Can we PLEASE get rid of chain beams?

Erm, she didnt get any LoS changes, just the invulnerability change during Mass Rez.

Oh you are more than welcome to disagree with anyone who wants that back. They are still welcome to say that though.

Side note, since I just saw that editā€¦ are you aware that a lot of people asking for Mass Res to return are asking for it back with LoS checks and without invincibility? And sometimes with a cast time?

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The main skill remaining in Mercyā€™s kit is figuring out who needs which beam when.

Valkyrieā€™s chain beams make it so Mercy can give everyone her beams and somebody probably needs healingā€¦ soā€¦ say goodbye to needing that skill for 15s when you hit Q.

Removing chain beams makes it so Valkyrie keeps that bit of skill.

If that would have been done in the start, it would have been fine for the risk she has to do to get that reward. Than mercy didnā€™t have to constantly go through the rework. The problem is, Blizzard want her usable in competitive play so I donā€™t see Mass Rez coming back.

PS: I personally enjoy Valkyrie more. I like switching between damage boost and heal constantly through the ult usage.

Not to mention, it encourages you to keep juggling instead of holding M1 the entire 15s, which was what made Mercyā€™s base kit enjoyable for some poeple.

I actually made a theoretical rework earlier today. Link here. That said, this is a fine rework of Valkyrie. It would be the closest that it would be to Valk being fun and skillful.

What I can see blizzard doing instead, is to increase the health for the focus point of the chain, and reducing it for the rest of the chain.

For example, increase the health to the selected target to 70hp/s, and reduce the health the chain/branch target to 50hp/s.

Eh, give LoS, no invuln, cast time Mass Res Mercy a decent/good E, she might have been usable in competitive.

Just give her the Torb/Sym treatment, switch their E and Qs.

My suggestion for Valkyrie change, is to disable her healing/damage boosting beam, but provide her team with a passive 50hp/s heal and 30% damage boost.

The other affect, she can select her hero and temporarily give them the gift of flight as they both charge into battle blasting away at the enemies. It is a fun idea, especially giving 76 or McCree flight. 76 has the range to make use of attacking from great height, whereas McCree can temporary get the mobility from flight that he needed. They can more easily counter Pharah this way too. Hanzo flying, well you know what is like if you gave him lunge infinite usages with no cooldown in custom games, lol

But considering that the dev nerf the damage boost in the original Valkyrie, the chance of this happening is low.

I like the chain beam I donā€™t want the single beam.

That is OP, like crazy OP
12 seconds of a SniperCree 1 shot headshots
The meta would be McCree+Mercy 90% of the time

Itā€™d be
D.Va Winston
Brigitte Lucio Mercy

That would be downright hilarious. I donā€™t think theyā€™d go for that, but that would be hilarious. Would Bastion be able to fly in Sentry mode?

i doubt it, since sentry mode has to be stationary. What about a flying tank though? lmao.

Fair enough. Flying Tank Bastion thoughā€¦ :smiley:

  1. Eevee is a she
  2. ehm

ā€œmoira - 140hps + 70dps, multiple targets, 8s duration, 2125 ult cost, cannot use kit during ult
ana - 50% damage boost + 50% damage resistance, instant 300HP, single target, 8s duration, 1650 ult cost, can use kit during ult
orisa - 50% damage boost, multiple targets, 15s duration, 1487.5 ult cost, can use kit during ult
mercy - 100hps OR 60% damage boost, single target (switchable), 12s duration, proposed 2310 ult cost, ult is an improved kitā€
I suppose you read about orisa and thought itā€™s ana

Aw crap I canā€™t read PepeHands

Walls of text message up my reading.

But its an ultimate where in Mercys kit she actually has nothing else to get more value out of it.

This is like saying nano+ nade + pocket is bad.

Strange, because 30% is enough to cross that threshold for any explosive (Pharah, Soldier, Junk, Symmetra), Sniper body shots, McCree/Torb headshots, and takes a body shot off McCree/Torb, to put it at 2, down from 3. Itā€™s also enough to enable Genjiā€™s slash+dash insta kill combo.

OP, Iā€™d rather have it be an aura. Then we can support and fight, at the same time.

plays flight of the valkyries