Can we just Stop this

A word of advice, GreyFalcon is the one worth debating here. Move along and keep your cool, guys.

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thats my impression as well.

she is still viable and rewarding to play. her rez can turn the game. nothing changed about that.

she is just no longer the best support in all scenarios.

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So a high noon version of mass rez, she can do from nearly complete safety because of the 15m range.

Like I said, “Is it possible to make Mercy fun without making Rez more powerful”.


Most of those opinions go on that she is fine, stop complaining she is balanced now, she is an easy hero so OFC she should not have impactful abilities, Blizzard doesn’t agree with you, etc. < those opinions are conflicting with the experiences of her Mains and when comes from those that do not Main her and seem not to understand where we are coming from on our perspective but they think they do. It makes it appear that really the intent is to take away our enjoyment in the game as if to chase us off our favorite hero.

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Hi, I wrote a post on this recently:

Oh ok then. Your behavior matches that of a ignorant jerk, with nothing to say other than “mods clear these mercy mains” or “mass res was suicidal”. By the way your last few posts have been considered “spam” because you always get to your point of wanting Mercy people to shut up/stop posting or that what they want is insanely op (which it wasn’t really before the invuln patch).

But you arent such ignorant jerk, eh?

I don’t get you.

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One second cast time and requires Line of Sight.

But near complete safety? Look at McCree lol. Look at Mercy’s current rez. That is NOT complete safety.

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And what, we Mercy players are to blame for that? BLIZZARD did this to us. We didn’t want Ana nerfed to the ground, and we didn’t ask for Mercy to be given an OP rework. Cut it out with the elitist attitude.


I want that LOS check in that Mercy post for D.Va’s ult please.

Incorrect. The context is that they have been given the source material countless times, but choose to ignore it and keep asking the same question. Notice how I’ve given them a link to Titanium’s post, and they admitted to not reading it in it’s entirety, yet is still making generalizations on what it’s about. Context.

Hmm… No no I’m going to have to disagree with you there. These “other mercy spammers” haven’t been calling the other parts of a community a “cult” and accusing them as such on various parts of the forums. I’m pretty sure such behavior isn’t going unnoticed. You are the one following mercy posts around, and when you’re not, you’re making threads about them. But yes, continue to think that you’re the victim in this case. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


You are literally poking the bear, then crying victim when you get mauled.


So in this design, would the Rez in Valk, have the same restrictions as current Rez?

Really? In a different thread you said it was other users. And in a different one you said another.

This goes back for about 5 threads. Totally just us right?

Anyway, this entire thread has been just a failed attempt at making us not like you less.

It’s not working. While we might be jerks, it’s not any sort of unwarrented response. Someone started the fire. And if you believe players are just gonna sit back and watch it burn, you clearly don’t know what is going to happen.

More along the lines of “counter-spam”.

I don’t like the spam from Mercy mains. Nobody seems to unless they support the ideas of mass rez. And then you guys come in and decide to hijack it, regardless of it’s purpose.

I call out your (and other main’s) gatekeeping. You guys turn it into a balance discussion as well as a “Hate on sprinkles” thread. You’re starting to do that last bit here as well. So far, most of your responses haven’t even been on topic. Just bashing me right?

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Yes, that would be ideal if she earned an additional E.

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They just try and say they need to have a discussion, but then proceed to throw around things like “cultist” everywhere and act like everyone that disagrees thinks they’re cultists. They’re ignoring context and being hostile towards the general community.

I’m honestly surprised that any Mercy’s against Mass Rez are here anymore.

¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯ compared to the unmovable wall, that is.

I usually enjoy my talks with them. LOL

It’s dramatically more safe than current Rez, and more powerful.

Why link me to that concept when I asked for concepts to make Mercy fun, without making Rez stronger?

You have extremely oversimplified the thread. I’m pretty sure there’s more solutions given by Titanium there, than high noon rez. I suggest reading it in it’s entirely before making generalizations. The answer is literally spelled out to you in paragraphs.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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While you are without doubt the most intelligent person that has ever posted on the internet, eventually I hope that you will come to see that people that hold an opinion about Mercy are just human beings. There’s no need to declare a crusade against them, or label them as cultists, or demand their silence.

We’re talking about characters in a video game for Pete’s sake. Just let go. It’s going to be okay, so there’s no need to adjudicate who gets to speak, when they get to speak and who is like a squirt gun. After all, that would lead to comparisons you may not find so favorable.