Can we have a actual scoreboard?

And here you are doing the same?

Not really … What you see a lot is that people are ****ing on DPS for not getting kills, but most of the time when DPS are not doing their job it’s actually because they can’t work because tanks or healers aren’t doing their jobs or because they have zero teamplay.

It’s not victim mentality, it’s observation. I play Sombra ~75% of the time and as bull**** as infinite invis is it has 1 great advantage … you can actually observe what is going on. I constantly see people who are not doing their job or play like it’s their 1st game flaming others (and with others i mean DPS) to switch. A Moira who tells you about her gold elims should instantly get banned :neutral_face: Stats don’t really matter, what you do in what situation does. A scoreboard only makes sense in OWL and the upper 10% of ranked where people know how this game works.

Stats don’t show if you are doing good … 20k blocked dmg means nothing if you got 15k from standing in a choke point while grouping up.

Nah, this community is irredeemable. If they cannot tell what is going on now, a scoreboard would hardly help. Waste of time.

I am not against it. I am just not for it. Queue times are a way bigger issue.

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You’re the one who said this though… 0_o

Im aware. Do you not get tired of having a meaningless discussion that is really just a back and forth “no u” after realizing its pointless?

I don’t see it as meaningless. Who knows, maybe you’ll realise I’m right :wink:

I think you’re saying that to save face :upside_down_face:

I’m really sick of the lack of basic features because we need to protect some player’s feelings. Profiles, scoreboard, we need them.


That is what makes it meaningless because I will absolutely never agree with your line of thought, which seems to be the running theme with every conversation we have ever had. You’re just irrefutably wrong as far as I’m concerned. So yes, pointless.

Impossible? That’s what we have right now!

Never say never buddy :wink: You still may yet realise how pointless a scoreboard would be :call_me_hand:t2:


Naw, you’ll realise the error of your ways and come round!

This is the most “toxic” post against tanks i’ve ever seen lmao
It’s tank fault for everything kek


It’s very simple. If your Tanks have a lot of damage, it means they took space

And stop beign so biased towards Tanks only because you met “bad ones”

Your logic is: (took directly from your posts) healers heal so they can’t do bad

Dps do damage so they can’t do bad

Tanks have to take space FOR EVERYONE 2V6 and carry the team (?)

I can assure you that DPSs and Healers have positioning problems too if not more. It’s evident in some of my games where moiras besides having a 20meters long damage attack they stay close to me, a frontline Reinhardt, while we are pushing just to make everyone die by not healing.

Or i can tell you the story of the mccrees that wants to 1v6 the enemy team by pushing my barrier (because it’s too difficult to comprehend what a barrier is, and that he can shoot at long ranges even if he stays 1 meter behind me, behind the barrier)

I hope it’s intended for PvP, not just PvE.

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If it’s pve only I am getting a refund. It’s actually mildly infuriating to me to play a shooter that doesn’t have a comprehensive scoreboard for no valid reason.

People on losing teams get salty, and there’s a type of person who will always blame others. This is a universal constant, and no system on Earth will prevent it.
The medal system is often straight-up misleading though, and I’d be interested in almost anything that replaces it.

The hypcrits on this forum. People always say that medals mean nothing and don’t account for most of what actually wins game, but suddenly scoreboards are needed and will give us all the important info we need. Hmm.

medals actually dont mean anything. all i have to do is touch the enemy and i get the kill. This is not considered a kill, its considered assist. This is why you see many moira players (using them as an example) believing that they are out preforming their dps. Also the medal system only show you your stats, you should be able to see your enemy stats too. There is only 2 healers on your team, just because you have gold healing at 3k doesn’t mean you did good, the enemy could have 6k. The medal system needs a rework.

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I main tank lol, and for the most part tank players know less about their roles than the other two roles. However, I blame the game for not having sufficient tutorials for beginners looking to play tanks. I wasn’t trying to be toxic, it’s just it’s more obvious to me when tanks play bad. Although, for some reason tank players usually receive less of the blame for losses. The only time they do is when they were obviously doing something wrong. For example, a Rein player who constantly charges into the enemy team.

How is that my logic? That’s how you interpreted it. I never said that they can’t play poorly. What I was saying is that how well a dps or healer play, is dependent on how well the tanks play. Tanks are the head of the spear, if we mess up the whole team usually crumbles. So, in my experience since it’s not super obvious to everyone as to how a tank should be playing. Many tank players can get away with a lot of bad play.

Except as a tank player, I can make up for my teammates stupidity by playing more aggressive or less aggressive. A dps player can’t make up for any of my mistakes. If I die it usually means my whole team has to regroup. Assuming we did not kill the enemy main tank, but as long as the tanks are alive (and we have at least one dps) the fight is still winnable. Most dps have more mobility overall than tanks, chances are they make it back. Tanks have to position themselves well, take only the important hits for their team (as to not need much healing), and keep constant pressure on the opposing tanks. If I die, chances are I’m not making it back in time.

Idk, I wouldn’t want any more toxicity than they already have. The game can be unbearable at times anyway