Can we get a homosexual male hero, sometime in the future?

According to very good data only 2 percent strongly identify as homosexual. You can find a gay character in almost every single tv show or movie. Alot of tv shows have several gay characters. You could make the argument they are an over represented part of the population due to the strong entertainment push.


Unless I’m misunderstanding the acronym, this in reference to the format, right?

Not on social matters.

It’s of little interest to me, so I didn’t dedicate much time to it and I don’t know which websites are reliable, which are fake news, and which are simply misinformed.

However there was a post by G.J Gates, an “distinguished scholar” from the Willaims Institute, in April of 2011 that said that back then it was 3.5% of American’s identifying as lesbian, gay or bi with 0.3% saying they were Trans.

Now, that doesn’t mean a whole lot to me. I don’t know who that is, or what that is, so I don’t know if those numbers were accurate then, nor exactly how much they’ve increased (assuming they have)

Can’t believe I forget about Junkrat.


Torb is also blind in one eye like ana and rein!

That last time I seriously looked in to it was 2012 and at that time I remember seeing 3.2%, like you, I’m not really that invested in this. Thank you for the polite discussion.

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Oh Christ. Who else? Genji.

I know this is probably a troll Thread but seriously WHO CARES at this point. This game doesn’t real have a story.

I mean Tracer is Gay and that is cool, but it doesn’t affect anything in the game or story in anyway. In fact, you have to leave the game and find some random Christmas comic to even know that she is gay. If you only play the game you would never even know that.

I don’t understand why people care at all. Blizzard can say EVERYONE is gay who cares it does not affect the game or come up in the lore at all so far. It just seems like such a non issue for how little that style of content affects Overwatch

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Yes, as a majority of him is cybernetic
The list is…I believe
Ana (eye)
Rein (eye)
Torb (eye, arm)
Sym (arm)
Junkrat (leg, arm)
Genji (body)
McCree (arm)

And contrary to popular belief Hanzo, Lucio, and pharah are not characters missing limbs


Guys help, someone made a post on the internet over a trivial matter! Quickly! Write the same opinion over and over!

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Roadhog is my daddy hog, it’s canon and not fanfiction.

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Ah it’s 2%. Thanks for clearing that up.

I wouldn’t say over represented though but let’s say it’s a bit too much sometimes.

Oh what a surprise? A post simple requesting a gay male character and the replies descend into “Oh it doesn’t matter if they’re gay or not” “just headcanon them as gay” “nobody’s telling you you can’t just pretend they’re gay”

  1. Except they do.
  2. Except society is majorally biased towards gay men, and they get little to no representation in videogames, let alone Blizzard games.
  4. Make the Junkers gay.
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It’s easy to figure who is gay. Who has the most FABULOUS skins? It’s not junkrat. Junkrat dresses like a homeless person.

You mean… game devs don’t shove it in people’s faces…? The same way people shouldn’t?

Not me. I’ll pretend all day every day. Can’t stop me.

Inb4 “Wow. More gay characters and of course it’s the 2 crimincals with an unhealthy vendetta against tolerance and equality. Nice job, Blizz”.

There is nothing Blizz can do to make everyone happy, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they never announced the remaining queer characters.

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Straight, white, god fearing, married, man when?!?!?

All heroes we get are black or women. Time for some change!

Only if we get a hydrocephalic body-positive down’s syndrome trans dwarf of colour with autism and PTSD first.

Ana - African Woman
Sombra - Latin American Woman
Orisa - Robot programmed by an African Woman
Doomfist - African Man
Moira - Androgynous Woman
Brig - Strong, independant Woman
Hammond - Hamster

Blizzard’s priorities and values are apparent.

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Overwatch’s hottest thread is “Can we get a homosexual male hero, sometime in the future?” This thread has everything. The implication that homosexuality is automatically sexually explicit and not suited for children, the existence of LGBT people being called PC and political, saying that gay people being represented is shoving it in people’s faces, and people asking 500 times ‘why does it matter’ even when that question is answered on a daily basis!


You’re right but I checked and they were way behind on women and people of color on the initial 21 hero release. Not that it should matter at all but we’re headed as a society into being browbeat into political correctness. You either roll over and conform as a company or youre company gets branded with the Scarlet letter of racist or homophobe. No matter, this is just temporary. By temporary I mean companies deciding to do this on their own. Eventually the state will oversee entertainment content and the industry. It will just be law and they will have no say over they’re creative content. By then heros will be judged on “party loyalty”.

What values are those?