Genji’s slash dash combo is the only thing you mentioned that it actually works out for.
I brought up Tracer because she’s the reason why we don’t have any 80 damage per hit guns in the game. Guns like that would be great with Mercy boost. They don’t exist because they can 2 tap Tracer… 1 tap if it can headshot.
80 * 2 = 160 < 200
80 * 2 * 1.3 = 208 > 200
And Rein hammer. And Mei Icicle. And gives Ana a 2 tap body shot.
All of those weapons (ignoring Hanzo) are capable of dealing partial damage . It still works because it gives an indirect fire rate buff or makes them more consistent.
You know what Mercy can do that makes Soldier need even fewer bullets than damage boost? Her blaster. That’s my point. If you are trying to just add damage… you are better off pulling Mercy’s blaster. Damage Boost is worthless compared to her blaster UNLESS you are using damage boost to make a high damage per hit, low RoF gun either kill in fewer hits or more consistent. 30% generally isn’t enough to do that.
You realize a nano’d Tracer with a Mercy ult beam would oneclip a tank right? That would be super OP and that’s why Blizzard probably actually decided to give her beams instead of doubling the healing/dmg of her solo heal/buff.
Bam, just like that, both of your team’s support ults are gone. This can be countered by a well timed zarya grav or any CC in the game.
You know that McCree can 1tap headshot squishies with nano? Why don’t people use it?
You’re not supposed to be just hovering and watching from above. That’s why people that don’t like Valkyrie don’t like it; They’re not using it to its full potential. Heal or boost for a little bit, sure, but maybe pull off that rez you couldn’t reach or chase somebody down with your pistol. There’s a lot you could be doing instead of just holding down M1. It’s never going to feel impactful if that’s all you do. 15 seconds is a long time to be Super Mercy and it should be an easy fight win for you almost every time.
I appreciate you for trying to make “super mercy” sound attractive and fun, but I’m sorry, I’m simply not sold on it. Even if it entails chasing widows with my pistol, damage boosting through a push, or flying between team mates with the “flight of the bumble bees” playing in the background cranked up to 11, for me, I still don’t care for a transformation ult, that essentially turns Mercy’s goal of healing… into “Just more healing + Hey you can now fly into the skybox or battle mercy while you watch your team die!”
Over course, I’m oversimplifying it there, but It just doesn’t feel like an Ultimate to me. She’s still extremely boring to play for me, unrewarding, and unimpactful, and watching my team mates die in front of my eyes while I am healing them is completely counter intuitive from what I would enjoy playing a healing role. It’s not the fact of using “one part of her kit”. I’m referring to Valkyrie as a whole and as a concept. I’m just not all that crazy about it, and I don’t find her fun. Especially when compared to the ults of the other supports and when compared to Mass Res. But hey! It’s all completely fine. I’ve been having fun playing other supports, and have been finding her ult a great way to clock out of the action for a bit and grab a quick drink or a little snack. I respect the views of those who really find it fun though. More power to you if you do! I don’t speak for everyone, and we don’t have to like the same things, I’m merely sharing my opinion.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance. xavvypls
I get that. You want something different out of support play than I do and that’s fine. I enjoy the versatility of it even if it comes at the cost of strong healing and I’d rather have more functionality than one strong functionality, so we’re probably never going to agree on this. I just didn’t like the way your original comment oversimplified the ability. That’s the only reason I replied. I want people to use Valk for more than spectating. It is my crusade.
“Hey lets remove 1 of the 2 mercy weaknesses … just because!”
Yeah no.
You still have 12 sec of ult, WAY more than enough to turn a team fight.
You still FLY for 12 sec
You still regenerate for 12 sec
You still have double range GA
You still dont have to aim to get those 100-120hps.
If you make the ultimate 6 sec and 120hps with an AIMED BEAM … yeah sure. Otherwise no, absolutely broken.
PS: I love how people still dont remember the old 20 sec valk that literally made team fights unwinnable or eternal … i mean, talk about short memory lol.
I mean, her healing output has nothing to do with Valk being op during those days. You could rez 4 people with Valk back then, that’s what made it OP, not the healing output.
It was still like that when she only could res 2, and then 1 … and then they realized it was the flight speed and the duration, and then they nerfed it.
I just want Mercy to be flat out built into a full-on MMORPG styled healer with many abilities to pump out many heals.
Like I don’t like Valkyrie or the current state of the “attach beam” being the only way to heal. I really want to see her healing side fleshed out.
Edit: Lemme add where I added more details to this idea.
If we can’t have mass revive back and current revive is what is holding her in this abysmal painful state… it’s time to let it go. It’s time to evolve forward.
Is it just me or do chain beams only attach to 3 people max? Going by the name you’d think you can heal all 5 team members at once but it doesn’t seem to be the case