Can we leave Moira alone?

ikr, darn all those people that dare knock reaper in a flower print dress.

??? LOL HOW? does she make 20000 heals? 20000 damage? 20000 block damage? you are breaking the game.

wasnt nerfed hard enough, quantity doesnt mean quality, you can nerf someone all day but as long as it doesnā€™t actually have a impact it doesnā€™t matter. Her winrate is too high for how low her skill floor and ceiling she has and in game armor is just retarded making damage usually useless so its best to just mirror her

As a support player I can tell you that they most definitely arenā€™t

With 7 and a half hours on Lucio and less than 2 hours on each other support, that must make you a pro at supports.

Lucio needs nothing. Lucio is legitimately perfect right now. There is nothing wrong with sound barrier, at all. It can save team fights, it can completely flop in team fights. It provides VERY temporary but VERY effective protection in a wide variety of situations. But it can also be completely useless in many situations. Lucio can be cucked out of it during cast time, and with the Sombra buffs that came through, it can always be counter-empā€™ed. Nothing worse than thinking youā€™re under your Barriers protection and Sombra just immediately takes all of that away. Lucio is fine.

Why would shield bash not stop those abilities? Itā€™s a stun. And she gets knocked down too. so whatā€™s the problem? This is the exact equivalent of saying Rocket Punch shouldnā€™t stop charge. As rocket punch and shield bash are, in essence, the exact same attack. Only one has higher dps and knockback. Sick of people calling for Brig nerfs. She works in deathball. Thatā€™s pretty much it.

How can you call for Moira to have less initial healing when there is both, a very short delay (But it is there) between when you hold the button and when she starts healing. And when the actual healing is Over Time. Literally all healing she does is over time. So this ā€œInitialā€ Heal value you speak of, is still like, 8hp. Itā€™s bugger all. And if your target was low enough that Moiras ā€œinitialā€ heal was enough to save them, then you are bad at closing out kills. Moira is INSANE at keeping a team at high hp. However, she isnā€™t fantastic at actually saving people in trouble. If you roll up to a fight as Moira and your teammate is at say, 25 hp. Chances are, they are gonna be dead before you do enough meaningful healing to them. Unless the DPS is bad. However if you start the fight with a Moira by your side, I doubt you will fall under half hp. Moira is a balanced hero. People just donā€™t seem to understand the ups and downs of heroes in this game. They might have insane pros, but they are always followed with cons. Cons that can be exploited by other heroes. Which seems to be a problem, as Iā€™ve noticed on these forums, because nobody ever seems to want to switch. -.-

Mercy is perfect. I will agree with that. People are saying her ult is not impactful. I feel like those people are either really bad at mercy, or they only play with people bad at Mercy.

This is by far the silliest thing you have said here. Anaā€™s bionade is possibly the only reason she is worth picking over anybody else. You must understand that in Biogrenade being so powerful, also becomes itā€™s biggest weakness. Bionade has a fairly long cooldown. And whenever you use Bionade, you have to make a choice. Do I use it to heal myself? Do I use it to increase the heals on my team? Or do I use it to Anti the enemy team to try and sway the fight? Tbh, there are probably even more options than that. But I CBF listing them. Now, Ana has a VERY unforgiving clip. Because you have to fire so many shots into say, a Reinhardt, to get them back to full HP (Not taking into account if they are already under fire) it is very easy to lose track of your clip and need to reload at the most important of times. This is where Bionade boosting team healing comes in. The temporary buff it provides is enough to allow Ana to keep up with GROUP healing. Itā€™s enough burst heals to save somebody for a second or 2 more, which can be enough time to sink a shot or two into them to top them up. Without the bio grenade, this might take 3 or 4 shots to get a tank back up to 3 quarters. But bionade allows this to happen in 2 shots, which means Ana can turn their attention from the now surviving tank to OTHER people on their team. But even though it does all these things, it is still limited by itā€™s long cooldown and Anas clipsize. And when you use it for teamheals, itā€™s no longer available for the anti. Or to save herself if she needs. It is a necessary part of her kit. Without it, there is no way she would be able to keep up with any of the other main healers. They all get to heal passively, or have a constant stream of heals. Besides Moira, they all have uninterrupted flows of healing. Ana and Moira do not. Moira makes up for it with her orbs and coalescence. Ana makes up for it with Grenade. I have more hours in Ana than you have in every support combined. Same goes for almost every other support Iā€™m pretty sure. and I can tell you, that you are very wrong. Play some more.

