Nobody’s allowed to make any comment regarding Mercy balance unless they’ve mained her since Season 2.
Nobody’s allowed to make balance decisions around her unless they’re supporting the cause of rework/revert or they have 100+ hours on her.
Nobody’s allowed to do anything involving Mercy because a large portion of the Mercy playerbase suppresses them and does nothing productive in the means of constructive communication.
You can literally use a quote from Jeff and they will act like it doesn’t exist, but yet they take the “If Mercy isn’t right, we will revert her” like it’s the bible.
You can literally compare their behavior to toxic communities and they will instantly prove it to be true.
If any Mercy main feels like their being left out of this “fight” with their unpopular opinion, I urge you, come forward. I know you’re out there. I’ve seen you. Come and prove to these players that you exist. Not all Mercys on the forums want a revert. Yet the ones that do proceed to hurt their own cause through language, attacks, and spam.
Why is nobody allowed to comment on Mercy’s balance if they don’t main her? Why is nobody allowed to say anything about her unless they main her?
Why are players attacking others for expressing unpopular opinions about Mercy? Do you really care that much about a hero that’s been strong for a year through multiple metas to verbally attack and threaten Blizzard and other community members?
It’s really strange how you can compare someone to something, yet when someone on the side they agree with calls someone on the other side “mental” or “in need of a straight jacket”, they all out ignore it or defend it.
Players are able to continuously spam things over and over on the forums. Only players that go against the trend at the moment will even report the spam.
These players aren’t doing their part to this community. They’re acting as if they’re in the majority which is simply false.
Please, if anyone believe opposite of the common thought, speak up. It’s okay. We shouldn’t have to be suppressed because we aren’t the majority.
Edit: Here they come boys. Saddle up. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.
Edit 2: Just so we’re clear here, This post isn’t just about Mercy. It’s about how the majority seems to act at any point in the forums, which, at this point is Mercy mains.
Edit 3: Well, RIP this thread. Already got false flagged into being hidden.
Edit 4: Hooray for Moderation actually doing something about this. Sadly, they didn’t go into the comments and get rid of useless and derailing comments or commenters.
Edit 5: Moderation, if you’re reading this, do something about these players that took my thread about gatekeeping and twisted it and did nothing but make their responses addressed at me rather than my ideas.