Can we make Bastion take some sort of skill

Cause literally all that is required to win with Bastion is hold Left Click or RT if your on Xbox. Not to mention that he is basically a point and click adventure. Like can he just get a rework and make turret not super annoying. Im not saying he is OP or anything its just laughable how you can basically hold one button with Bastion and just annihilate people with zero effort

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Heres the thing though…hes super vulnerable while in turret form. He can’t survive sustained fire.

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Well yea by himself, but when there is a Rein, Orisa and a Mercy with him its literally impossible to do anything. I agree by himself he is weak but as soon as you just pocket him with shields and healing you might as well not even play the game

Sounds like you might need teamwork to overcome them rather than trying to take on Bastion, Orisa, Rein, and Mercy all by yourself.


There’s these crazy things called “positioning”, and “aim”


Bring back pre rework Bastion so that I can snipe people across the map with him. I miss when he got headshots in turret form.


Never said I was taking them on by myself, I might be in high gold/low plat but im not an idiot.

Yes, but are you working as a team to take him down or is everyone on your team charging in and hoping for the best?

We can all make strawmans about any hero :

  • Nerf Rein, he is just holding the shield and your team wins.
  • Nerf Moira, she just throws orb, M1 then M2 and repeat
  • Nerf Widow, She just camps and clicks on heads lul 0 skill.
  • Nerf Winston, he just jumps on people and M1 till dead pff.



It takes skill just to survive to kill anyone, Most bastion mains have been forged through hundreds of battles learning each and every map through multiple trips to the spawn room to find the optimal spots to kill.

Hell you call Bastion a no skill hero when you dont even 10 hours on the hero. talk to me later. when you really know the salted hell mains really have to go through.


How is this in anyway related to this, I never said I wanted him nerfed I said I wanted him to take some semblance of skill

But it takes skill dude. Bastion is not terminator, cant shoot while healing and he is not moving … dont be mistaken. If a bastion is decimating your team every minute, the problem is not on bastion, its on you and your team.

It is what it is.


Look my point was that I think if the devs actually tried they could make Bastion and intresting and and fun hero to play and play against. Rather than look in one direction and hold Left Click/RT and get free Elims with his stupid DPS…is it bad that I want the hero to be more than basically playing as Torbs friggin turret?

If I think Bastion is going to be a problem I just have our tank to Hanzo+Mei or Roadhog+Mei.

Icewall up, Damage in.

Dead before he even realized what happened.

Or if I get really desperate, I just kamikazi divebomb him with a Junkrat repeatedly.

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See that works great…if the Bastion doesnt have 2 shields and 2 healers on him. I normally have no problem killing Bastion but when the entire team plays around him…well its a bit much. What I would really like to see is for Bastion to get a rework and become more than MinigunBot.exe

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Shields don’t do much if he’s 8 feet in the air away from them.


You do know im in high gold/very low plat so that kind of coodination rarely happens lol

No offense mate but with that rank and your level you should know how to counter Bastion by now.
Yeah if their team work around shields and protecting Bastion at all costs, its going to be harder but it is nowhere near impossible.

PS: This is so 2016 lol


Its the same skill as zarya you track targets with your mouse until they die.

Your point aside, like I said I would really like to see Bastion reworked to be more than point and click to win.