Can we get a homosexual male hero, sometime in the future?

Please move stuff like this to story discussion.

I get a gay vibe off of Jae-eun Casino from the mecha squad plus he looks to have a cool aesthetic

I’m a bit concerned with this reasoning for Lucio to be gay.

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Dude have you thought about Genji and Mercy?

So cool we have Soldier 76 now. I hope he gets a skin with rainbow accents one day.

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Now thats some thread necromancy


i don’t get why a characters sexuality is so important in a game which has very little lore and story-driven gamemodes O_O


why does it matter to you that sexuality is important for other people

a guy once said in a video about cod ww2, sexuality, sex and colour become a problem when they’re made a problem
in this case, the more people care, the more people will look into games saying stuff like “this game aint inclusive” “this game is racist” just like people did with cod ww2, even thou the game had every race available in multiplayer

ok but why do you care if some people think a video game you play is not inclusive or is racist

because it will be used to attack the reputation of the game, and it will harm it, a decrease in sales, advertisement and ofc the investors will ask for the game to change
look at it this way
if sites like kotaku calls you out, people will sure talk about your game, but your investors and higher ups will call you up on it and may force you to change the game just for that, which is very insulting, and will push the game industry into a very dark #genderfieldV era

not the gender field :scream:

Where is that Spongebob “X time later” meme image when I need it :frowning:

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How many times is this thread gonna get necroed lol.

All necroes will be shamed!



They should just make a random generator and put in all the social characteristics you could think of. “Time to spin the wheel lets see what person is our next hero… trans female carribean ambidexterous male!”

Make 'em all queer, cowards!

Um excuse me, myself and some others have been waiting a LONG time for a Toucansexual. :joy:

On topic tho, Introducing a gay character into a franchise was done perfectly in the new Avengers: Endgame.

Don’t worry I won’t put any movie spoilers, it’s just a nobody side character with no name for one scene, so let me explain.

It’s a group discussion where they go down the line and people are saying what they’ve been up to. Some random guy says “Hi all bla bla bla. I went on a date for the first time in a long while with this other guy…I was scared at first but he seemed really nice and we went out to dinner etc etc” And the group leader was like “that’s nice…baby steps are what it takes, keep it up bla bla”

THATs how you don’t make a big deal about a guy being homosexual in your franchise, THATs how you do it in a subtle fashion and make the reveal very likeable and the character as well.

It doesn’t even matter, leave it be.
It’s a far better effort for the devs to spend thier time on new heroes, answering the many (relevent) questions in the lore, and new events. Not adding pointless trivia over things like this.

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A side character that no one is ever gonna see again :thinking: