Can we just Stop this

Yeah, because I must have not read it, or forgot it.

Because it almost seems like the argument her is that the only way too make Mercy more fun is by buffing Rez.

Your staunch standpoint on resurrect baffles me.

I have stated multiple times that personally I have no dog in the fight. As much as that may be a fact, I can still view Mercy objectively and see a clear line defined by who wants what is best for Mercy and game balance and who wants what is best for Damage Dealers, and their ability to have even more impact then they already do.

Your unwillingness to debate what Blizzard has done, and reasons why it was detrimental to a large portion of the player base is what I find the most disheartening.

ā€œChange Mercy, but make sure Resurrect is weakā€ (paraphrased) only helps people who play Damage Dealers. The portion of players whoā€™s sole objective is to stand on the backs of tanks and supports to stroke their epeen.

In the end I strongly feel, more now then ever, the reason this debate never makes it past the front door is because Damage Dealers will argue incessantly that Mercy is okay, as well as every tank and support, so they can eventually get to their 6v6 utopian Damage Dealer META. Thanx, but no thanx.


Eh, no thatā€™s not the argument its that it can be done so with mass rez.

though you are saying its impossible but yet here there are listing possible solutions.

also theres a reason why titaniums thread has nearly 1k likes :stuck_out_tongue: I still think you should give it the 30 minutes or so long read it deserves <3

The mental image of Orisa flying aroundā€¦ oh man, thatā€™s funny.

Seriously though Valk is a very good ult by the standard of normal ults. Rez was wildly overpowered by the standard of most ults.

Bringing back a form of the Resurrection Ultimate is the single most certain way to both bring Mercy back to a feeling of impactfulness yet be weak so that she will not doominate the META.

I note a revised iteration of the Resurrection Ultimate with the explicit intent to have it come into the as heavily nerfed as possible to avoid a ā€œMercy METAā€ which would also allow the other support heroes to shine while Mercy rebuilds her viability and enjoyment for current and former mains. A win win in the end.

This why people ask for the Resurrection Ultimate because it is safer to with what was originally weak yet fun.

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I know this is a mistype but itā€™s a good word to describe specific buffed heroes LOL

Well, you know, as someone who was unable to play support in comp for almost a year, I donā€™t feel like risking it!

LazyPeon is amazing! Heā€™s super kind and fun.

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but thatā€™s already been fixed by blizzard with the last buff to all the heroes, leaving Mercy in a broken state itā€™s not needed

People should be nice to everyone. We all enjoy Overwatch, together.


As someone who was forced to only play support for a year, I feel like risking it if it means the character is fun to play and play against again.

which raising her current low skill floor will do.

and a rework will iron out the other problems.

Iā€™m not sure anyone thinks she isnā€™t fine to play against right now.

wellā€¦ unfortunately thatā€™s true, she is far too underpowered in her current version and buffing her will make her only more unbalanced, rework is the way

By what I see on the forums, ye

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Also, Mercy is not in a broken state. Sheā€™s slightly subpar but her winrate is starting to rebound a little. In any case she isnā€™t even close to as bad as Ana was for ages.

winrate doesnā€™t necessarly indicate that she is not broken, in our case pickrate is dropping drastically then itā€™s normal that winrate will rise. And yes, she is definitely not at the same level as any other healer, off healers in this moment are much more reliable then mercy which makes makes her not only broken but in a critical state.

Mass rez didnā€™t define a meta for almost a year. Sure, it had its quirks (like this), but they couldā€™ve easily remedied them by adding something like a wind up time like sound barrier, and maybe remove the invincibility.

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Stahhhhp it! You are flattering too much!

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while Roll20 does have a dice rolling program if you use a cam you should be able to use your own dice also. Roll20 though is an amazing online tabletop though.

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Understandable as I was not having fun facing off against OP Mercy, it made me cry at times. So I suggest a very nerfed Mercy come out of this rework with the explicitly stated intent to bring her back weak and lightly buff into balance. I know it will also feel bad but with a clear direction from the Devs it will avoid so much pain.

I would nerf Mercy to the point of being a off healer which would be really rough, but knowing that careful buffs would be in the works.

Also this would include buffing via means that increase her apparent skillful ness such making her healing less consistent.

This also to both allow for more room for the sense of achievement for doing well and creating more transferable skills.