As the title says, a little nerf to Ana’s anti nade like 75%-80% less healing per 'nade instead of the obnoxious 100% would be fine. I do not know if if would be perfect, although doing something is better than just standing there watching how pretty much any other healer is irrelevant now that Queen Ana is meta.
Don’t get me wrong, Ana is my third most played character across all modes only after Zarya and Moira but she does feel a bit overpowered.
If we get this nerf, I think Blizz needs to buff Bapt as well. He does not need incredible changes but at least something sustantial so he is not considered a trash pick…
He is incedibly fun and rewarding to play as well so I don’t think it is asking too much.
Maybe 300 HP Brig shield so other players that are not only GM play her too (?).
Furthermore, I think with these changes it will be possible to know if other healers like Mercy and Zen do need some major changes or just small adjustments considering that only Zen has a truly low pickrate across ranks out of the two.
Yeah, I mean anti. She does instant 60 dmg - canceling all healing on a 4m radius for 4 secs and has a not so long cooldown. So I do think she needs this “nerf” that I would actually call adjustment.
OK And yes if they were to touch ana I think reducing it from 100% to 75-80% anti-healing would be the least painful thing as a nerf for her (it would still hurt Moira as Moira’s healing is on a resource, which is fair as Ana is Moira’s counter)
Someone in another thread pointed out that this kind of nerf is larger than you’d think. At 75% you still have a chance of a hard pocket from Moira and/or Ana keeping the target alive.
The thing is the grenade does too many things, and if it was only a burst heal and anti it would be a lot less annoying. It’s Ana’s self-heal (so you can’t get rid of the healing component), and it’s (unfortunately) the only tool in the game that can get through these awful super-high sustain healing support lines, so you can’t get rid of anti.
Lmao but that is the point. If someone gets anti and the other team pushes, you would most likely end up dying. Nefing 100% anti would actually give a chance to fight as a healer too.
Let’s also remember that it does insta 60 DMG and it is an aoe ability…so ana could still use it to heal herself and others. I just dont’ want something that most often than not means you get insta one shotted after getting hit by it. Also, since it does insta dmg, it means that any 200 hp hero gets one shotted by a headshot… and that is If they don’t have a pocket mercy on them… because dmg skyrockets for Ashe, Widow, Mcree, Hanzo, etc…
I think anti’s nerf is HEAVILY needed at this point. Specially when you have supports like Zen or Mercy who basically gets completely shutdown but one abiity that honestly requires almost no skill nor aim.
Supports aren’t heal bots, do something else for that 4 seconds. Anti is tied to her only form of self sustain as well as the means in which she can heal similar averages per game to other main healers. Her throwing it offensively has fractioned her survivability as well as her teams.
I don’t want to hear how forgiving Ana’s kit is when Mercy has things like this going for her.
That’s exactly why it works the way it does, because healing isn’t supposed to keep hero’s alive indefinitely to begin with.
As both an Ana and Zen main, I can promise you that’s the least of Zen’s worries, considering Ana’s had anti for her entire existence and it’s never stopped Zen from being meta, often times replacing Ana.
I do think Ana should be nerfed, but I think, should Nade be nerfed, it should be in increments, starting with maybe 90%. Regular healing would be negligible, but Trans would be a bit better. I’d prefer it if they reduced Ana’s healing per dart to 70 from 75 and restored 30% discord, so sustain would be lowered, and Zen would be buffed. Plus, with the lack of focus on sustain in the pro scene, it won’t affect her OWL viability much. But, you know, with this game’s balance history, Ana will be meta for 6+ more months then sledgehammered into oblivion.
I would like to see power redirected away from nade into other parts of her kit. Ultimately the way she ended up being played isn’t in line with her design at all.
Intention with Ana: Sniper healer puts health where it is needed, takes shots at enemy, skillfully sleeps threats.
Reality with Ana: Plays in team core with rifle firmly jammed against Reinhardt’s back, throws grenades that win teamfights, sleep dart used exclusively on Roadhog because it’s too hard to hit anyone else.
Honestly confused. How is anti’s nerf gonna affect Ana’s healing at all?
I am not saying they should remove the self healing or heal buff, a lot of us are advocating for anti nerfs ONLY, which means no more 100% but maybe 75%-85% or w/e number you wanna give it.
I wish this was true, but they won’t nerf Ana into oblivion, had they wanted to they would’ve done it a long time ago…
lmao I laughed so hard
Yeah I agree, I mean she is truly strong and I do think sleepdart is balanced but it is shame that she shines the most only when Reinh is meta… and that is because most people don’t need to aim that much since Reinh is huge.
Considering how short the cooldown is on grenade, and how strong it is. If both the anti AND the healing boost from it were removed, it would still be strong enough with just the instant burst damage and heal.
I’m saying it’s because it does so much that it’s able to be as powerful as it is offensively. She’s giving up her only form of self sustain for 10 seconds to use nade offensively, It better be worth using offensively.
If you didn’t play her like a heal bot, it does. Battle Mercy during Valk is perfectly viable.
Ok ok ok, let me get this straight. Mercy’s pistol has massive hitbox’s on enemies, and that somehow compares to Ana’s allies having similar healbox’s? Meanwhile to Ana enemies have the same hit box’s as everyone else, and to mercy, she doesn’t even need to look at the target she’s healing, let alone aim at them.
Literally only in valk, and that only to kill a sniper at best. Most of the time chain damage boost is thausend times better.
Indeed, I also think we shouldn’t compare them in the first place, since Mercy’s damage dealt is already so low it can basically be disregarded completely.