Can we get a homosexual male hero, sometime in the future?

Why does it matter? like at all.

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I’m not being funny, but does it matter what their sexuality is? How do you know there isn’t already one who is homosexual already?

Sexuality isn’t a big deal. It isn’t what defines that character - Tracer is a homosexual woman but it’s really not a big deal. You ask anyone to explain who Tracer is and they’ll detail their personality and their abilities.

We don’t. In fact, we know that there is. Blizzard have stated that Tracer isn’t the only queer character on the current roster, but they want to reveal them in an “organic” way.

I mean homosexual male. I know that Tracer is homosexual - I even stated it in my post :smiley:

The point i’m making is there may already be a gay male character. But really, what should matter is their personality and character - not their sexuality.

It’s because somehow in modern society, being lesbian is more acceptable than being gay. So they went for the “safest option” when introducing lgbt char who happened to be their mascot.

Unfortunately the lore team is still asleep, so any new lore inclusion, including the revelation of the lgbt character is going to have to wait… if they plan to do anything at all before Overwatch crumbles to dust.


We have almost none romantic relationship in this game, because it doesn’t matter!

People insist to make “ships” because seems that they can’t understand that it’s a fictional game.
We have even seen Orisa + Bastion in this forum. wtf?

I’m not refusing a male gay character, I don’t care about it, but people have to stop trying to be represented in a GAME.

We have a huge lack of lore in the game and people are concerned about characters sexuality.

No. We don’t need it and we don’t want it

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I wouldn’t call this a political post, but that’s not the point…

You saw the title to this thread and clicked on it…You chose to read it too

Why waste your time on stuff you don’t like?

Y’all necro’d a whole thread just to insert your “we” opinion lol


Dunno if you wanna base your assessment on stereotypes. But ironically you’re on to something, because without stereotypical signifiers a gay character would mean nothing. It’s the issue LBGT fans had with Tracer; a few panels doesn’t do a ‘gay character’ justice. They should have kept her single and add voice lines of flirting with female characters (which could be humorous given her adorkable design).

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Say it with me kids.


If they choose to reveal a hero’s preference or partner ina a bit of lore thorugh a comic or cinematic, so be it. But it should never be the focus of a character to be paraded about as one of their defining attributes.

That’s what wqas great about teh Tracer reveal: It wasn’t the purpose of teh comic. It was just a side detail that didn’t really have any reason to be mentioned until then. And that’s what made it feel real. Forcing a hero to reveal their sexuality, though, through either a plot focused on it, or direct reveals like “Hey everyone, i’m (insert sexuality here)” is just a stupid thing to do, and is really just disrespectful to those who share that sexuality.

So until there’s a good point where it can justifiably be mentioned without it being the focus of whatever it’s revealed in, sexualities should remain unrevealed.

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Say it with me kids.

especially through your boring subjective rhetoric


How are they not common in society? I know so many gay males. And if sexuality doesn’t matter, this shouldn’t matter at all. We’re not even sure if every single male character in Overwatch is straight at this point. Heck, we didn’t know that Tracer was a lesbian for a while. Just give it time.
And that’s the last time I will say anything on any of these threads. :heart:

Actually I’ve never thought about this, I don’t feel like it should be forced in, it would only work if it fit n the story but it would be really nice to have a character like this.
Hope it happens in the future <3

And how would his sexuality tie in with his kit?

I am a gay man and literally don’t care one way or another. I would rather have no gay character than a token gay.

H E R E W E G O A G A I N.

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and orisa with pants (?

As a gay man can I just ask that…we get a balanced game with interesting characters independent of their sexuality and/or skin color?
