Can we get a homosexual male hero, sometime in the future?

I guess that it would probably happen some day.

There is a LGBT mega thread already about this. =)

Personally, what i would like to see is that there may be a transgender character someday, like Poison from the Street Fighter franchise.


Of course, I was there for the whole Tracer butt indecent. Wasn’t thier best move.


Hammond has a crush on…oh this is a secret

I was being sarcastic

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I would adore a trans hero omg

Poison is freakin’ awesome, not to mention iconic.


Lowkey I would love this but I waiting for the lore to bring anything new would be best

Ana filed for a divorce and is now partying with daddy Reinhardt in secret.

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As such, people don’t want a token gay character.

Most people would be fine with finding out a specific character is gay. But those are the key words. “finding out” the character is already established, and this just gives more information on them.

But if they were to announce a new hero at blizzcon and one of their selling points was “oh btw, this new character is gay” people are going to be like…wth…is this what they think we find fun and exciting to play?

I do not understand that at all. Nothing about that seems possible from the short.
If anything Hana x Dae Hyun or whatever is name is seems more possible from the short.

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Indeed. First ever transgender / “newhalf” in a game. Our JP cousins were way ahead of the curve on that.

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Sam is a Canadian public servant, while the extent of his and Ana’s relationship isn’t know. Pharah does visit him as shown in the Reflections comix.

Oh god not this again!


Oh yeah dude, I guess my OP kinda assumes that I WANT a new hero that’s explictly gay, but that’s not the case. Blizzard would lose a lot of fans if they came out with a flamboyant figure skater that shoots rainbows. I would be perfectly okay if other hero’s were revealed later.

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Gay doesn’t have a personality though, I just don’t get it bro.
So, you want blizzard to say a character is gay? Seems a bit redundant.

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Yeah, let’s bring in that diversity checklist right away. Gotta make sure we have at least one of every kind of minority in this game. Clearly this wouldn’t be pandering.

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Well, I hope nothing like that happens. There once was a time when sexuality was not dragged into games. These days somehow it’s trendy to check boxes and represent all kind of minority groups no matter how small they are or how irrelevant their differences are. For some reason sexual orientation minorities are the loudest and the most demanding.
What happened to just having characters with fun personalities and designs and why even mention anyones sexuality in game like Overwatch. It’s stupid. Should freaking LEGO figures come with a tag that they are gay?
I honestly hope no more of this will be brought in the game.


Speaking of sexuality is not in of itself a reportable offense.

The game has already tries to do that to an extent. This would be more of the same.

I can much bet you, if there is any gay hero or couple, that would be junkrat and roadhog, but I bet most of the homosexual community wouldn’t like them and would most likely outrage because of their appearance and that’s why blizz has stated there is but haven’t told WHO
besides, I personally think asking for things like this makes the community overall slightly more toxic because people complain over things that don’t actually matter to the game play, or would you pick a gay character because you identify with him/her instead of a character that actually would help your team composition? because there is people who would and actually does, which does hurt the community, more people get angry because those kind of persons get killed by their counter every 2 seconds and instead of switching to help win they will stick to their guns and lose the game
IMHO for games like this, lore related to the fictional lives of the characters outside the game should be ommited for this kind of reasons