Can we make Bastion take some sort of skill

thats how i play Bastion normally honestly there is a reason this game is a team based shooter. For the teamwork.

Yea but its kinda hard to play as a team without using LFG or playing with friends because of people that dont come into gamechat, throw games, try to 1v6 all the time and people that are just generally uncooperative. Also if its a team based game why even have solo queue then cause you are gonna have to play as a team anyway so just make everyone have to queue in a 6 stack or just force everyone into using LFG

A team co-ordinates to make up for Bastionā€™s own weaknesses. Teamplay is encouraged, right? Do you want that team to not be rewarded for teamplay?

From my understanding then, the issue does not lie with Bastion, but his teamā€™s synergy.

So, what do you want?
How are you going to nerf teamwork?


That is not about Bastion but about the matchmaking system and the Looking for group system. I will be serious i ave a serious hate for the flankers. They annoy me to no end. But do i want them nerfed honestly. No!.

CHallenges is something i need without them I will have no path to improve myself.

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I dont want to nerf teamwork but in this game teamwork is so heavily stressed and required that trying to solo queue is a nightmare teamwork wise because of the randomness of people and if they actually want to work together or just ignore everyone and 1v6, I mean if I queued in a 6 stack all the time with the same 5 people then yea I could climb and enjoy the game but by solo queuing its basically gambling as to if my team is gonna be good and work together well

Can i make a surgestion, try QP for a while, practice with instinctive game play for a while. and i mean on Bastion. if only for a 10-20 minutes. Bastion mains even with a team have a high level mental issues in a game about survivability.

once you can tap into that then you will have a edge on any Bastion main even ones protected by a full team.

My question still stands then, what exactly do you want to happen?

Anyhow, I have other places to be, so Iā€™m going to have to abandon ship for now.

Just answer my question and really explain yourself, based on the conversation weā€™ve all just had.


Look ill be honeset, I made this post coming off of a game where I got stomped by a bastion even tho my team had a decent Sombra and I had lost the 3 games beforehand so I was already super tilted but it doesnt change my opinion that Bastion could be reworked into a more dynamic hero that is both fun to play and not incredibly annoying to play against in certain situations

Then can i invite you to this thread we welcome non-bastion mains on the present condition of bastion and all points of view are discussed.

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You know speaking of matchmakingā€¦kinda wack that the matchmaker puts me in 4 games in a row where I get completely stomped into the friggin ground and lose 100 SR. 10/10 quality matchmaking. Just like my last placement game where I, a gold player got put against a 563 hour Diamond Widow main. But Blizzard says matchmaker is good so clearly it is OMEGALULā€¦thats a discussion for another post I suppose

its not about matchmaking but learning a hero with a different mind set.

I Quickplay Bastion more than it is healthy to be honest but in my time in QP has made me learn a hell of a lot about heroes. I jump to heroes that annoy me just so i can learn their weaknesses. play the heroes you like for fun, play the heroes you hate to kill them more effectively later on.

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That last post wasnt even about Bastion specifically, that was just more about that I think matchmaking is garbo overall

At that point itā€™s not you against the bastion, itā€™s you against their team. Saying that he takes no skill if he has a shield and a pocket is kind of like saying that playing as a team doesnā€™t take any skill.

Pretty much treat that like any other composition, stay with your team and donā€™t try to 1v6.

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I hate Bastion, but I think he is all about the position or they will before they can do anything.

3 in one team each one is holding one button must take lots of skill /s

Itā€™s laughable how easy it is to counter him.

Just this last game (before getting notified to come here) out Ana and Orisa 2 stack just ran off, and literally every time the enemy Anaā€™s sleep was off CD, I was slept.

Just me sleeping, not being able to do anything, cost us the game.

Or how about Hack and itā€™s speed buff, where Bastion can no longer turn to counter her in time before hack goes off.

Or how about Torb and his ult that tears through armor.

Or speaking of Armor, these upcoming armor nerfs.

Or we can go as far as Sym being a counter, since her ult isnā€™t even destroyable with 1 clip.

Rein will win charges if he is 13m or closer without a support. If any healer is healing him, then it easily extends his charge range up to 20m+.

It is a joke how weak Bastion is, and itā€™s a bigger joke that he needs to be babysat to cover up all of his weaknesses, rather than being self-sufficient.

