Can we just Stop this

DMG boost - zen/ana
Awesome mobility - Lucio/Moira
Well with the recent nerf 50 hps that stays for 1 sec is not as good as 30 hps that stays for 3 sec after you are out of LoS

Oh she is balanced. But I don’t think people should be forced to stop playing the hero they once loved or still love because someone decided “oh, oh lets go kill her”

I think we just disagree on the utility of mercy’s kit. After watching a lot of pro streams, they all seem to agree that GA is part of what makes mercy so strong. But you feel differently and that’s fine.

I mean I’m talking from the perspective of the avergae player. In a complete mayhem environment her mobility makes her look even stronger, but it doesn’t provide that “punch” of power other support can provide.

Thanks :>

Since like 2 weeks ago? Mercy been dominating every single one of them for so long… yet I never saw you try to help them out and ask the devs to fix this issue.

Also reading your post you seem to be talking on behalf of all Mercy mains? unless I misunderstood cause not all of them share your opinion.

It’s not bad though, obviously it’s gonna feel bad because it was nerfed.

I disagree I still believe it’s a good ultimate.

Go around the map without making direct impact? You do realize that by staying a live you’re making a huge impact? you also do realize that you’re distracting wasting ammo/hero abilities of enemy characters while they attempt to kill you hence the longer you’re a live the more advanatage your giving your team… how is that not impactful?

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Ask all the Mercy players you want, none of them will tell you “oh I want her meta/OP”.

People all the time suggested nerfing mass res MASSIVELY and bringing it back into the game. Mercy didn’t see much play from others which are not Mercy mains, thus giving other supports a bit of spotlight.

Not all, but from what I see one hell of a big part. (Don’t feel ignored, people that like valk. I just want a version that everyone is somewhat happy with)

Her valk is easily compareable in numbers to lucio’s AMP over the duration of a match. And he overcomes it.

I mean if you want to boost everyone’s ult charge, ye that’s fine, but you can do the same with zen. While still being able to heal and do dmg.

Who with their whole mind will go chasing the Mercy after the nerf? Her healing is easily overcome. And I say that, knowing my poor mechanical skills.

Also heroes like widow, genji, tracer, hanzo, brigitte (yes), roadhog, hammond, winston, dva, doomfist, Junkrat, Reaper, Soldier, McCree and so on can easily clean up both normal and Valkying (not all of these apply, but half) Mercy with ease if its really that needed. Tho if you have consistant dmg you should go after her team as she won’t be able to outheal the dmg.

If you want to know if a win rate is low or not, you should compare it at various tiers to the character’s direct competitors. Right now, in every tier plat-gm, Mercy is the worst healer in terms of win rates. In many of those tiers it’s by a very large gap. For instance in gm (where Mercy is the lowest win rate character period) her win rate is at 49.54%. The next lowest is Moira with 53.09%. For some comparison, the average win rate in gm is about 53%. You need to be winning 53% of your games to maintain that rank.

The situation is similarly grim in masters and diamond, where the difference between Mercy and the next healer is on the order of 3%. Just for some comparison, the entire range of win rates of characters that actually see play is about 6%, so 3% is huge.

In bronze-gold, Mercy is the second worst healer (unsurprisingly, Ana doesn’t do great when people’s aim is not good).

Right now, at every tier, Mercy’s win rate is below average. You will eventually drop if you play her. None of her competitors are even remotely in the same position.

You make the claim (and I’ve seen it repeated quite often) that this is only a temporary situation. That the win rates will rise. I have two major objections to this:

  1. It’s been 3 weeks. The win rates have not been rising. Up to normal noise in the data, they’ve been stable. This is surprising, since her pick rates have been plummeting, which indicates that people are being more selective in picking her. It still hasn’t made an effect. If there was an upwards trend, I think we would have started seeing it when the pick rates went down. This should be more apparent in higher ranks where the learning process is faster. But no such trend is appearing, not in higher ranks and not in any rank. In fact in the higher ranks, where people are better at figuring the game out, people have been abandoning her at a much higher rate.

