This gatekeeping is scary

Nobody’s allowed to make any comment regarding Mercy balance unless they’ve mained her since Season 2.

Nobody’s allowed to make balance decisions around her unless they’re supporting the cause of rework/revert or they have 100+ hours on her.

Nobody’s allowed to do anything involving Mercy because a large portion of the Mercy playerbase suppresses them and does nothing productive in the means of constructive communication.

You can literally use a quote from Jeff and they will act like it doesn’t exist, but yet they take the “If Mercy isn’t right, we will revert her” like it’s the bible.

You can literally compare their behavior to toxic communities and they will instantly prove it to be true.

If any Mercy main feels like their being left out of this “fight” with their unpopular opinion, I urge you, come forward. I know you’re out there. I’ve seen you. Come and prove to these players that you exist. Not all Mercys on the forums want a revert. Yet the ones that do proceed to hurt their own cause through language, attacks, and spam.

Why is nobody allowed to comment on Mercy’s balance if they don’t main her? Why is nobody allowed to say anything about her unless they main her?
Why are players attacking others for expressing unpopular opinions about Mercy? Do you really care that much about a hero that’s been strong for a year through multiple metas to verbally attack and threaten Blizzard and other community members?

It’s really strange how you can compare someone to something, yet when someone on the side they agree with calls someone on the other side “mental” or “in need of a straight jacket”, they all out ignore it or defend it.

Players are able to continuously spam things over and over on the forums. Only players that go against the trend at the moment will even report the spam.

These players aren’t doing their part to this community. They’re acting as if they’re in the majority which is simply false.

Please, if anyone believe opposite of the common thought, speak up. It’s okay. We shouldn’t have to be suppressed because we aren’t the majority.

Edit: Here they come boys. Saddle up. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.

Edit 2: Just so we’re clear here, This post isn’t just about Mercy. It’s about how the majority seems to act at any point in the forums, which, at this point is Mercy mains.

Edit 3: Well, RIP this thread. Already got false flagged into being hidden.

Edit 4: Hooray for Moderation actually doing something about this. Sadly, they didn’t go into the comments and get rid of useless and derailing comments or commenters. :confused:

Edit 5: Moderation, if you’re reading this, do something about these players that took my thread about gatekeeping and twisted it and did nothing but make their responses addressed at me rather than my ideas.


I think a lot of the Mercy players on these forums would more correctly be called Forum users that play Mercy.

Big part of the problem.


I just hate how they’re acting. they take what one user said and spread it across the entire population of those that disagree.

One user called them a cult (literally said “you’re a cult” but obviously, in context, meant acting like a cult) and then they keep using that as fuel. they continue to spam around that they are getting called a cult. Regardless of my stance on this, they’re acting not so great for any forums community.

And the worst part is, you can’t escape them. They use the “If you don’t like or want to see the thread, mute it” then they don’t mute threads they don’t like and just come in them to try and start problems.

It’s a real issue and Most mercys that like Valkyrie are scared to say or do anything for fear of being harassed by their peers.


Yeah, the Mercy cult on this forum is some proper fanaticism.

Statistically, Mercy is fine. +50% WR in every league above gold, solid (but not excessive) pick rate (source: Overbuff).

The gameplay rework - while not perfect - is still a marked improvement over Mercy 1.0. She’s more engaging to play and has more versatility in her kit.

I don’t even know what to say to some of these people anymore. It’s borderline spam and trolling at this point.


These sentences seem to contradict each other. I’m confused.


I’ve said things about mercy and I’m not a Mercy main

I have and I don’t have 100+ hours on her and my idea is to bring back Rez and give it 4 nerfs so it can feel less unfun to play against. Here’s the thread if you want to see it. Anyway, I know Jeff will ignore that thread but at least I tried to help

Well we can I’m brave :smile: like I’ve said things about mercy bad and good, and I’m not a Mercy main


Its not just Mercy. I’ve seen it happen in Sombra and Bastion megathreads at times as well.
That’s not to say gatekeeping isn’t sometimes justified, especially when they don’t play the hero but still think they need to be nerfed into the ground, but jeez the hivemind sometimes…


The first statements quoted relate to the previous paragraphs.

Also, the players that are being jerks aren’t doing their part by uplifting their own community either.

I have said multiple times that Valk is fine and not near as terrible as they make it out to be. It’s a par ult imo and far from the trash tier they compare it to.


I mean, you did post saying that Mass rez should come back if if has modifications. This is the same idea as the majority.

I was more talking about how players that feel like Mass rez isn’t the solution and that Valkyrie is fun aren’t speaking up. I’ve hardly seen any posts about them. If they exist, they’re quickly swamped by “the gang” that must not be named.

I’m glad you speak up. I’ve hardly seen you around though. You’ve probably seen me if you’ve been on any of those threads. I’m the one they’re yelling at lol.

Don’t worry buddy we all know there are people way into deep into Mercy

I’ve only ever been silenced on these forums when disagreeing with the Mercy narrative and they do exhibit cult like behavior

I was told to “go back to playing my basic —- characters” and that “the world doesn’t revolve around me” when I was discussing an IDEA (not a demand) to remove Rez or put it tied to Valk. (This was before he healing nerf dropped) They did not want to hear about my hours to even back it up. Somehow, because I played other characters to be able have both sides perception (As someone who plays Mercy, and also someone who will often play against Mercy as an off tank player) I did not know anything or had room to discuss anything…

My hours or my “main” do not matter, my experience, my ideas are what does.

When I talk about what I think would be a good idea, it’s not a demand, It’s just an idea to simply be discussed. Not to be attacked. It’s crazy!


If we all speak up, we can’t be silenced here.

Well… considering I joined the fora like a month and half ago I’m not famous here albeit I’ve been active. Many Mercy threads I have spoken on and gone back and forth in the comments.


Dude I keep seeing you complain about mercy mains spamming the forums, but this is your second post about mercy I have seen in the last hour.


I think sleep deprivation is inhibiting my ability to comprehend things so I’ll come back to this later.

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Happens with every hero, their mains will defend them.

But Mercy mains (not all of course, but the typical forum spammers) can gang up on you, mass report and harass you.

It’s yet to happen to me, but I have witnessed such things.


I bailed on that other thread you were in, everyone is nice to each other, unless you don’t completly agree with the premise, in which case you are targeted.


It’s happened to me. Many of times in the past few weeks.

Sadly, if I post something, the best I can do to remove it is change it. But Mercy’s generally see that as weakness or like I’m hiding something and will use it.

So I made the decoy thread. They’re not here yet for that reason

Which one? There’s been quite a few.

Aren’t you the same guy who told Mercy mains to stop making Mercy threads?

You’ve made, like, 5 regarding Mercy lol