As Eevee suggested in her topic:
Along with 50 hp/s base healing and the recent Valkyrie required ult charge buff, this would imo make Mercy more viable, not a mustpick and an enjoyable hero.
As Eevee suggested in her topic:
Along with 50 hp/s base healing and the recent Valkyrie required ult charge buff, this would imo make Mercy more viable, not a mustpick and an enjoyable hero.
I must say, I would prefer a stronger single beam than a bunch of weak chain beams myself.
I like the idea of switching between team mates as Mercy instead of just hovering in the skybox watching from above. I’m all for these changes.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
Double? That would be a potentional more than 50% healing nerf.
And no, Blizzard won’t give Mercy 60% damage buff beam, neither 100 HP/s heals, that would actually make any carry literally unkillable besides widow/hanzo headshots.
Translated for EeveA-speak:
Remove chain beams, gimme 120hps and 60% damage boost.
In particular, that 60% damage boost I find very unlikely to happen.
The higher single target healing, maybe. But doesn’t seem like the direction they were going. But work up a good sales pitch and might have something.
That said, something like a toggle between chain beams and focus beams would be an easier sell, because the devs don’t have to technically remove chain beams.
There is no point in suggesting changes to Mercy anymore, unless the changes are limited to numbers tweaking. Blizzard will not get off their behinds and do the work required for any significant change. It’s pointless and a waste of time to bring any constructive feedback to the table anymore. Change beyond numbers tweaking is not happening!
Been wanting this for a while. Not necessarily double values on a single beam, but just a single beam with increased value.
If we’re going to keep Valkyrie let’s at least make it worth using.
Actually it’s a little different than that
Here’s some info from the very same post Eevee made:
So 1x90 HP/s is worth more than 5x50 or even 3x50? Nice, didn’t know they released Math 2.0.
Good point. 50% is really unlikely. 60% is laughable.
I could see 40% though.
You’re rarely healing more than 2 allies at once unless your teammates are fighting in a heavily clustered area like Nepal Village.
Why exactly though?
Ana can give someone 50% damage, 50% damage reduction for 8s WHILE still using the rest of her impressive kit.
How would Mercy giving one person 50% damage and doing nothing else be overpowered?
it kinda is…
There aren’t many damage sources that can outdamage 90 or even 100 hp/s healing…
I see no problems with it. Mercy can’t do multiple things at once.
Would probably take me a while to figure out why 50% might be too much. Right now it’s just an intuitive sense about it.
That said, the basic idea is pretty reasonable.
Here’s a similar version, but with a lot more moderate math.
Yeah, that’s a nice proposal too, but there’s a problem with it…
Chain heals at 50 or 60 hp/s have no use. A Mercy who knows who to prioritize when healing will never use chain healing, because it just isn’t enough.
+chain beams are used only for damage boosting right now
They can adjust it to do like 90hps and 40%damage boost for one single beam, or at least, along the lines of that. Or like combine her healing and damage boost beams together
What made Mercy fun is how she has to juggle teammate to teammate trying to keep them alive, right now, her ult doesnt do that much.
Double value is too much.
I would prefer around 70 healing and maybe weaker chain heals.
That massive huge heal per second made me laugh. No, just no. Especially with how long the ult last. The other poster made more reasonable suggestions.
Moira literally heals multiple targets at once with 80 hp/s and 140 hp/s with ult.
Ana instantly heals a target for 300 hp.
How is a single target 100hp/s laughable?
Just out of curiousity, which poster are you referring to?
I think you mean underpowered math (for an ultimate at least).
Moira can hit 80 hps with left click alone, 75 hps with orb alone, and 140 with her ult alone. Do I need to tell you that ALL of that is AoE? Single target 100 HPS won’t be broken. If the 12s duration of Valkyrie makes it too much… well cut off a bit more time. Honestly, Valkyrie’s length has ham stringed it for its entire existence.
I still maintain that damage boost is only useful if it helps hit a breakpoint against 200 hp targets. Because the devs have put on kid gloves with Tracer who’s at 150 HP, there’s a ridiculous amount of guns that just barely can’t 1 shot or 2 shot her. Because of that 30% and 40% boost just isn’t useful most of the time. 50% is where damage boost is finally useful on its own.