Can we just Stop this

Weaker than old mass rez, but stronger than current rez.

When Mercy could Resurrect all 5 players on her team behind walls, 30m+ away in Beta and for much of Overwatch’s early history, she was still not picked as much as Zenyatta and Lucio.

So even when she could Resurrect with no risk at all, faster than she could now, and on as many allies as she wanted, she was weaker than the other supports. (And yes, she could heal more than them too.)

It seems to me just like people trying to push each other around on the internet. In other words, Monday.

Well yea?

itd be an ult again.

There are three problems with trying to make Mercy ‘fun’:

  1. The last time Mercy was adjusted heavily she was broken for 6-8 months and made all other supports non-viable during that time. Messing with her for ‘fun’ reasons includes a huge risk at ruining the game for all of the other supports again for ages, immediately after she finally got fixed. That is extremely unfair to other support players, who have already suffered enough.
  2. Fun is a subjective concept anyway, and is hard to define or recognize. It’s hard to know if modern Mercy is really unfun, or if players simply dislike her because she’s not Mercy classic.
  3. A revert would put Mercy in an uncertain place, balance wise (between Moira’s introduction and Ana’s buffs, I think Mercy 1.0 might be pretty badly underpowered). Also, it would result in the return of a mechanism a whole lot of other players (more than play Mercy) found to be extremely unfun.

Mercy: Civil War

Its very clearly not a sarcastic post.

You got any ideas for making Mercy fun that don’t make Rez now powerful than it is right now?

It’s nothing so dramatic, just a guy trying to talk over everybody else. Unsurprisingly, people don’t take kindly to that sort of thing. Who would have thunk it?

believe I’ve already given you my ideas before with and without it so I mean? do you really want me to say it again?

but why should we have something different, it’s clearly one of the lowest point in actual mercy having her ult on the E button and so weak. Fixing it and balancing it accordingly is for the benefit of everyone

A lot of the mercy community would take the throw pick rather than this one. Noone wanted her to be OP. We want her ‘fun’ and in line. The changes proposed by titanium recieved positive response from EeveeA, I think this is enough proof that the suggested rework is decent

You took this severely out of context.

You personally may not, but it has caught on quite quickly with everyone that dislikes Mercy.

here’s some bird memes as a consulation prize instead.

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No, I am actually the rage that fills all mortal hearts! Know a true orc’s fury!!!

Lol thanks, you can add me if you want on battlenet. This week and next week I really won’t get to play much but I also enjoy chatting.

Besides, I’m a little weird and really enjoy soloing stuff with my hunter. 119 atm, need to ht 120 and grab some gear and try and find out how the changes effected my ability to solo dungeons and bosses.

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Your ult is Valkyrie, and it’s fine. I would freaking kill for Valkyrie as an ult with Orisa even if you took flight away.

The interesting thing is that we would love a under powered character as long as she was fun. Yes others will complain, but we can work from there. Mass rez in a way wasnt a dead end like some thought it was. We just need to adjust, and work with ideas to make it work for everyone. Also, there are some who will never be happy with the rez concept, and will complain no matter what

Valk is a power up ability a bit too buffed, that is obvious if you look at it

I cannot think of what I would do flying around as Orisa. It seems to be that it would be a good way to die in sudden and dramatic fashion.

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