Can we just raise Mercy's skill floor/ceiling?

Whether it’s through a rework or not, I don’t really mind. I don’t play Mercy but there are obviously a lot of people upset with Mercy’s current state while others think she’s okay. It’s really a big divide. A lot of people don’t want Mercy buffed in her current low-skill state due to concern of her being meta again. I can certainly understand that, being in a higher rank myself. Anything low skill being meta makes for a very stale and dull meta.

I keep asking myself though: Does Mercy still really need to be that “beginner hero” anymore? I feel like Moira replaced her for that title and to some extent, Brig. Why not just rework Mercy and completely up her skill floor/ceiling?


I don’t understand the argument half the time.

Mercy players advocating for a rework would likely be happy to have her skill raised.

Mercy haters don’t like the idea of her ever becoming good above plat because she’s low-skill

Yet the Mercy-haters support the ones saying current Mercy is fine, the ACTUAL problem lol

She’s still perfectly capable of being a “beginner” hero while also having a learning curve


The issue is.

People want to keep her lock on beam.
People want to keep GA.
People probably want to keep the pistol

So you have one ability REZ to rise her skill floor/ceiling which is not much room to work with. Not sure what you can do with 1 maybe 2 ability slots if we take away the pistol to achieve that


Literally everybody I know wants her to be higher skill. Blizzard refuses to make her that way. Even making her res earned was “too complicated for Mercy”. What?


lock-on beam is what makes her the “beginner” hero, keeping that is what will allow her to still be accessible to newcomers.

The way everything else works could be altered to be a little more complex


And most mercy threads agree they want GA to stay.

So you got 2 slots left. What are we doing to achieve this boost to skill level with the last 2 slots?? That is the hard part

Skill floor/ceiling isn’t magic, you can’t just press a button to change it. Mercy is incredibly basic and easy so she will always suffer from having a low skill floor and ceiling. The same goes for Moira and Brigitte.

I know for a fact that the devs aren’t going to make Mercy some mechanically demanding hero, so she will probably always be OP or medicore.


Mercy definitely has a good skill ceiling right now, it’s very easy to tell a good mercy from someone who doesn’t play her much

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A lot Mercy’s also want to be more independent, GA could still stay and be changed to accommodate that request.

Mercy’s kit is almost entirely reactive, which I think is a big reason why so many of the Mercy players here find her “boring”

The point is. You can’t just say Make her skill cap Hiring.

You actually need a valid plan to achieve this and that is not an easy task when we are very limited in where we can change her kit.

No one has really present a good idea on how we achieve this that I have seen

I don’t know if this is sarcarm.
I find it to be quite the opposite.


Remove rez and put another ability.


And majority of discussion surrounding Mercy never even bothers trying to explore the possibility,

It’s all “revert her”, “she’s fine”, “she’s braindead”, “she’s low-skill” “you just want her to be OP”


Ok, honestly I don’t see what were putting that actually changes anything in regards to her skill level in a meaningfully way with one ability.

What are we replacing rez with that fixes the issue?

Then you haven’t seen what a good Mercy looks like I guess lol

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This argument is what really inhibits mercy progress.

Maybe a burst heal ability that needs targetting or a prevent death ability with short uptime? At least with rez removed the power level of her other kit could be tuned for the better.


By and large the problem is people don’t respect anything but “Aim”. If you just make mercy another hit scan healer whats the point? Never mind the hypocrisy of calling Brig a no skill hero while Rein is consider a good top must pick at all ranks.


No sure how this helps her Skill level requirements. Still seems like the same basic hero to me

That was always the case, though (except when Mercy 2.0 first came out. That was face roll af). But there isn’t a strong definition between a good and a bad one. It would be nice for better distinction. But with the way her kit is, there isn’t a whole lot of room to do that.


For the details of the burst heal, its like this:

Mercy release a burst of healing aura that lasts 0,5 secs, and heals up to total 500 hp and have range like 10m and 30 secs cooldown, with the skill also affecting mercy. But the catch is with each teammates inside the range the heal is split between them. So if there 2 people (including mercy) in the range, the burst heal only heals 250 hp. For 4 person its 125hp per person. If 6 people then it is only 83-ish hp per person.

This will need good positioning and timing to perform the burst heal effectively because mercy needs to be close to the teammate that she wanted to heal.
This could raise her skill level than just GA to dead people, press E and hope you dont get killed before it finish. And it doesnt contradict her “supposed to be” role as a main healer.

If the only skill that you referring to is aiming skill, then i dont know how to raise it for mercy.