Can we get a real genji counter?

It’s been 28 days. Why?

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Bro no offense but are you retarded?

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Me: sees a genji :laughs in Moira:

Nice Necro
[20 char]

Bruh…Ive been bamboozled by dates

You can outplay him very easily, just because he can get away with dash or wallclimb doesn’t mean you can’t kill him. I have to remind you that when Genji dashes he is extremely easy to hit, he just moves in a straight predictable line where you can shoot him freely, etc. You also have to understand the fact that Genji’s deflect if fairly useless at a higher level, it’s only really used as 2 seconds of relief and 2 seconds of a personal shield and a period of time to think and recover. At a higher level the enemy McCree will know not to flash while Genji is deflecting and at that point he’s pretty much dead, when a hero like this has to rely on the enemy tea, being less experienced like this already puts him at a massive disadvantage. And just because he can “easily” get away doesn’t mean that he is a problem, his shurikens do nothing they are basically paper stars, there’s too much healing in the game. If you are struggling against Genji it’s probably your fault, if you miss a sleep or shoot his deflect or whatever isn’t Genji being OP, that’s you needing to improve your aim and learning not to shoot a deflect.

I use Zarya and fight him fine. Splash damage and beam hits.

You’re an embarrassment to Plat players my dude

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I dont see why you have a problem with genji. You have 100 as widowmaker dude, and as i see you’re a brig main in comp, you probably tell widowmakers all the time, just do this:

youtube com/watch?v=754NjrckqGU

Just do that bro, just shoot the genji bro, you can do that right? it’s so easy man widow’s so overpowered bro

Mei my dude (20 characters)

but what if genji isn"t in m1 range?!?!?!?!? how will i freeze him so i can hit a headshot!?!?!?

Walk forward my dude

He CaN dOuBlE jUmP oH nO

Gonna bump it cuz topical. McCree is considered a hard counter but after the buff it’s pretty hard and takes a lot of skill

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Winston dies by genji’s new shotgun
Brig is not even a threat since 2-2-2 IMO and she still got nerfed
Sombra’s hack breaks because genji is double jumping woohoo
Sym just doesn’t do any dmg with the beam

Go zarya
One of owl favorites, she won’t get dumpstered, she can actually try to kill him

Most useful tank rn

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Yeah just reading about new genji makes me glad I quit overwatch already. As if he wasn’t OP enough before the buffs. Then they choose to buff the most infuriating ability in his kit

Step 1: Engage
Step 2: Fall back to make him chase you
Step 3: Drop trap
Step 4: Venom Mine to the face

Bye bye

Sounds like Doomfist to me…
All the point of Doomfist is being the one shot of the close range (Hanzo on medium and Widowmaker on the close range).

Yeah, i wanna hero like press F on spawn for kil enemy genji

Why not? If genji have a chanse kill you or need do like something harder then press f on spawn its actually no counter genji.

Btw its post BEFORE BUFFS


Like plat widow player talking about real genji counters XD

I can help you, but 99% you no wanna try learn something you just wanna press f on spawn. Add me and i will help you