Can we get rid of Endorsement Level?

There was a reason. See sentence two of my post.

At worst, it doesn’t work. Whether it works or not, it doesn’t affect any functional part of the game. Why get rid of it? That seems like a non-issue. Even if it’s the buggiest thing in the world.
You aren’t required to endorse players, so you don’t even have to waste time on it.

That seems unlikely, I’ve played with and made friends with many female players on overwatch, none of which seem to experience what you are experiencing. It sounds like you may be getting reported frequently and successfully (which usually requires multiple reports). I’ve also never seen someone, at least in voice of public/team chat, say anything negative in response to a person being female.

Could it be something other than your gender?

I’d still like to know precisely what the bugs are people are going on about… I see lots of claims about it being buggy, but I didn’t see anyone explicitly state what it was and show evidence of how it is buggy.

Or don’t care 'cause they ain’t there, in my case.

You were likely reported. Also it goes down as you play games and are not endorsed.

I say keep it. Endorsements have no effect on anything and you get free lootboxes every now and then. :grin:

It goes up if you constantly get endorsements. Goes down if you get less endorsements than required for your rank, get reported, or leave games.
And goes straight to 0 if you get silenced/banned.

As easy as that.

I am not the only one encounter this.
Say I just login in and see no endorsements from other players, my endorsements level will go up or down. When the endorsement went up, it’s just showing yellow text.

The point I am trying to make here is not understanding how endorsement system work. You are welcome to talk about it. I am saying the current endorsement it’s full of bugs. The best way you or even Blizzard can explain it is: take a guess. Sure, you can detail every possible way to point out why it went up or down but all that showing in my screen is one or two line of yellow text. I don’t have to play the guessing game and I don’t have a way to turn the notification off.

I understand some of you like the system and the loot box come with it. That’s fine with me. Just turn the notification off.

I don’t think so, tbh. I recall a time where I said “Hi everyone, how are you doing?” in vc as we were selecting our characters and three people left the vc immediately.
It was pretty funny, but also disheartening.

That may have nothing to do with you or you being female. Some people don’t like listening to people in vc in general. That can particularlly be the case if its a group of people who are friends and don’t want to include others in their chat.

In anycase, I’m sorry you’ve had that experience, but I sincerely believe it had nothing to do with gender.

No thanks I like my 3 free loot boxes each month.

That is actually intended.

Also if you don’t want it just ignore it.

No reason = getting/not getting endorsed?

I logged in and yellow text showing endorsement level went up.
I remember that one because it happened recently and I did not hear a sound when endorsement level went up. There are more like this but I don’t remember them well.

It’s like this for a long time. I used to ignore those message but it’s been going on long enough. Figure out what caused it just too much work. It’s time to find a way to turn off those notification.

I’m siting at lvl 4 constantly without playing that much. And I get loot boxes from it.
So no reason to get rid of it.
I like to endorse good / nice players.
Mercy says: “It’s nice to be appreciated!”

They Need to fix it. I go from 3 to 4 to 3 to 4 to 3 to 4… multiple times per week. It’s silly.

I don’t care much of endorsment but as far as I notice it only show who play tank or support since people usually endorse them just because the role.

Or else people never endorse a ‘‘hated’’ hero user (as you can see I main Sombra so feel free to take your guess on how many endorsment I take from my or the enemy team :rofl: )

I play mostly Symmetra and Torbjorn, and I’m stuck on that level 3 to 4 cycle for months now.

I’m bossy a natural shot caller, so maybe that’s why.

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