Can we just raise Mercy's skill floor/ceiling?

Sure, why not. But how? Her kit is her lock on staff.

If they Symmetra’d her… it’d just make her more useless. I don’t want a beam that you have to aim to be a suggestion. It’s dumb.

i’m not even gonna bother typing it out again!

Right. So the beam thing is stupid, like I said. Mercy right now cannot focus on literally aiming at everyone when she’s supposed to be aware of her surroundings to protect herself and perform triage.

The suggestion to remove the lock on is dumb.

I sexually identify as a catchphrase.

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well i can respect that!

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Mercy players are mad enough about losing their ‘Press Q to counter everything’ button, removing/changing Healbot Beam or Let Someone Else Do My Positioning might cause an actual riot

no one wants mass rez back sweetie you’re the one who’s not getting over it!

i’m not even gonna bother typing it out again, again!

When a hero has little to no potential from player input they are bound to be overpowered or underpowered with even the slightest number tweaks because they are too consistent. Mercy can be underpowered at 50 hps 53 hps then suddenly at 63 hps she’s way too good and suddenly there’s no other reason to play any other main healer. (just throwing out random numbers here)

A good example of a beginner hero would be soldier since you can sorta spray in the general direction and do some damage but getting good at him makes him WAY better. Or rein where you can just hold your shield up and kinda do your job but the difference between a plat rein and gm rein is insane, such as knowing when to charge, landing those charges, knowing when it’s safe to swing, shield/shatter mind games against enemy reins.

Heroes like mercy brigitte moira old symmetra and somewhat torb and junkrat have this problem. It’s hard to make torb balanced since he has a turret doing half his damage for him with no input from him other then where he places it, and junkrat because he can spam chokes like crazy although they aren’t as in a bad position as the former 4.

Obviously one of the best ways to fix this is add some form of mechanical skills to heros like this like they did with symm (her numbers are just too low but atleast now they can potentially make her viable one day in her current rework). But I imagine that won’t go over well with people who pick those heros.

And I’m aware that heros like rein and winston don’t take as much player input as well but the difference with them is they are the ones who initiates fight, and even a minor misstep can cause an entire team wipe, While it’s kind of hard to ‘‘screw up’’ with mercy. Don’t res inside an entire enemy team or GA to your genji in their backline and you’re good, and that’s just very basic common sense.

This, so much this,

Very well said, thank you! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

There’s actually a lot you can do.

There’s been tons of ideas with beam.
Like adding an overheal similar to nade but a single target thing but once used the beam is disabled for 3 seconds.

The best idea I found for Mercy was making Res earned. Through damage boost you build a resource meter like torbs old armour and once the meter is full, you can res. Good Mercys can get more res’ than bad Mercys.

Mercy’s Guardian angel is more than half of what mercy is about, knowing when to use her mobility is crucial because it can make you vulnerable in the enemies sightlines or save your life depending on the situation. removing GA is like removing half the character. If rez is gone, its removing any impact Mercy has in the game. I still feel like Mercy’s rez is in a great spot right now. Overheal would be a great addition but not a good replacement. Beam juggling is another part of Mercy.

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Not to mention Mercy’s GA is one of the only part of her kits that allows skill differentiation, prime example super jump.

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I think what you’re saying is there is a difference between a horrible and a decent mercy.

But there is almost no difference between a decent and a very good mercy. And it isn’t very hard to be decent at her.


Nah, I’m pretty sure I know what I said. And that what I said is right there in my reply. No, it’s not hard to be decent at her, I’m not even gonna say it’s hard to be good at her. But there’s still a significant difference between a Mercy that knows what she’s doing and one that doesn’t.

That’s what everyone has been saying since for a long time, unfortunately I doubt anything will ever happen.

I’ve played their PREVIOUS “cash cow” called World of Warcraft. Want to know something… :slight_smile: HEALERS need to be low skill-ceiling charaters because NOBODY wants the job of being a healer. They instead want to play a DPS, a TANK or something cool, but NOT healing. It’s not the job people want, so the one person whom is forced to play the healer needs a character that is EASY and very self explanatory. People COMPLAIN up and down that healers have it easy, and yet they really should NOT. Because that healer-player has to worry about EVERY team mate on the battlefield and not just ONE.

Think of healers as “The janitor” Their job is to clean UP the messes and tend to spills. That is the same thing as the healer. If people KEEP raising up the healer’s skill ceiling NOBODY will do the job. Since Blizzard did Mercy 2.0, many people QUIT playing Mercy because people expected that mercy player to always make the right decision on whom to rez next and the Pros rejoiced. The only problem is. Pros only make up the upper 25% of the player base and they certainly are NOT making the game the money which the casual player base did.

No Offense to anyone here, but I’ve played “the Blizzard machine” for awhile and history repeats itself. most of us want this game company to be around for a couple of decades longer than expected. :stuck_out_tongue:

oh you don’t say?
ana says hi btw!

How would you do this?
Perhaps adding an aim requirement? Lowering her mobility, but granting a powerful skill-based escape tool? Compensating for the changes with some extra utility, say, an AoE debuff that blocks healing on enemies, and amplifies it on allies?

Snark aside, how would you change Mercy?

this should answer your question

this should answer your question

i’d be okay with that

may i recommend this thread?

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Mercy does have a low skill floor, but her ceiling is MUCH higher than most people believe it is. It’s not always apparent when your Mercy is great unless you’re really watching everything she does, so most folks aren’t going to be able to tell the difference. They just figure that, if she kept them alive, she did good enough. Mercy can do some crazy stuff, though, when she really uses her kit to its full potential.

There’s definitely no rework needed. The way she is now, great Mercys can be great and mediocre ones will just kind of heal people. That’s how it should be.

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