Can we please nerf Ana's nade already?

Ana is fine. Not overpowered. Maybe some other healers coughzencough need some looking at though.


Buffing other supports to compete with Ana would be disastrous. Some supports might need slight buffs, but Ana’s utility is unmatched and her healing is very high.

To have any other healer compete with her would be massive healing creep.


An OP hero wouldn’t have been considered absolute garbage during double shield, so I disagree.

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She wasn’t absolute garbage during double shield. She was still in the top picked supports.

Besides, as others have stated, when you nerf the competition, the one remaining unnerfed is stronger by comparison.


I don’t think she’s blatantly and grossly OP. She is slightly overtuned. She probably wasn’t meta during double shield is because Bappy + his Immortality Field which had to also be toned down, and Moira because her survivability vs. Doomfist is higher than Ana’s.

Also, you can’t do much as Ana to the enemy team if they are blocking the majority if what you’re trying to do.

Her being absent in a meta that negates everything she could do isn’t surprising…


I don’t think it’s a bug. It’s just the size of her projectile + the projectile hurt box’s on enemies being larger already. For reference:

Hanzo’s projectile size is .2m where as Mercy’s is more than double that at .5m. Funny enough Baby’s blaster has the same size as well, and I’m sure we’ve all heard people talking about how lethal that thing is.

I’m not even trying to slight Mercy for it. Her pistol is her only means of doing damage herself, it make sense that it be more forgiving. I just think if people are going to attack other hero’s for their ease of mechanics, it’s best to put them into perspective if you’re really trying to make a point from it, generally speaking of course.

Nah, she was pretty much bottom tier. Sig’s ability to put a shield in her face completely crippled every part of her kit. Early double barrier was played with Bap, and then once he got nerfed, Moira became the next to witch hunt.

So, if there are tools that can completely cripple her, including nade, why exactly should she be nerfed when a meta shift can put her into irrelevancy.

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That should tell you that her design, along with a lot of the Support designs aren’t really ideal or conducive to a more balanced Overwatch.

As much as I love Ana (she’s my most played hero), I’ve always found it frustrating how the only time she’s viable is whenever Reinhardt manages to become meta, otherwise, she’s either mediocre in performance or an absolute throw pick.

It’s absolutely comical how the best way to play a Support hero that’s a sniper is to stand right behind the back of her Tanks in a manner similar to Brigitte…which is ridiculous.

Then there’s the fact that she synergizes with Tanks and Tanks only and doesn’t really offer anything for those in the Damage category, but then again MOST of the Supports have been designed like that; however, Ana is the one that really shines because her success is literally linked with Reinhardt’s.

…and despite all that, Ana is pretty much in the same boat as Genji, where one aspect of their kit holds the entirety of their powerset.

I wouldn’t even be surprised if the reason why Blizzard won’t touch Biotic Grenade was that they knew that without it, Ana would actually drop dramatically in terms of performance.

After all, they designed a Support who, unlike the rest of the Support roster, had to aim to heal their teammates.

Aiming to heal teammates isn’t the most difficult thing in the world, but when the grand majority of Support heroes have easily accessible and more consistent forms of healing, they probably thought “Well…nobody will use this character if she can’t be as consistent as the other healers” and so they tacked on the most overloaded ability in the game so that she wouldn’t fall behind.

The only reason Ana isn’t anywhere near as broken as she is on PC on the Console platforms is more or less because controllers suck and how horrible it feels to aim on Consolewatch.

Other than that, I personally feel like Ana (along with a lot of the other Supports) should be reworked, so that

  • A) We stop having eras where a single Support holds rulership.
  • B) We can have proper Support-Damage synergy outside of Mercy & Zenyatta holding the entire stock.
  • C) We can finally stop with the Support infighting that happens every time Ana becomes meta, or really anytime any Support holds meta dominance (though I only say Ana because this is literally Season 3 complaints all over again and well…the last time this happened, Ana literally became one of, if not the worst hero in the game).
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Nope, we have never tried that. Blizz has chosen a character or multiple ones and then proceeds to overbuff them or over nerf them. That is why it never works. They never try something in between or a soft nerf like this one with anti nade.

Furthermore, the few times they have just adjusted a character a bit, the results were a lot, a lot more promising.

