Can we get a real genji counter?

I don’t think the answer is a hard counter… they just need to remove something from his overloaded kit or increase his CDs s bit

Yeah, Genji’s kit is so overloaded that his usage rate is below 1% right now and he hasn’t been above C Tier since his nerfs in 2016.

Clear signs of an overloaded kit!

Run good sir! They come for you now as we speak… just run from this thread and never look back.

… you can hear them now… typing their reply’s why genji must never be looked at and if he ever was he would break like glass and be unplayable… so I bid you sir… run before the forum genjis find you… shuffles back into the distance

I’ll stop :stuck_out_tongue:

Though It’s pretty funny how the same aspect of the community can go “The dev’s are the worst and Know nothing! Brig ruined this game!” Yet in the same breath go “They said Genjis fine; so clearly hes fine because they are never wrong…”

Now either they can make mistakes and maybe we could take a gander at things that they think are ok or they are always right and we shouldn’t ever doubt them; and I know what I’d bet on.

Who exactly she can instantly delete from the other side of the map

Stop moving predictably, for one. And you could also flank her. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but she’s disadvantaged in close quarters combat.

again… im not a genji fan, but i can admit he is balanced, the true isue is the synergy added with nano boost, otherwise his ult is countereable and some way people can outplay him, the big issue people hate genji is the nano blade combo its super hard to counter. Its the same issue like Pharmercy’s old times, high synergy, hard to counter and easy to play, but with the last adjustments to mercy and phara, the duo was tuned down and isnt oppressive like before. the same happens with the nanoblade thing its basically a team wipe each time.

the only counter i found so far is with Junk’s Tire and need to calculate when they gonna use the nano combo to hide before using my ult, otherwise he can kill me and destroy the tire in 1 dash. They need to adjust the balance same way they did with the pharmercy and dragon-ball combo, they didint destroyed the heroes but they reduced the effectiveness of those combos.

Thing is, Nanoblade is already on present day Dragonball level.

It has the potential to net massive value, yet won’t always. A normal nanoblade in the upper brackets ranges from 0-3 kills, with the lucky ones getting 4-6.

Can be countered by Trans/Barrier, and can be countered by throwing off or displacing the Genji after he tries to dash at someone, or EMP/Hack.

Baptiste’s Immortality Field now heavily counters the combo.

I play a lot of zen, he is my main healer and i can say it Trans doesnt counter nanoblade like people assume, only tanks with high hp maybe can survive, all the other 250 or less hp die normally due trans cant heal instantly so massive damage, a decent genji player do a slash and dash after that to kill any non tank hero under Zen’s ult. unless they are bad genjis. plus you are ignoring the other’s team damage helping the genji.

which barrier counter genji’s ult?

I meant Sound Barrier.

Also, Nanoblade can’t kill through Trans unless Genji pulls off a perfect Dash/Slash combo on a squishy, to kill more than 1 or 2 which is already lucky is highly unlikely.

You dont want a counter buddy you want a brain dead hero that instantly deletes genji because you cant use your head



Like which Heroes do? Please, do tell and explain to me how.

And no, OP does not want a Hero that can just click and basically delete Genji. OP wants a Hero that can deal with Genji, the way Genji deals with most of the current Heroes.

Genji got insane damage AND insane mobility. He got wall-climbing and double jump. He got a dash ability and is rather small compared to other Heroes.

His Shuriken ability does 28 damage per projectile, that’s 84 damage if all hit. With critical hits(headshots) that would be 168 damage. And he can fire them every 0.65 seconds. His dash ability, Swift Strike, does 50 damage and if the target dies, the cooldown is reset. Now, combining all that, it is a lot of damage. And let’s not forget Genji’s deflect, which deflects every projectile and hitscan attacks. It also “blocks” melee attacks, which includes Reinhardt’s and Brigitte’s primary attack, and also Roadhog’s hook.

And simply because a Hero can bypass Genji’s deflect, it is not a counter. The only Hero I would say counters Genji’s deflect is Mei, as she would also freeze and stun Genji and would easily finish him off. Only issue is Genji’s mobility that makes it possible for him to get away from Mei’s range.

Genji can outrun most Heroes considered his “counters”, and that does not seem like a counter to me.

Should we make the Support players able to outrun all their counters? I think that would be more fair than Genji, a DPS, being able to outrun his “counters”.

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Yeah that’s why people all over the world stopped playing the game rock paper scissors

So his DPS barely exceeds Mercy’s and is lower than Zenyatta’s…

If Genji is forced to spend the whole game avoiding contact with certain enemies, then they’re countering him. A Genji who has to run away to his team ever 4-5 seconds isn’t going to accomplish very much.

If a support runs to their team then they’re still doing their job. If a DPS runs to their team then they’re doing absolutely nothing.

Even a decent Widowmaker or Zenyatta can pressure Genji just by being present and controlling sightlines. Widowmaker has all the advantages unless Genji decides to exit the fight for upwards of 10 seconds to flank around and get close, at which point it becomes an even duel.

OP wants a hero that Genji has “no hope of outplaying.”

That’s not the same way Genji deals with other heroes.

Genji can be outplayed by every hero, every hero, thus, he must outplay them as well. Some match ups are of course in his favor, but nothing is guaranteed for Genji, nothing.

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Im up for a hero who reduce effectiveness of mobility skills, like a hero who deploy a “slowing” or “crippling” AOE in a place and anyone who is afffected by it, they got slowed and their mobility skills reduced, for example reducing winston jump distance for 50% same as genji’s dash or tracer’s blink. something like that.

this way you can counter genjus and tracers and other annoying heros without adding any One shot kills mechanics to the game.

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Doomfist is the best bet, but he… sucks

At least he is getting buffed

Genji has a ton of hard counters. I’m not sure what you are trying to get here. Yes, he might get away with a few health, same with Sombra and Tracer. That is the purpose of the character. You don’t have to kill Genji to counter him, you just need to keep him from being effective. He has no defense against Rein, Zarya, Winston, Brigette, Moira, Symetra and others. And a handful of other characters soft counter him like Torb, Junkrat, and Phara (don’t direct hit him, splash him). Not to mention anyone with one-hit potential can end him unaware or during cool-downs (snipers, Roadhog with pull shoot melee, Zen).

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Anything that could reliably give genku a hard time would be labeled “too ez” by this community …
I mean someone in another thread just claimed that there is no difference between a master Brig and a Top 500 Brig … so yeah
PPL hate her because they think genku is the only one taking “skill”


rein :slight_smile:
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