Zenyatta is, for the most part, fine, but I wish they gave him something to help him be more agile. If only because Blizzard needs to realize the potential in Buffs. A game is more balanced by more heroes, and believe it or not, more power. Because if everybody is capable of doing insane things. Then those things become much less insane. If everybody is overpowered, nobody is overpowered. They need to focus more on bringing heroes INTO meta, rather than kicking heroes OUT of meta. For example, if they buffed Bastion a bit more, would GOATS be rompastomping every elo bracket above gold rn? No. If they buffed Orisas Halt ability, would GOATS be rompastomping every elo bracket above gold? Maybe but it wouldnā€™t be nearly as powerful because Goats really struggles at long range and against Crowd Control. BUT they nerfed brig, thinking that it might slow GOATS down a bit. They also nerfed Doomfist, thinking it would slow GOATS down a bit. heads up, neither of those nerfs did jack. GOATs still rompastomps. The only thing I have seen so far remotely to do with a GOATS counter, is KolourBlinds BOSS comp. And that only worked because of Bastions buff. Back to Zenyatta though, they nerfed doomfist to absolute nothingness because he had too much advantage over characters like Zenyatta and Ana and other heroes with less agile kits. Which is ridiculous. Because this is a game with COUNTERS. Doomfist counters heroes with no maneuverability. Doomfist has a ridiculous amount of counters in the game. But just because he countered a couple of supports, they nerfed him into the ground and tarnished him back to the garbage that he used to be. So while Zenyatta is pretty good, itā€™s unfair that instead of him getting a slighter faster movement speed (the guy floats, like come on) or something along those lines, they had to break another hero to keep him viable.

Sorry for the miniature rant. But it bothers me that Blizzard thinks that nerfing characters is the solution to everything. when itā€™s really not.


Moira balanced xD what a dumb joke :rofl:

thatā€™s because of the meta with GOATS so of course she is high winrate.


(atleast thatā€™s the argument when I say mercy is boring)

Honestly I donā€™t know what about her now is OP at all. She has a stun, yeah, but it only does 5 damage. She canā€™t combo one shot anymore.

Not my main account right nowā€¦but ok.

The sombra/lucio interaction is the worst in the game, it has so little counterplay on lucioā€™s part. And Lucioā€™s ult doesnā€™t even counter burst damage properly. It needs to go up to the max on sound barrier, and stay there for 3 seconds and then be completely gone.

No, it isnā€™t. When Reinhardt charges he puts himself and his team at risk. When Doomfist punches he puts himself at risk. When Brigitte bashes she puts nothing at risk.

I thought she has a HPS for while she was spraying and a HPS for after she was spraying. A minor HoT for when she stopped. If this isnā€™t true then scrap what I said about her sheā€™s fine.

Because they all have more reliable healing? Thatā€™s why I comboā€™d this with minor nerfs to other heroes. Anaā€™s pickrate is staggeringly high, which means she may need a small nerf or a balance change (buff something and nerf something else). The only part of her kit I can see nerfing without ruining her entirely is this part of bionade, if you see a better option Iā€™m all ears. She may need a minor buff to go with this though, and I have no idea what to do for that either.

Thatā€™s Zenā€™s weakness though. He has a large hitbox with no movement (unless you count Zoomyatta which is more of a meme than a viable strategy). He has these drawbacks because of his insane DPS potential with his orbs that have no fall off damage and secondary fire potential, and also his discord utility which is really strong in coordinated teams.

First of all, you had to be thinking of Syndrome when you were typing this, right ? :wink:

Back on track though, I agree with this sentimentā€¦to a point. The least fun thing in this game is one shots. That is why they are usually so hard to pull off safely , Widow and Hanzo need insane aim and sight lines to one shot reliably, Doomfist gives huge audio clues and has to go out of position with his huge hitbox to get his punch, Roadhog needs to be able to hit his hook, gamble on his spread, and have the largest hitbox in the game without armor to get his.

