Can we leave Moira alone?

Thats not necessarily a Brig problem insomuch as it is an over-support problem - the more supports that are introduced to the game, the more likely these situations will occur.

Brig is strong, yes, but there’s no guarantee that the next Healer won’t enable something just as bad simply because there is so much sustain already present that the presence of another healer is almost surplus to requirements…she’s only ‘a core issue’ because she’s the only healer with such an intricately offensive kit as opposed to the other healers, so its more the design philosophy BEHIND her being at fault than the character itself.

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Yes I realized a while ago that most in this community don’t care about support players at ALL but don’t complain when no one on your team wants to play support. Mercy originally did the same amount of healing she did now. It was buffed 10 more because she was considered a “throw pick” and she was completely unviable. And now the reverted back to that. Also being glued to the floor every 30 seconds isn’t fun at all and being pretty much the only hero in the game without a game changing ultimate is also very unfun. Mercy has no impact at all while most other heroes do.

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If people think Moira is OP, what branch of weed did they smoke.


Someones gotta tell him

I was comparing old Mercy and Ana to new Moira sorry for not making that clear. But yeah Mercy might be one of the hardest heroes to play now just because of all the nerfs she’s had.

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its the fact that she is a tank/heal hybrid. any tank/heal hybrid would create the same issue.

meh shes totally balanced. just her playstyle is more difficult than people give credit for

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I was a support main and even then I still think she needs nerfs. playing everyrole gives a clear vision as to the problens between classes, moiras problem is the she is a god as duelling most dps (most not all). As a support this is really good as flankers are supposed to dive supports in a 1v1 but when that support has an amazing 1v1 potential she completely cancels out flankers making them useless

How is she balanced? The only feature making her viable in higher tiers is her super jump and thats technically a bug…

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i like playing supports
for me supporting my teal is fun
if you need a hero to be overpowered to be fun then you have no say in balance
no one wants his hero nerfed
bcz we all have egos and think that us being good has nothing to with their state
if they get nerfed it means we afe boosted
and thus we get mad when those patch notes hit live
i land a lot of shots with hanzo, if he gets nerfed i wont have a problem with it
i mostly get value out of dynamite with ashe, if she gets nerfed ill be bad with her
whatever mercy’s output, i dont die and save as much teammates as i can by healing and boosting at the right time, wheather she has massrez or not wont change my output on her, but i prefer valk because it lets me do my things without handicapping me with a coin flip
mercy was nerfed because she waq to strong
i love her alot but i can understand why she was changed
it didnt affect my output thou
if moira gets changed to damage orb it wont change my output
but i might actuallh have more fun with her and want to pick her up more
because rn holding buttons and gamebling kills isnt really very braindependent.

I wouldn’t say god. She has low damage unless you’re stuck in an enclosed space with her.

Flankers can kill her, but they should probably focus elsewhere. If you’re a flanker and you can’t kill a Moira, then change your target.

Why would it be meta to run 3 tanks. Same argument stands.

Supports are balanced and wont be touched thank god :slight_smile: Maybe a few buffs here and there but overall they’re in a great spot!

Her healing vastly outdoes her damage so why on earth would she be put in the damage category

As a support player I can tell you that they most definitely aren’t.

Lucio needs a Soundbarrier nerf/small rework

Brig needs to not stop charge and rocket punch

Moira needs to have less of an initial heal on her biotic grasp (Less instant healing, more HoT)

Mercy is fine

Ana needs to not increase team healing with her biotic grenade.

Zen is fine

The problem is that when she gets dove she has 3 options, sustain herself either with her heal ball and healing from her primary so that she lives long enough for her teamates to assist her (her sustainability in this situation is crazy it can but up to 10 seconds and your still damaging them too maybe even outlive them and kill them). Option 2 she simply fades away to her team and completely escapes the dive. Option 3 she just all ins the flanker with her abilites and can pretty consistently win if she knows what shes doing, but this is the weakest of the options. The problem is that she simply makes flankers jobs useless, thats why so many people dont like her there is very little you can do against her as a flanker, she makes you useless

So you want every support nerfed into oblivion? Okay.

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Right, because any of those nerfs would nerf them into oblivion. They are all very minor.

It’s either that or buff the entire DPS class into a bunch of one shots, and no one likes playing a game full of one shots.

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I will never understand why people want Moira nerfed, to be honest?

Like, who woke up and thought “Ah. It’s been too long since I’ve complained about a support… seems Moira is next on my list!”

Genuinely. She’s balanced, if a bit UP (if pick and winrates are any indication) - a nerf is the last thing she needs.


Nope, can’t leave her alone till she’s got a skin involving a dress and shoulder - waist length hair.

I would love to see how people overreact. Oh no what about her androgyny!? This doesn’t represent me :sob:


To be fair, we could do it to reaper too :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I saw that sneaky like you redacted lol

What? This doesn’t have anything to do with the topic at hand. C’mon man.

(I saw that cheeky edit, too. I didn’t read the post thoroughly, but go off :slight_smile: I’m not here for jabs at certain communities.)