Can we have a actual scoreboard?

unfortunately jeff lies a lot
and also talks to the community like a children’s television show host

he’s like the angry dungeon troll version of mr. rodgers

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People are already getting flamed. But with a scoreboard it’s rightful flame.


Most games you lose is not because of mechanical skills, it’s because of bad gamesense, teamplay and gameknowledge and scoreboards can’t measure this. I have no issue with scoreboard if they make sense but in OW they don’t. IDK if this is still a thing but there used to be an issue with players who onetricked offmeta heroes and ranked up by abusing the stat based SR … they got awesome stats but they actually played terrible. I can go in as sombra and charge EMP on enemy tanks realy fast and instantly EMP 5-6 enemys totally ignoring my team … incredible high accu and number of hacks but in reality i throw the game.

No it doesn’t. dmg doesn’t mean anything if you don’t get your targets dead, elims mean nothing if you just tickle everyone and healing is worthless if you don’t heal the right person at the right time. If something goes wrong you see it because you are losing.


As a flex player I’d really like more stats on the board so I could get a better idea on what’s going on. One of the forums favorites is “Healing Received” which I would really like as I play tanks most of the time so I could monitor how much I usually get healing with certain healers which might be useful when thinking about what healer I should pick in certain situations when I happen to play them

The game has been out for a long time now so players are very well aware that medals don’t mean everything gameplay-wise because it’s not like a Rein is doing bad when he has no medals but 40k damage blocked or when the only thing on Lucio’s card is offensive assists


Can you provide some examples of instances that he’s lied?

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you are a sombra main

you are a troll

of course you are against your team having any sort of idea what your doing

cause you would get a sabotage ban within a few games

that false reporting is a bannable offence.

I mean, it is… you just have to get caught.

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no it’s really not.
the only person ever actioned for it was xcq cause he was mass reported at for doing it on stream

Can you provide an example of an instance where somebody has been found to be falsely reporting by Blizzard and was specifically not banned?

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That’s why we have private profiles and why we shouldn’t have scoreboards … players like you are just looking for reasons to justify flaming others … you just made my point :wink:

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I mean… I agree but, It kind of can. Bad gamesense and teamplay will resort in that person having a higher death count and low damage/kills/healing etc.

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no actually I baited this out of you

cause you have a victim mentality and fell right into my trap

this is how this community sees you as a player regardless of what you say

pick sombra I report
pick sombra I throw
pick sombra I get toxic
and so on and so on and so on i’m sure you’ve heard it all before cause you main a non meta hero


all those that did that to you on ladder
should have been instant banned for a week upon first offence

blizzard treats you all like children and gives wayyy too much leeway with language and slurs

they need to be recording the voip in this game because they don’t monitor it

and the report system needs hundreds of reports before it even silences a player

this is why this ladder and community is in shambles

the penalties are a joke because the game is not meant to be compeititve

but you sir once again don’t want your teammates to know what you have contributed to the game so by default in my opinion you are a troll and a thrower.

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Exactly. Literally every action in this game has a number associated with it, even if it is lack of numbers.


Wow you sure showed them


Right. 100% agree. Well said.

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I don’t see how this can prove that someone is throwing though. Sure if they are DPS and have 5 damage done then yeah but if they didn’t get a metal in damage doesn’t mean they were throwing. You know people will report for that.

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But it doesn’t warrant reporting people for throwing, which people WILL do. People will single out one or more people on their team and blame then for losing and possibly report them for some reason. To many people can’t accept that they lost because they were out smarted or out played. You can have to perfectly balanced teams in skill and one of them will lose.

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How is a scoreboard going to make that worse? That already happens. Worst case scenario, things say exactly the same. Best case scenario, toxic people can’t claim they have gold anything when they don’t, or that they got 0 healing when they got plenty, people pull less garbage out of their butts because we actually have stats to look at.

There really is no downside to it existing.


Scrap the medals, have a scoreboard for dmg, healing, blocked and so on.