Can we get rid of Endorsement Level?

It’s full of bug, especially when you tie the system with complaint and leave early. In the past two week, I have my Endorsement Level up and down for many times. I just finished a terrible qp and Endorsement level drop right after the qp game. Can we just get rid of it?

It gives me free loot boxes like once a month. I want to keep this.


They hate us cause they ain’t us


image normal talk like this tie with Endorsement level

My endorsement level is the result of months of sweat and tears and dammit, don’t take that away from me. It’s all I have.

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What specific bugs have you encountered?

If you receive endorsements the level goes up/maintains, if said endorsements starting dropping off, it goes down. Naturally, this will happen after the end of some game.

I consistently drop from an endorsement level of 4 to 1 after a single game. It’s whatever, I’ll take the lootbox lol.

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it droped for no reason.
It went up for no reason.

Heck yeah, endorse 5 rep it!

Seriously though, the only people who don’t like the endorsement system are the toxic people. Everything this person described sounds like it is working as intended. People who leave games and get reported should have their endorsement level drop!


I like the endorsement level, maybe they should get rid of the notification? I’ve consistently found that people with a 1 are:
Infrequent Players
Incredibly Rude Individuals (most common, but I give the benefit of a doubt)

Could you be a toxic team mate?
Successful report will make you lose all endorsements.
Leaving a game in progress might make you lose a level, I think.

Endorsements don’t decay over time. It only decay per match.

If you are playing a mode where you can’t send endorsements (eg, Deathmatch or Mystery Heroes), your endorsement also don’t decay.

Source: I quit the game for about three months and went back still at level 4. I play MH all the time and I’ve only seen it decay when I’m playing QP or 3v3. For some reason I receive a lot of endorsements in comp, probably because I only play comp when feeling more sociable, and I shotcall often.

My reference to infrequent players is their endorsement does not go up much because they don’t play much (less opportunity to endorsements). Additionally, playing games where you don’t receive in an endorsement, lower your endorsement level:
“Your endorsement level can decrease if you do not continue to receive endorsements or leave games before they’re finished.” - Source: overwatch gamepedia

True, but they also don’t decay. Level 2 is really fast to reach, and that’s where I see most infrequent players.

Level 1 is usually new or toxic. And (un)fortunately, I usually can distinguish them as soon as I lock Torb or Sym at the start of the game.

This is pretty much it.

You endorse your teammates at the end of a match and say “gg” on general chat. Then, you get free loot boxes here and there for not being a jerk.

I vote keep.


The goal here is not guess or read more patch note about Endorsement system. The goal is get rid of it. Why? it sucks. I don’t need to know how it works but it’s constant reminder of failure.

You want to get high endorsement level? it’s easy, just play tank and healer all the time. No matter what Endorsement system set up to, you end up with lots endorsement anyway. that’s how I get my level 4. I am not trying to keep it but it’s like your status, it’s hard not to look at it, especially when it went up and down in yellow text and sound of it goes up. If you don’t want get rid of it, at least give the rest of us some function by not seeing or hearing about it.

i thought the goal was to discuss it… If your goal is not to discuss, then I’m not sure why presenting the thought on an open forum makes much sense?

I just drops lootboxes in my account pretty often, jsut ignore it if you dont like it. It has no effect on the actual game.

I cycle between being a normal player and a semi-toxic crap teammate mocker.

My endorsement level is 4.

It blows my mind when I see level 1’s… just how awful (or leave every game) are they???

I don’t normally talk in vc unless it’s to try and make a callout. Most of the time it’s unnecessary hate for being female??