(I might make a post out of this because it is off topic on this thread, but I will be sure to link you to it if I do <3)

Careful with that, that could actually be a buff instead of a nerf.

If you shift more of the heal out of the spray and into the after spray HoT, that gives her more incentive to just spritz her team to keep the HoT rolling, giving her more time to do that dreaded DPS thing everyone whines about. That would then make it so her healing meter will be more full more often, which makes her easier to play, really.

Thatā€™s a large part of what separates good and bad Moiras right now. A lot of bad Moiras after won team fights will empty their healing juice to fill their team back up instead of spritzing people and letting the HoT the work so they can recharge. Good ones also spritz their team just prior to engage to have the HoT already rolling as the team fight begins.

Nah, letā€™s buff Moira

And disable GOATs.

In the upper ranks she does need a buff though, her lack of consistent healing or utility makes it difficult for her to find a place there.

Oh I totally agree, you just said in that post that supports werenā€™t fine and seemed to imply all but Mercy and Zen needed nerfs. I apologize if I misread that.

She is already bad anywhere were people are good at the game so. I would like them to rework her so she can scale as people get better and so she isnā€™t the literal definition of a crutch in the way people play her most of the time.

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because meta rely on specific characteristics that arent typically normal usage. (i mean we had a bastion in a meta once and that doesnt mean hes good)

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To me, Moira is a beautiful example of a balanced, yet badly designed hero. So yeahā€¦ Not every critique people have is about nerfing or buffing, but thatā€™s apparently too difficult for many to graspā€¦

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IDK what this Moira hate is.
Ana outclasses her on PC (all the way down to gold btw) and Mercy outclasses her on console considering pickrates.
Moira is sheer useless in a meta that should immensily favour her. Her pickrate in GM is on par with Symm and Torb (aka TROWPICK).

Moira has only her healing and her tickle damage, itā€™ll never be as good as denying healing, rezzing, speedboost, burst healing, discord orb or armour. When people in gold and plat who are mechanically not as ā€œskilledā€ as masters or GMs prefer to have an Ana (aim dependent healer) in their team over a reliable ā€œmore forgivingā€ Moira you know something is inherently wrong. Theyā€™d rather risk their Ana whiffing shots and sleeps for the nano and anti nade over the guaranteed high healing and tickle dmg of Moira.

Moira can be an annoying hero to play against. She has high sustain so she is capable of a duel if needed. Yet most heros simply poop on her. All tanks hard counter her, Tracer, Genji (if heā€™s decent), Hanzo, Widow, McCree, Ashe can easily burst through her self healing. Moira needs 4 whole seconds to succ someone to death. You have 4s to kill her, which is an aweful lot of time. If you canā€™t manage, you should evaluate if you should practice more on said hero.

Moira needs some sorts of buffs which would make her more viable in higher ranks (skillshot/ utility). It canā€™t be that Moira is a worse healing option than Mercy in a 3 tank setup, she can literally heal multiple targets!


I actually think Moira has better pick-rates on consoles than Mercy, I think itā€™s only in GM and possibly Masters that Mercy starts dominating.

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I have like 1200 hours in this game, I think Iā€™ve played about 10 minutes of Moira.
I donā€™t think sheā€™s a bad hero, not great at high ranks due to her range, but sheā€™s pretty balanced Iā€™d say.

My problem with Moira is she is probably the most boring hero in the game, I hate her playstyle. Itā€™s very limited, and she has almost no diversity in how you can play her, not stimulating at all.

Iā€™d welcome changes if they added more elements to her kit.

Iā€™m sorry they donā€™t realize thatā€™s literally the worst way to play her but thatā€™s similar to saying that you saw a lot of people using screwdrivers to stab someone else so the screwdrivers should be classified as a type of knife.


Moira isnā€™t OP at all. She is however, in OW, bad design. Thatā€™s not because she is frustrating or anything. Itā€™s because all she does is heal. Thatā€™s it. Sheā€™s balanced/weak with a design that has little going for it. Thereā€™s no utility to tweak with her


Moira is awesome and perfectly balanced. Blizzard did a good job with her.

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