👩‍🔬 Can we just "Try" giving Sym Auto-lock back when the PTR updates Please?

I don’t care if she has to have her damage reduced.

I don’t care about if the range has to reduced from 12m to 10m.

If more then half of a questioned community thinks its a good idea.

Can we least try it?

(I know the ptr going to update at least one more time before going live.)



Ain’t so sure of the veracity of this opinion.


Updated to a questioned community… (still 691 is alot for a survey portion here.)

Lock on was terrible.


Can you at least try it again? Maybe you will think differently. (Plus you haven’t tried it with the new teleporter or turrets.)

That shows that a certain amount of players thought she was weak, but not that they advocate restoring lock-on.


I’m nearing 1200 hours on Sym entirely with about 200 of them on 3.0.

No. Asking for the autolock back would need more taken from her kit than just a damage reduction. It would simply be too strong in low ranks particularly and in high ranks it would still be useless just like it always was.


Aaaaaand this is why it would be broken in low ranks. Mobility+turrets that already autolock (with the same range as her old lock on break point and are basically a damage boosted full charge 2.0 by themselves) = nightmare to deal with.

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Look Sym, no matter how you shine it, is still not doing well.

I don’t care what skills or hours you have.

I am going with what works to improve. And this would improve.

I don’t care about ranks or not, the same could be said with Lucio or One shot Widowmakers.

This should not hold back a hero like this because of rank or something.


It wasn’t about it being weak. It was not a good idea in a FPS game to have a character that locks on and basically becomes a merry go round hopping up and down around whoever she has suctioned her beam to.

It does not encourage mechanical skill and in a FPS game that easily becomes a problem.

With that attitude we are going to just be another Counter Strike.

Seriously, we should improve not limit heroes down.

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But the PTR is terrible place to test balance.

Has to be somewhere. And I really don’t want to wait a year for another rework of the entire kit. Like they are likely going to do again.

How do you know they didn’t try it internally and found out it still sucks?

I doubt that the majority of the community would like this. And if her damage/ranged was nerfed too significantly, then her primary would end up becoming useless. It’s just not a good idea.

How does reverting a hero’s kit to a polarizing state where she’s useless in half the ladder and broken in the other fix anything? Symmetra functions as a good niche pick who can actually fight at range with utility now and that’s substantially more interesting than the lock on, at least in my opinion.

Not talking rank, but it can’t be said that restoring lock-on is what those who opinionated on that there survey signed up for.

How is going from the current beam which is actually usable in the right circumstances to the old melee range beam that she had almost no way of getting in range or living long enough to get her max charge (you had to use a barrier) and typically died before she reached better?

I see Sym 3.0 as an overall improvement to the character. She’s more fast-paced than she has ever been and requires more skill to make plays. Right now the issue is that her risks do not match her rewards. She’s underpowered and easily countered, but has way more options than she had previously to make plays.

Actually it probably is. 55% of the Sym community thinking 2.0 was at all strong compared to 3.0 and being unable to adapt to the loss of autolock, shield gen, and photon barrier sounds about right.