Can we get a homosexual male hero, sometime in the future?

By recent event you mean fans finding a name and started shipping the two based off nothing?


II’m just teasing. I know Zarya’s been typecast because she’s strong and has short hair.

I like that Tracer’s sexuality doesn’t define her as a character. Myself being Bi I really hoped to like Tracer but she’s is bugging af. Everyone knows the true Gay icon in Overwatch is Symmetra and Auntie Moira too I suppose. Feminist icon is DVa.

you really wanna say math can account for it even though most gays are probably in the closet? can it honey you sound like a tunafish.

Thank god you didn’t keep on teasing me. Arguing on something like this isn’t something anyone in their right mind likes doing x)

Genji is gay. Seriously though, look at the percentage of real life and compare that to this game, lgb is OVER represented.

Sorry to rain on your parade.

Nah. I know. I just always pull up randoms in game chat when they use homophobic slurs. I know you weren’t doing that. I was just having fun.

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Jeez I can’t even make an exemple where you’d believe people or just assume the fact it’s A FICTIONAL EXAMPLE WITH FICTIONAL HETEROSEXUALS.

You’re reading everything like you wanna understand it your way only and it’s really tucking annoying.

Don’t call me honey and stop with the fishes, what did they ever do to you.

I’m done talking with you, this is gonna taint my day in the worst ways.

can it sugarbear you sound like a walkingstick

you think thats better?? cause i dont!! :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:

Why yes it’s better.
Sounds more angry with all the little red guys and it’s also making me hungry.

Thanks baby boo.


mmm you make me hungry too baby :heart_eyes:

Now is the time for me to leave to better places.

Goodbye dear roblox player.

byeeeeee my sweet liechtensteinian prince

Look, i understand where your wants are coming from, but there are more important things to add than a characters sexual orientation.

Last time I checked, 4.5% of adults in the US claimed they were gay, lesbian or bi.

In game, there is 1/28. That’s 3.5%.

Now, my maths isn’t great, but I’m pretty sure that 4.5% > 3.5%

Oof, 4.5%!? I haven’t kept up apparently; source? I don’t remember seeing that one the census.

Back from five minutes of “research” and I can report percentages from 0.6% to 14.5%, WaPo was incredibly low which was a surprise.


Disclaimer: I can’t really account for the accuracy of these, but these are where I got my information. Remove the space after https

https ://

https ://

https ://

(this one claims only 4%)

Junkrat is also in that category, he is missing an arm and a leg and is considered mentally unstable as well by the blizzard team

I would recommend that you diversify your sources in the future.

Do you have any advanced degrees; have you ever had to site your research via A.P.A.?

*edit: I know that I come off strong; it’s extremely hard for me to filter myself and I lack the ability to consider feelings during a discussion about facts and/or data. I am considered a “friendly” by my lgb friends. My original point was in reference to the representation argument as to which I made a post about not more than a couple of days ago.