Great, although useless info. You are just looking into one week…
Try looking into 6 months stats like the most recent ones I mentioned with Zen-Bapt that are currently available and then we can talk.

Not to mention that we only had 4 supports back then… now we have 7.
So I guess I am not lying after all lol


Except that was literally how it was up until season 11. And even then pro’s wouldn’t touch her until the support patch.

We have literally done nothing but that balance wise for supports and tanks. Look at zen after a few tweaks. Look at moira. Look at bap. Continuously nerfing the least trash hero just makes the entire role even more trash

This just proves my point?
Ana had a pickrate > 10% in the support category back then. Higher than Lucio’s and Sym’s.

Brig and Zen have had a <5% pickrate for the past SIX MONTHS and Bapt even has 49%-ish winrate.

Did you even read the rest of the paragraph?


Yeah never mind the giant 29, 19 and 17% pickrates. Or the 12% for that matter. Lets just consider viable as being better than the not a support, and the worst support.

Yes, you’re saying “small nerfs” have generally done better. We’ve seen numerous nerfs, big and small, completely trash heroes. The fact remains, continuously nerfing the least trash heroes just makes the role even worse as a whole. You nerf Ana it’ll be Moira again. You nerf Moira it’ll be Bap. we literally have just done this cycle once already within this year

If Ana hits a 6-man anti and Zen just mashes Q, who made the wrong play here? Transcendence’s AOE is huge and there’s no reason for everyone to be clumped together like GOATS for Ana to land a fat anti during it.

Conveniently, anti is also the only thing in this dumb game that counters Ana/Moira/Baptiste (pick 2) support lines, because the healing output these pairs can put out is absolutely bonkers.

It’s a problem that Ana’s best counter is herself, but at the same time the anti-heal mechanic is absolutely necessary if people are going to continue to push for more and more healing to help them facetank damage they shouldn’t even be taking in the first place.

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I mean, I’d argue Winston does it better personally, but he’s got his own problems currently.

Sure, Winston and d.VA are a big part of why Ana wasn’t played much during moth meta, aside from Mercy making fights 8v6 if you didn’t pick her. You already seem to know what the reason this is more of a statement of how things used to be because of the proliferation of cheap/easy/low-investment CC abilities that make Winston miserable to play.

If we consider the last 6 months, Ana has had a 26% pickrate, is that giant enough for you too?

Just to give you some perspective.
When we had Mercy as Meta, Ana was being picked in around 10-11 matches out of 100.

Right now, Brig and Zen are being picked in barely 5 matches out of a hundred.

So yeah, she was never as bad as these two are right now which is what I was trying to prove. Outside that, Ana has never been remotely close to being in that position again, even when double shield was meta… That tells you something.

It actually works the other way around my friend. Zen uses ult to save his team and since almost everyone gatters, Ana has a free 4-6 man anti (unless she misses somehow).


Trans AOE: 10m
Anti AOE: 4m

There’s no reason for people to group up for this to happen to them unless they’re stuck in a grav.

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Why do you ask a nerf for a common ability which instant aoe heal the target area, +50% more healing +100% Reducded healing to enemy team?? where is the wrong with that… just because 1 common ability from a support can lead to a team kill? … where is wrong with that ? xD
I wouldnt mind to rework that ability as ultimate and give it more buff… but it would be an ultimate… not just a common ability.


You mean Ana’s played a lot in tank heavy comps on ladder, the same type of comps we’ve been playing for the last 6 months? I never would have guessed.

Meanwhile just a few months ago she was a throw pick, despite her pickrate in gold-plat, her winrate was atrociousness:

It wasn’t much better the following month:

Even right now, Ana being the most picked support across all elo’s, has a sub par winrate.

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Ignoring statistics again I see.

She is so good that she HAS to be played in all rank ranges, even if they aren’t playing her well, but okay keep trying to defend her.


Lmao, now that’s some hilarious mental gymnastics.

Statistically, it is better, and people are doing much better with Moira than they are Ana. With both a decent pickrate, and a much higher Winrate than Ana. That trend goes straight up till masters.

But i’m the one ignoring statistics.

Go away.
Edit: on second thought, I’ll do us both a favor and block you instead.