  2. Hopefully you believe that there is some healing number below which her win rates would not recover. For instance, if her healing beam was set to 0 hps she would never be played again. The same goes for 1, 2, 3, hps. You believe that 50 hps is above that number, but there’s no really good reason to believe that’s true. Her win rates were poor last time she had 50 hps. There doesn’t seem to be a huge cause for optimism here. It’s important to take the win rate data seriously.

It might be that some more time is needed, and that more data should be collected. But the concerns regarding Mercy’s viability are very legitimate and should be looked into carefully.

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There are so many important details that get ignored or forgotten by the community. I’ve read a dozen posts that credit Mercy’s “bunnyhop” mechanic to the rework, when it was actually introduced as a bug well before her rework with Valkyrie. No reason to thank the rework for introducing it when it clearly existed before. I can post proof if needed, but just check out Animetic’s videos from that time to see what I mean. Bunny hop and Mass Resurrect existing on the same patch, can you believe it?

I can therefore say that I believe nothing good has come from the Mercy rework, and it needs to be scrapped. I don’t care what they do with Mercy as long as she has an Ultimate that feels engaging and powerful to use, like every other hero in the game already has.

@Sprinkles298, stop insulting people for playing a video game and go home. I am counting your comments on Mercy players being compared to “swarms of bugs” and “cultists” as insults, because they are incredibly insulting comparisons, regardless of what you use to justify using language like that. You even have the audacity to say 3 or 4 times that you never compared them to a cult, which, I mean, we can all use the forum search tool. You clearly have made that comparison multiple times in multiple threads. Denying it over and over just makes you seem like someone with short-term memory damage.

Bunny hop is a good thing. It’s just. A lot stronger than before.
But ye the rework failed.

The point of my comment there was that the rework has no correlation with bunny hop, as it already existed before the rework happened. Regardless of how good it is, it wasn’t a good that came from the rework.

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stop taking up the 6th player spot by being a mercy main, because you clearly don’t know what fun or balance is


Anti’s in a nutshell :rofl:

It’s so weird that I can’t see anything in MacCheesePi’s post above mine, it’s just blank. Anyone else seeing this? It’s as if there’s just nothing meaningful there to reply to.



Now That’s What I Call Trolling! Vol. 6

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And for the longest time it was just a meme. And it was proving to be true about how they act.

Now, they’ve made that “insult” look like a dwarf while they’re the empire state building.

And the main problem is, while they’re raining down on us, they’re being aggressive towards anyone that disagrees with their viewpoint, even those that are other Mercy mains.

I’ve made lots of threads in the past few weeks. Some of them are objective truths and others are my opinion about what I believe to be happening. Whether it’s how the community as a whole gatekeeps their favorite heroes or about how Jeff says Mass rez isn’t coming back, anything I’ve been posting has been trolled and effectively resulted in me being harassed by a select few Mercy spammers.

They take everything that hardly relates to them and turns it into a “Mercy vs the world” argument. With the gatekeeping post I mentioned, the topic was fine. Even other Mercy mains were commenting on it saying how they were ashamed their community was like that.

What did the post turn into when Mercys arrived?

Everyone that wasn’t with them abandoned and muted the thread. Everyone that was a Mercy spammer in that thread decided that it was about balance of Mercy or about personally attacking me.

Many of the Mercy spammers I’ve come across are more concerned about who is right and winning the argument rather than staying on topic or even attempting discussion.

I’ve seen users do nothing but aggressively listen to users (aggressively listen means to listen for gaps or overlapping statements in someone’s words or ideas and then point them out while ignoring the rest of what the person was saying) and they are Mercy spammers. I’ve seen other users do nothing but call others they disagree with out on stuff that’s not even related to the topic, thus derailing the thread.

It’s incredibly hard to have any sort of conversation about anything related to Mercy when all they do is just link titanium’s thread like it’s the end-all-be-all solution to everything ever.

We can’t have a discussion like this. They take everything personally. They link the same thing over and over to effectively derail threads. They act like they’re the only ones around.

