only means of doing damage herself, it make sense that it be more forgiving. I just think if people are going to attack other hero’s for their ease of mechanics, it’s best to put them into perspective if you’re really trying to make a point from it, generally speaking of course.

Nah, she was pretty much bottom tier. Sig’s ability to put a shield in her face completely crippled every part of her kit. Early double barrier was played with Bap, and then once he got nerfed, Moira became the next to witch hunt.

So, if there are tools that can completely cripple her, including nade, why exactly should she be nerfed when a meta shift can put her into irrelevancy.

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