Can we get a homosexual male hero, sometime in the future?

Maybe not, he was played by Joe Russo himself, AKA one of the film’s directors, and is the Marvel universe’s first canonically gay character so he might return in future movies

I just wanted to point out it felt like a good way to reveal that type of thing, and the WRONG way would’ve been to take an existing character and go “SuRpRiSe they were gay all along from the start even tho there’s been zero hints or clues to this fact!!!” which is what they did with Soldier to me and that just feels disingenuous and forced

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But they did the exact same thing? Just casually talked about it.

Soldiers also had a few hints in the past. His photo with vincent when everyone else was lookin at loved ones, and his voicelines in certain skins. Just like Tracer they revealed it later on instead of just saying straight away like “Hi! I’m Tracer! I’m a pilot and I like girls” which people would also complain was forced, you know?

Could be worse, could be jkr who only tweets it, never actually shows it in text. At least Overwatch references it in game. Its not perfect, but it’s better that that.

Gag. Gag more. Gag yet even more.

Imagine if Jenos from Paladins came to overwatch. I love him

Isn’t Soldier:76 confirmed to be gay? :s

Has everyone forgotten soldier 76 is gay already?
Was the lore that bad for it that even the gay community don’t buy soldier being gay? :joy: