Can we have a actual scoreboard?

Why would we keep medals if we had a scoreboard?

Considering scoreboards are match to match if people are too dumb to look at tank stats for that specific game and think “wow, that Rein has huge numbers and wasn’t throwing even though I sat there and watched him not move at all absorbing all of the damage” then I don’t particularly care about their perspective.

You should know since you were in the match what the numbers mean. You would know if Rein just stood in the choke and didn’t do anything. Sorry, but I’m not going to assume everyone on my team only has 1 brain cell to justify not having a scoreboard with that logic.


Most games that have a scoreboard only really deal with KDA, with heal as a rare extra. Is it gonna have things like “Supports peeled for”, “Teams split with wall” and all the other random crap this game has? If so, it’s gonna end up as a quite a mess and I don’t really see the point in dumping it onto a board as it’s just gonna end up as a distraction.

Sure, but they won’t. It’ll just feed more fuel to more people who think they know what they’re talking about, and even if you do accurately encapsulate an entire game with numbers the maps/objectives are different. I’d rather they get rid of the medals and just gave us a comprehensive set of personal stats we can use to decide how we are performing relative to ourself.

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You take/hold space by obsorbing damage so a scoreboard would have that for tanks, you make space either by killing an enemy or open way for your dps to kill the enemy. Idk something like that, blizzard will figure it out by borrowing inspiration from other games, or use something similar like the one paladins have. Literally any scoreboard is better then this medal system we have now. Literally I can say “I have 5 gold medals” and it wouldn’t matter because you an tag a enemy and get a kill and even the worst damage Player can get top damage because there is only 2 dps, we need to see the ones on the enemy team too.

I mainly said that because damaged blocked is a medal that currently exist in the game. If a Rein, Orisa, heck even Sigma sits at a choke and don’t move, it’s a good chance that they will get 20-30k damage blocked that match.

Some healers and dps players don’t mind if their tank just sits a the choke and hold their shield up. If your tank does this, he/she actively contributed to the teams loss. Healers heal, and a scoreboard with helas per minute will accurately represent that. Damage dealers have to get picks, and a scoreboard with kills and damage per minute will accurately represent that. Tanks make space for their team, what numbers can you show that will show this to the rest of the team? Players shouldn’t have to watch their tanks the entire game to make sure they’re properly doing their job. If we are to have a scoreboard, it has to be able to place blame and praise fairly between all roles. If not, tanks players will keep getting away with their bad tank play.

My question is, what would the numbers accurately showing how much space was taken, held, and made by a tank player be?

What’s the point of the scoreboard if I have to watch my tank the entire time, to see if he/she is playing well? Dps and healing numbers are easy to represent, it’s not for a tank player.

Nothing to say other than I support this.


Bro the medal system is the problem, it sucks, medals don’t mean anything


How would you show this on a scoreboard?

That doesn’t always lead to space being taken away from the enemy.

I agree with that. However, all I’m asking is how will a scorecard stop tanks from getting away with playing bad? Especially if, taking space isn’t easily displayed on a scoreboard.

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Supports peeled for - accounted for in damage and elims
teams split is irrelevant
This is a KDA game. Just because it doesnt function the same way COD does doesn’t make it NOT a KDA game.

The game appeals to 4 audiences: FPS, MOBA, MMO, and non-gamers. Only one of those groups doesn’t know how to read a scoreboard. They can learn and if they don’t I still don’t particularly care. This game should have had a scoreboard and they opted to not because of the 1/4 that didn’t know how to read them. And the very first one they designed was trash tier garbage anyway.

Which won’t matter since everyone in the team will know they didn’t move. Scoreboards are additional information, not the only information.

They do since this is an objective based game.

Space taken and gained doesn’t matter until you get to the objective, which would be accounted for in objective time.

Tanks are typically in the front. The only time they aren’t is on KOTH maps AFTER you’ve already taken the point. You know if you aren’t getting to the objective and holding it because of a bad tank player. No one is that stupid.

Tanks have the most complex and simple job. By Just having less deaths,not feed, while knowing when to retreat are on the ball of being a OK tank. The complex part comes by how you create space, and for me “creating space” can mean a lot of things either by out living, out playing, out killing, or outdamaging the other tanks and their team. I’m sure a standard scoreboard where a tank with 1 kill, or 700 damage blocked with 32 deaths with 1 ult the entire game, while the enemy with the same hero has 22 kills, 22k damage blocked 3 deaths and 6 ults will tell if they did good or bad.


Here we go, finally!! In my opinion, I feel as though the majority of games in Overwatch are loss due to bad tank play. Usually, if your tanks play well you have a good chance at winning the game. Dps players with good tanks can flourish and get kills. Healers with good tank players are usually protected, and have enough space to move freely to heal their team. I’m afraid that a scoreboard will never be good enough to accurately depict a tanks competency in their role. I’m afraid that a scoreboard will just have healers and dps yelling at each other at the end of games, because their damage and heals are off what’s expected of them. Tank players will get to slink away practically blame free, because they did something wrong people couldn’t easily understand. A dps player standing in the wrong spot can lead to their death. A tank player standing in the wrong spot can lead to their whole teams death. Most people would probably just blame the healer in that situation. All I’m saying is that, if Blizzard makes a scoreboard it had better have all the information on it. Not just “additional information.” You see, I agree with the need of a scoreboard. It just has to be an amazing scoreboard.

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It will still cause the blame game

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I can’t disagree that of the two tanks here, I’d choose the latter. While this may be a good representation, I still think it would need more. I hope Blizzard can figure it out with Overwatch 2.

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I built a scoreboard using the new script that is being tested on the PTR.

The feedback has been interesting…


I’d like this, personally.

Cool I’ll check it out

But that’s wrong… It’s the only reason Mei is any good.

It’s not though… It’s an objective based game where 2/3 of the class aren’t necessarily focused on KDA. More if you bring in Torb/Mei/Sym.

There’s no point to it even if you can read it. Even then, you’re just wasting time.

I don’t know what you caring has to do with anything.

The people who intentionally throw, knowing that they are doing terrible, deserve the toxicity imo.

A scoreboard allows people to actually see who is playing the best and who is not. Instead of “ZEN TRASH, NO U GENJI TRASH, WTF HOG IS FEEDING” we will actually know what is working and what isn’t instead of tossing the blame like a hot potato.


Just because you don’t see it or don’t like it matters about as much as my liking and wanting it does. It absolutely doesn’t matter, odds are that it is coming, and people will just have to deal with it, whether they like it or not. I’m really tired of going round and round with you when neither of us are changing our minds.

Sure, but like, why does anyone need it…?

Yeh pretty much. I still dunno why you’re so sure it’s coming though :thinking:

You’re replying to me…