Can we just raise Mercy's skill floor/ceiling?

Yes, you absolutely can. Good Mercys keep their team alive. Great Mercys control the fight entirely.

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honestly i think i play mercy relatively well but…
sometimes we lose a game and i look at my stats no deaths, more than 1k healing/min, 1 rez/min that is excellent stats for mercy as of right now and we still lost
i did my best and i couldn’t carry what i want is some carry potential
i don’t want to lose just because that was all that i could do and it didn’t even matter…
this alone should indicate that she can do her job but she’s limited

I understand that feeling, but Mercy can be just as active and involved (moreso, in my opinion) as the other supports. Try killing some stuff, too, if healing and rezzing isn’t getting it done. Lots of folks try to label somebody as “battle Mercy” just because they pulled out a pistol, but there are many times where it’s the right move. I use Valkyrie aggressively as often as I use it to heal, so it’s rare that I feel that a situation is completely out of my control unless my team is just repeatedly feeding instead of grouping up or something.

Cooldown management and positioning are also important skills.

We only have 0.5 hitscan healers.

No hypocrisy here. Brig is a no skill hero while Rein is a moderate skill hero.

Let Mercy become a slingshot? :thinking:

Super jump is still one of those things that people have to pay close attention to. Since Mercy’s kit is built around mobility, the results are:
(people missing shots on her because she’s too fast to shoot, but the game doesnt call it out because its hard for the game to know whether the Mercy player is trying to dodge shots or not) ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯.

The really good mercy’s that have a excellent handle on her flying, line of sight, knowing where she can heal when theres a shield that will protect her, knowing the timing of when she should be healing without giving away her position, etc…They will outshine the other not so well rounded Mercy on healing most of the time because of that internal thinking. its not like an Ana, landing every shot with your rifle,sleep dart and heal grenades, you can tell when she’s doing something because you can see it clearly on screen. Reason why i say this is even though a skilled ana lands every shot, the mercy that heals the most is usually the one that dodges the most incoming damage with her tactiful use with her guardian angel because it gives her more time time to heal.Time is essential in Overwatch and both Ana and Mercy can allow more time to fight but in different ways. I know a lot of people complain that mercy gets out healed by consistent damage but the same can happen with ana.

Lets say for example both teams are on the same ground, no shields, just health. Team A has an orisa to heal, but the orisa is really bad at aiming and they are up against Team B, an Orisa that lands consistent body shots. In Team A the Ana is landing every shot and grenade but even then orisa and Ana from Team A die because lack of aim from Orisa in Team A. if heal target from A does not land consistent shots, compared to B which does not have a healer, Team A will not outlive Team B, with a Mercy or Ana or not.