There is far more of a mental skillset that goes into Bastion than all of Genji. You have to know where are the good spots to set up in Sentry without being free fodder from the plethora of Bastion counters. You have to know when to set up, and when to move about in recon. You have to know where to ult, because these god forsaken people gave Bastion a 1.5s ult transformation where he cannot move and he does NOT get even 1% of his passive. He gets zip, and in return for his skillshot ult he gets another 1.5 second transformation out of it, including no IC to protect him.

This joke of a hero you know nothing about. It is very easy to accuse any Bastion of just holding M1, but the bigger questions are you utilizing any of the 25 heros who counter him in some way, shape, or form? Are you working as a team to displace the Bastion and prevent him from doing "nothing but skill-less M1ing)?

it has been 2 years where I have to constantly switch off Bastion because the very things people think heā€™s good at, he is god awful at in reality.

I would gladly trade a more-skillful rework and in return I want full CC immunity in Sentry. Take away half his damage in Sentry too. Iā€™m tired of CC crippling this hero. Iā€™m tired of being a detriment to my team when I couldā€™ve just learned Genji and carry my team.

And I, by no means, are a Bastion OT. Pharah and Junk are my most played heros (on my main), and basically every support thereafter follows. I spend more time not playing Bastion to realize when I get teams that pick useless heros, and then get rolled because they tried countering M1 with W, running straight at the Bastion.

*skill floor.

Bastion has a low skill floor, because his DPS easily outranks any other DPS, so at lower levels they try and go head to head with him and lose.

Bastion has a pretty large skill ceiling, but his ā€œsit in Sentry and M1ā€ makes a mask of him. As a Bastion player I can easily tell when a Bastion is bad, like the ones that pick him on KotH. Iā€™ve only seen a handful of enemy Bastions win on KotH, and itā€™s usually because the enemy team doesnā€™t know how to counter him, let alone displace him.

A lot of his skill comes from:

  • Positioning.
  • Knowing interactions and downtime (DM or deflect in your face, just heal until their animations are over)
  • Rocket jumping in ult and utilizing the terrain properly (like RJ over barriers and killing those camped behind it).
  • Teamwork, which is moot but is needed outside of pirate ship.
  • Target prioritization

And hereā€™s a big one:

  • Knowing how to heal with your counters.

I actually celebrated the moment where he was no longer the bottom hero on overbuff. However, did he get better, or did DF and Sombra just get worse? :thinking:

Like having roughly the same winrate as Rein in Bronze and Silver?

The ranks you claim heā€™s good at only shows heā€™s actually balanced for those tiers.

Depends on how you buff him. IC was the attempt to make him high-tier ready and it broke the game entirely. But buffing his recon and self-repair (before IC was added) was exactly what he needed.

Fix his flaws, and he becomes more responsive for high-tier players without destroying low-tiers. Buff the ā€œeasyā€ aspects about him like Spread or Damage or IC and you get a hero who rolls pubs.

Add Hanzo for his E and ult. Both destroy Bastion lest he moves in time to mitigate the damage (which is rare).

Then also add Junkrat for his suicide pulse-bomb and his tire which can clear a payload unless Bastion can track the tire and destroy it (which most low-tier Bastions cannot).

Actually Mei is more of a counter than Bastion is. His mobility makes too short of windows to kill him, and heā€™s only reasonable against Hammond if your team has CC to stop him. But why pick Bastion when McCree gives you CC+ good firepower, or why not just pick Mei whoā€™s CC is most lethal towards him.

Eh, not really. I mean kinda, but you shouldnā€™t pick DF because of his latest patch, not because heā€™s bad against Bastion. One thing that annoys the hell out of me is the fact that his RP still gives him the ā€œstunnedā€ lockout when he should be immune to it. Another case of ā€œWorks in theory, horrible in practice.ā€

Actually Brig is strong against Bastion unless you hold W with her.

Just armor up a target going after Bastion, and Bastion now has to kill a 225 HP hero at least, and if itā€™s a 200HP+ hero then Armor can easily overheal them and now Bastion needs to kill the HP of a tank, which he is already moot at doing.

Well she shouldnā€™t be going after him in the first place. However I have seen my fair share of Moiras spamming AD around me and thus killing me.

She can be a tough nut to crack, but I find it best to go Recon can heal away from her rather than trying to track her skinny hitbox.