So yeah, the mercy main stereotype comes from somewhere. And we are seeing it now.

Define “aggressive”.

If it means we enter the debate with some very strong counterpoints to your often unsubstantiated claims, then yes, we are aggressive as hell.

We don’t care who you are or what your favorite hero is. If we disagree with you, we will make it crystal clear that that is the case.

Like this one?

Your first assertion is objectively false, speaking as someone who never mained Mercy until season 3. Aaaand… what’s thread #1 of all time right now?

Taking that further, literally the only people determining what you are and aren’t allowed to say on the forums are the moderators. The assertion that you cannot talk about Mercy unless you have 100 hours on her or support X position is absurd.

The third assertion about us suppressing opposition is honestly hilarious.

Definitions of “suppress”:

  • Forcibly put an end to.
  • Prevent the development, action, or expression of (a feeling, impulse, idea, etc.); restrain.
  • Prevent the dissemination of (information).
  • Prevent or inhibit (a process or reaction).
  • Partly or wholly eliminate (electrical interference).
  • Consciously inhibit (an unpleasant idea or memory) to avoid considering it.

We cannot remove your arguments. We cannot prevent them from spreading (and in actuality, replying to your threads bumps them and allows more people to see them).

We literally cannot suppress your arguments. Do you know what we can do? We can shoot them down. There is a very big difference between the two.

Don’t like your arguments being shot down? Maybe you should take positions and make assertions that you can actually back up; the flak isn’t going to end just because you’re crying about being “suppressed”.

Which he literally has never said.

Well, when you open a topic directly attacking a group and/or their positions, you can expect said group to appear and retaliate. The “us versus them” mentality is initiated by the first post, which carries that mentality itself.

When your first order of business is to make a thread labeling the opposition as “spam” because you disagree with them, that doesn’t necessarily inspire any emotions short of hostile in those you accuse of “spamming”.

Which is to say, they were supporting you, which was “fine”.

A thread that no longer supported you, which was no longer “fine”.

Does it say something about how sturdy your position is when a handful of people voice disagreement and everyone else abandons the thread?

If your position was defensible, people would have kept defending it rather than abandoning the thread; it started off as your echochamber.

Sorry, but generalizing and labeling the opposition as “spam” doesn’t exactly inspire discussion.

Translation: “They’re kicking the support out from under the argument without directly attacking the argument.”

When kicking the support out from under an argument is how you undermine an argument.

Because if you want to know what our arguments are, or if you want to shoot them down, that’s where you ought to start. Everything is has been laid out for you to take potshots at.

The problem is that very few people are who disagree with us are willing to read half of the thread’s contents, so they walk into the conversation ignorant and then they stay ignorant.

Of the few people who both disagree with the positions presented and who read the full post, even fewer of them are willing to try shooting it down, and the people who do try to shoot it down fail when they realize the arguments they presented have already been dismantled in the post they are trying to shoot down.

People link that thread because it has everything on our positions in regards to Mercy. It is the end-all-be-all.

When you outright admit to attempting to silence us via flagging, and when you have arguments partially comprised of or founded upon generalizations, labels, and personal attacks, you can expect us to take it personally.

I have yet to see you actually take a position in regards to Mercy. Everything I have seen from you is more of an attack on us than it is an opinion on the issue at hand.

If that were the case, we wouldn’t be replying to you, would we?

But just a second ago, you were complaining about how we were being too “aggressive”.

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The only thing I don’t understand about “fun Mercy” vs “not fun Mercy” is that it all ends up going back to the Q. How is pressing Q one time and not doing anything afterward more fun than (even if you consider it boring) free flying around doing whatever for 12 seconds? Base Mercy is the same…cept Blizzard turned her post-rework mobility bug into a feature.

Basically, how is Mass Rez more fun than Valkyrie???

Because you feel like you have made an impact on the game and mass res is something different from your base kit.

Valk is “press Q to do what u were just doing but with flight”

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Case in point:

Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State


Deal, we’ll stop being mean if you stop being unreasonable and selfish about your character