Can we get a homosexual male hero, sometime in the future?

This is not an interesting topic at all. I’m not even upset that much. It just seems to me that there is a lack of gay males in culture and media, and I’m kinda hoping that we get one in this game, just because Deadpool 2 has a gay female couple, Korra has a bisexual female couple, Steven Universe has an asexual MARRIED female couple (plus so much more), and here in Overwatch, we’ve got Tracer and her girl, Emily, and it seems very possible with and D.mon in recent events.

Those are all girls though.

It just kinda hurts feeling like there is practically no platonic, unfan-fictiony material that represents a loving relationship between two men in anything. It’s like we don’t exist. The most representation I’ve seen was at the end of the movie ParaNorman. And that was used as a GAG.

With Overwatch being one of the first to reveal homosexuality in media, it’s… quite a feat. And they should be proud of it. I just hope that they’ll have room for my type as well.

Until then, I’ll just keep pretending Lucio’s winking at me when I pick him.

Not that there is just something in his eye.


Can I would like? I clue have not you what say.

What does it matter what they say about a hero’s sexual orientation. Just pick one and believe that he is gay and that’s it. These are fictional characters, if Michael Chu wakes up one day and says, “you know what, I think Reaper is gay” would that make you happy?


How do you know that none of the male heroes are homosexual? As far as I know none of them has a partner of either sex.

EDIT: Except for Torbjörn


Reinhardt is gay. No straight man has hair that amazing

There is one other homosexual hero though they just haven’t said who. But blizz already stated they aren’t doing anything by checking off a diversity list and they stand firm on that. But I wouldn’t have a problem with them as long as it’s done like tracer and is hardly a focus point on thier character. :slightly_smiling_face:


Have you SEEN McCree?


actually torb has a partner, you even have his daughter in game lol


Use rule 34 and don’t ask for such things… I’m a gay man myself and I couldn’t care less about a pixelised character being gay too.

It doesn’t affect gameplay in the slightest and it’s not something that should be shoved in everyone’s faces. Give it time, if a gay hero is supposed to appear, it’ll appear in time and correctly like the tracer christmas comic ‘reveal’.

Don’t push it.


I always thought Lucio was the gay male.


  1. Brazil is know for a “loose” lifestyle towards sexuality
  2. He’s a DJ playing techno pop
  3. Being gay and so open is actually the good qualities for a leader feeling oppressed by governments and in this case Vishkar
  4. Just look at the dude and how he dresses. A frog suit, and Jazz looks like he was in the cast of queer eye for the straight guy.
  5. He rollerblades lol

Can we have a character for the what he brings to the game and not what his character brings into the game. Even if we wanted a character for this game we shouldn’t give a broad term like this character should be gay. Characters are more than fan service they should be able to tell a story about the character, not just they are gay.


I apologize, we got one confirmed heterosexual in the game.


Here we go again, that’s why I took a 2 weeks off.

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Widowmaker’s Husband???
Ana and Pharah’s Dad


After the tracer thing I think the devs want to stay away from relationships. The valentine event voice lines not coming back hints to me that.

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They are not really in the game tho? :stuck_out_tongue:

No Ana also has a daughter, Reaper also might have a daughter??? Widow had a husband.

Why do people need someone to clarify their sexuality? Why is that what makes someone different.

Representation in media shouldn’t be forced, shouldn’t be different.

When they want to add a male character who is gay, I hope they don’t base everything about his character on the fact he likes :hotdog:


He’s called mcree…

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Why is representation and diversity so important?

They matter as much as the splash of colors in the world.

We do not push away blue for more red because red needs more represrntation.

Why do we need a gay male? Why do we need a gay female? I for think its a private matter what people prefer not to mention this explicit for a younger crowd whom have yet to develop properly and are unable to male choices for themselves.

Prove me wrong by being a bad parent and leaving a kid a household.


Blizzard already said there’s more LGBT heroes, they will end up revealing them with time.

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