Can we have a actual scoreboard?

This is considered false reporting as labeled on the report drop down menu you already know this. You can’t report someone for being bad, but you will at least know why you lost, and who did poorly


That’s the point, they won’t. It’ll just add more fuel to a pointless fire. The people playing the blame game are just gonna blame away anyways and it’s already pretty obvious what the problem when you’re losing is anyways :roll_eyes:

Was that for the pve aspect? I vaguely recall a post from Jeff about that, but I am very hungry so my mind is clouded… :thinking:

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I haven’t seen a single arguement saying it will help things get better either. So if nothing changes then why add one in the first place?

A scoreboard will help people single out one person to blame and harass for the loss.

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it helps one particular thing needed and that is instant information on what the enemy is doing and which of them are the threats.

Them being on fire or constant kill feed updates is too little to late for team fight info or mid fight match pacing.


Yes I know this but most people don’t care and still report just like we both know people still report over hero picks.

False reporting is never punished unless it’s done on live stream by popular players.

Scoreboards is not about making things better, it’s about making things make sense, knowing what went wrong and what to change. I also don’t understand what you mean. If someone did poorly, then they did poorly, as in many other games with scoreboard, you just tell the person they did poorly and it’s over. It’s not like you are lying, there are statistics behind you doing poorly. Also it will help people who are actually singled out for no reason like performing well with off meta picks, or actually contributing to the team, and it will highlight the best Player and best teams

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ow need to have a casual scorboard to make casual players feels good.
Because casual players make a lot more money than tryharders :relieved:.
And blizzard love money, way much than players :relieved:

Considering people want it for PVP, why would he reply saying it was coming if it was for PVE?

Just because you can’t think of any reasons for it to exist in a positive light doesn’t mean there are none. I’d like to see who is dying a lot or not putting out a lot of damage to see who needs help.

But in Overwatch, don’t you know people will go way overboard with it and beat the bad teammate into Oblivion over it even though it happens in no other game. /S

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OK then, here is an idea… Only allow viewing the scoreboard AFTER the match is over and you’re back in the menu. Also by viewing the scoreboard you forfeit your ability to report anyone from that match. This would prevent people using it to single out people and use it for abuse.

And like I said, I haven’t SEEN a single argument saying it would help things get better. Never said I couldn’t think of one.

Then why exactly are you arguing against it other than to protect people that aren’t even protected now? The whole false reporting for whatever aspect is never going to change so it is entirely irrelevant.


As a tank main, I feel as though I have to ask the following question. How will a tank player’s effectiveness be represented on a scoreboard? My Rein took 34FT and held it for 30sec, like how would a scoreboard accurately show what a tank is doing in the match? Seems like scoreboards will just exempt many tank players from blame, and I promise you there are MANY bad ones who have no clue what they’re doing.

Damage absorbed, damage done, elims…Ya know, how they track tanking in Mobas and MMOs outside of aggro. Every single thing in the game is applicable to an easily tracked number.


Plenty don’t see any point. I’m all for really doubling down on stat collection though for individuals on a match/map/stage/attack+defend basis, just tie it in with the current profile situation.

Also I assume that because the games been out so many years and they haven’t bothered with a scoreboard, that the only reason they’re thinking of adding one now is for the PVE “expansion pack”.

Umm like I said, it won’t help the game and would likely make things worse? Kinda wonder if you’re even reading what I say.

There is no point in adding something that wouldn’t do good but likely cause MORE harassment.

Like I said in another reply:

They aren’t adding one to Overwatch 1 because there is no reason to do it separately. They are putting all of their major resources and efforts into 2 and if it does, in fact, get added to 2 it is getting added to 1 at the same time.

So many numbers would be required to properly gauge someone’s effectiveness that you’d spend half the match just going through the scoreboard. That’s assuming they even understand the point of the numbers anyway and not just latch onto a single number.

Maybe? I guess we’ll have to wait and see…

Just give me the option to see players pings please

I want to know who to be careful of killing me around walls because of their lag

I read what you said, I just think you are wrong in practically every aspect. You do you, though.

The only people that play overwatch that dont know how to read a properly made scoreboard are those that have never played a game with a scoreboard and they should probably just learn instead of taking that option away from the rest of us.

Those people dont know how to read stats and need to learn. Those are the same people that latch onto the medals like they mean anything now.

Any tank can stand in a choke and get this medal. If you’re a tank player, then you know that taking, holding, and making space is your main job. I’m not exactly sure how a scoreboard would accurately show that. Let’s be honest here, the scoreboard will be there to accurately place blame and assign praise to the participating players. I just don’t see how the scoreboard is going to track the main purpose of tank play.