Can we have a actual scoreboard?

The one that we have now is terrible. Jeff said that “If we just make it about kills and deaths, it doesn’t tell the complete story of who’s doing well and who’s doing not.” But I promise you Jeff it will do a heck of a better job then the one you have now. No more playing the blame game, the stats will say it all. We just need to see how many healing, damage, kills, deaths our team have and the the enemy team have.

You might be thinking “it might increase toxicity”, and yeah. Maybe. But hey, if you are doing bad, you are doing bad, your team needs to know what is working and what is not, so they could change to comp or play around you. You will also see that the enemy team has 2-3 times your kills and that will give you the visual clue to swap.

I believe i’m not the only one who received a “we need to swap off the this/that” when you are actually doing good, or a "can you “heal”, when you have a top healing card at the end. And most times it’s the person pointing the blame that is doing bad.

Tl;dr no more players randomly pointing the blame, this time a public scoreboard points the blame.




If it makes you feel better, Jeff said they are working on scoreboards, I just hope they are actually good ones and not like the beta version.


Scoreboards will only be used to flame others … it’s nothing more than more fancy gold medals.


This is the only FPS that doesn’t have a scoreboard. That really shouldn’t be the case and Jeff has already confirmed they are being looked into for OW2.


I asked for this super early in the game’s lifespan. They made some kind of official post as a response, saying a scorecard wouldn’t accurately represent the intentions of players, or something like that. Then they made some kind of long winded speech about how it would cause negative responses.


How will it work without turning into medals 2.0?

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Hopefully like scoreboards that actually work in other FPS and everyone gets to see all of the stats. There’s no reason to not include all of the necessary information that others do and a little extra, even if the during game Tab is just for your team and all stats at the end.

Medals are a problem because everyone can have gold for doing just 1 dmg to a hero.

The only excuse before was when the game was new and on top of mmo, fps, and moba players, it also appealed to people that never played games and Blizz didn’t want to hurt their feelings. That was never a valid excuse.


Can’t wait to getting flamed for not having gold dmg on Sombra :+1:


:woman_shrugging: no one is asking for a baby scoreboard that has 0 specialist information


Jeff talks a lot about Overwatch 2 but we need fixing in Overwatch Now. But I do agree with you

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or report who’s actually throwing the game

shock gasp horror!


I’ve accepted we aren’t getting it in 1 but I’m excited to get it in 2.

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lol don’t kid yourself
you get flamed for picking sombra in the first place
everything else is on you


The issue is that most stats are meaningless. Sure, if your Widow has an accu of 30% she is probably doing something wrong but dmg and elims and healing doesn’t automatically reflect if someone is doing good or bad.


Im starting to feel like you haven’t played a lot of games that have scoreboards. All of that information does, in fact, tell you how people are doing in context of your game.


haven’t you figured out this community wants something impossible

a game with a competitive mode with zero accountability


yeah it really is though

next time u have a thrower pay extra attention to how much they die in the kill feed
and count em

it’s how the hide throwers in this game
the medal system was to protect casual players from their own salty community


Unfortunately development takes time.

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If the enemy has more damage or healing or kills then yours and you are getting rolled, then it definitely shows someone is doing bad. You will actually be able to compare stats in a actual scoreboard and ajust accordingly. If you pick a dps with low damage overall (example: sombra) there are other ways to show if they are performing good or not.