Can we just Stop this

Yeah, she was underpowered outside of her ult, similar to Zarya and Sombra. It was a bad design.

Thing is Mercy is properly balanced right now.

So the issue is merely making Mercy feel better to play.

Something which is more appropriate to be done with fine tuning, not a chainsaw approach.

I just speak the truth :smiley:

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Ohhh, good to know. I wonā€™t be that vain, though-- unless the dice really fit my character.

also, @lazypeon @sandity @spud, would it be presumptuous of me to say add me on discord >_>
itā€™s pisces#6297 if the answer is no


she was somewhat balanced until last patch, on that i could agreeā€¦ but in the state she is now she is severely under-performing and as a total rework was already in need i believe thereā€™s no better moment then now to do it


Her stats say she is slightly underperforming in some ranks. Not severely.

In what world is Valkyrie powerful?
Itā€™s an amalgamation of 2 different ultimateā€™s;
Orisa - Supercharger
Zenyatta - Transcendence

Valkyrie isnā€™t as strong as either and comes with the downside of it ending if/when she dies. I know Mercy is Swiss, but does that mean she has to be an Army knife too?

Resurrect was only wildly overpowered when viewed through the eyes of a Damage Dealer. Poor Damage Dealers specifically.

Blizzard had the opportunity to place Resurrect on par with the rest of the ultimateā€™s, even if that was just to appease the unwashed masses. Instead they turned left when they should have turned right. It was Blizzardā€™s mistake.

Her pickrate looks fine. And her winrate at Plat and below is about the same or better than Moira/Ana.

So that pretty much only leaves the top 15%, where her winrate is already trending back to 50%. And sheā€™s still highly picked within those ranks.

I.e. About what you would expect for Mercy to be balanced.

no, her stats have been misinterpreted if you look only at the winrate. as iā€™ve said before her winrate is rising because the pickrate is decreasing, hence while her true bottom line is far lower then what you see right now

The fault doesnā€™t lie with the players. It lies with the lazy dev team who apparantly never play the game and thus suck at balancing

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pickrate is not fine

Sheā€™s either the #1 or #2 most picked main healer at every rank.

but it keeps falling, hard

Her old pickrate was excessive. So one would expect a balanced pickrate to be lower.

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I tossed a request your way. You should see a trolly looking Mei lol.

if it did stabilize at one point i would agree, but it just keeps falling

Iā€™ve never actually ever entered in any of these conversations with the intent to be toxic, and Iā€™m fine with calling it out on both sides as long as people on the ā€˜other sideā€™, so to speak, commit to doing the same. But I have literally never seen someone on the Mass Rez side call one of their own out for being toxic, instead yā€™all just turn a blind eye to it or downplay. :man_shrugging:

In the end we all just want a balanced game even if our methods differ.

Sheā€™s balancing out properly for the ranks. Ana has a higher pickrate in higher elos becauseā€¦I mean, itā€™s Ana, she deserves to be there.

I would compare Mercy to Moira moreso than Ana, in terms of where we want to be with Mercy. Some of the healers got a buff, and Mercy got that odd healing nerf, and now we see the stats reflect a realistic expectation for pickrates.

Her pickrates were super inflated before. I feel like we wonā€™t know for certain until another month goes by.

Like how the rework was?

Mass rez was never a problem balance wise until after the invincibility buff. I donā€™t see the problem with going back to what worked and tweaking from there.

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I wouldnā€™t say that, as Moira isnā€™t actually a very good hero. Ideally sheā€™d be brought up as well, but sheā€™s designed to have zero utility which seriously hurts where sheā€™s applicable.