Can we make Bastion take some sort of skill

i mean if that’s true than isn’t the best scenario just to wait out til you get ults? dragon strike could force them to move creating an opening, same with emp, etc. problem with that kind of set up is that it’s hard to do again once it messes up

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Yea unless your team are complete garbage and cant capitalize on things like EMP to kill the Bastion so he just wreaks havoc on your team…which at that point is your teams fault but I still feel like its too easy to get a lot of value from Point and Click Turret Bot. Also I dont feel like Bastion needed that spread decreases the longer you fire thing…

i mean sounds like the enemy just has better coordination when you put it that way. like if you say it’s too easy wouldn’t you also expect it to happen all the time?

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Like I said above, worst comes to worst, kamikazi divebomb onto the Bastion.

You basically got yourself a pulse bomb on a 20 second respawn timer.

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Look regardless of other factors (team coordination, the player of Bastion, etc.) I think we can both agree that Bastion could be reworked into a much more fun and dynamic hero, rather than PointAndClickBot.exe

This is basically “Yeah even though you’ve debunked my entire argument I’m going to ignore that, nErF bAsTiOn bEcAuSe hE rEqUiReS mE tO cOoRdiNaTe wAaAAaAaH”


Wow thanks for really adding to this post, people like you make this forum so much better

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your talking about the weakness of the hero but have you considered the strengths of the player behind the screen. Most know i love Bastion because of the heroes weaknesses in the design. and i use that to my advantage.

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I think a lot of heroes suffer from this issue, that their skill ceiling is capped at a lower level than some other heroes’, making much less value if a person masters them.
It is the way they designed some of these heroes at launch, (to be more situational than others) whether they were wrong to do so is up to each individual.

true but i’d rather leave it towards the bastion mains than ya know posts that paint him in a negative light despite him already being in the lowest tier for one of the longest time in the game’s lifespan

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15 characters.

See he might be bottom tier and im not denying that at all but somehow he can be both underpowered in higher ranks and still have the potential to do well in lower ranks. So if you buff him too much, sure he becomes usable in Masters/GM but then he ruins lower ranks

, gold and plat aren’t really bottom tier. and i meant tier in terms of overall power e.g. pickrate, winrate, etc viability. bastion along with prework sym, pre buff sombra, etc were considered f-tier heroes, throw picks (the total opposite of s-tier or must-picks)

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I am too in high gold/low plat. Co-ordination is more likely than you think if you take steps (Like using LFG or playing with friends, for example) to achieve it yourself

Bastion is a cakewalk until you find one that has mastered the art.

I’d recommend taking advantage of blind spots. The team may have a lot of firepower but it can’t move.

As a result, once a weak link is found, they crumble if you can exploit it or force them to move.

If you can take point somehow, it’s very hard for them to bring back the power they once had.

I’d recommend the following heroes for dealing with the bunker Bastion:


  • D.Va

D.Va’s DM is the only protective measure that can eat up as much as Bastion sprays. Throwing a Mech bomb behind the barrier will also force a relocation.

  • Roadhog

Hook removes Bastion from turret form and alt fire shreds barriers. And TaB will let you survive a little longer against his onslaught.


  • Genji

Bastion counter. Dragonblade can also good at disrupting the bunker if you can track cooldowns and your team is willing to take a bit of heat.

  • Mei

Put a wall under Bastion and he has no protection. Easier said than done though. Blizzard is also good for clearing the bunker if you can aim Snowball right.

  • Sombra

Do I even need to say anything? Just make sure your team knows when you’re going to EMP and make sure you have a Translocator set up.


  • Ana

Sleep and anti-nade and very potent against Bastion if you can hit it. Without Bastion, the bunker usually has very little synergy.

  • Mercy

Ressurect is good for when Bastion gets a pick as you can keep Mercy safe or she has a way to hide from Bastion. Damage Boost is also useful for gaining other Ults and shredding the shields.

  • Zenyatta

Discord is immensely powerful against Bastion and Zenyatta’s own damage output is useful for chewing through shields.


  • Winston
  • Wrecking Ball
  • Doomfist
  • Brigitte
  • Moira

These heroes do not have the range, survivability and/or damage output to survive Bastion and kill him.

Bunker is weak once broken, hence why it isn’t run in higher tiers.

So effectively you are saying that it takes some heavy skills to take bastion up into the higher ranks,

I mean I never said he didnt but I play in Gold so I only care about Gold/Plat not Sweaty Tryhard tiers

So, in other words, Bastion does take skill.

However, players at this rank don’t have the skill to counter him.

Hence you perceive Bastion as not taking any skill because you’ve become frustrated in your inability to deal with him?


So either Bastion takes skill or Bastion take no skill. what is it? You already stated that you are not a tryhard. so im taking it that you are after easy walkover games.


what if he could jump onto walls and stick to them, or roll up them in tank mode.

He does take some skill but not if you’re getting pocked by a Mercy and have a shield in front of you. If you are playing Bastion against a good team and you arent just getting pocketed by half your team then yes there is some skill involved. When I say some skill I just mean that its not like super high level skill but its not Junkrat spam levels of no skill