Can we forbid double off tank and double main tank?

Double off tank is the worst composition in the entire world to play with, and they’re so common. It’s not performing your role. It shouldn’t be allowed.

Double main tank just makes tank balance trash. It’s not bad, but it shouldn’t be allowed either.

I don’t know about separate queues but don’t let people actually play these comps.

I had double off tank on my team like eight times today. It shouldn’t be a thing.


No way to fix these issues, unless you go with 1-3-2 comp and re-work Dva into a main tank, with Zarya and Hog to DPS.

If you give separate ques for main and off tanks it’ll be DPS que time bad.

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People like you already ruined the game by demanding 222, now you want more restrictions on team comps.

Find another game.


Come on man. Double off tank is a straight throw. I’m not even sure why it’s ever been allowed.


it wont happen because off tank and main tank arent roles defined by the game. its too arbitrary of a change.


I don’t like it.
It just restricts comps even more, we do not need more restriction.


With so few tanks, no. Perhaps if we got more tanks in both roles, it might be possible, but as is, any attempt to do so would only irritate tank players if they couldn’t play what they wanted or make queue times forever if they split the already small tank player base into main and off tanks.

Plus you have issues like Hammond and Winston, both of who can play as an off and a main tank. Unless you’re purely referencing barrier tanks as main tanks.


But it’s not a viable comp, even in low rank. There is literally no time to play it.

no.,, and are surprisingly powerful combos if given a chance.


Not according to every single game I’ve ever played with them.

I’ve seen and done Zarya/Hog and win. Major hyucking.


Also, for the purposes of this:
Main tanks: Rein, Orisa, Sigma
Off tanks: Dva, Zarya, Roadhog
Not limited: Winston, Ball

I used to have more sympathy, but man, I had double off tank over and over and over tonight. It was awful.

Also no double main tank instantly fixes double barrier forever and lets us buff Orisa and Sigma. I honestly don’t know how else they’ll ever be able to do it.


Its true but… its can work. 1 my game on this week me lose first round vs zarya hog when we have rein sigma. We switched to zarya hog and win game. If you will try stop crying before fight start and try win – you will win more. And its my game from high master

Why? I know only 1 working double main tank – rein+orisa. And people in comp no pick this usually.

Btw you play on gold.

You can solo carry game with bad comps. And lose with good comp. Actually no reason care about team comp if you play game for up ranks. If you wanna enjoy – yeah its can be hard with bad comp unlucky dude. usually me just focus on me self and enjoy game


Honestly in low rank I think composition matters more. I could call about 80% of games just based on what hero is on the team.

I dont think so. Matters skill for realisation hero, no comp. Hog – hard. Hammond – hard. Rein – Hard (no hard for stuck in gold), but no so hard how hog or hammond.

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I mean, yeah. That’s the whole design I put in here.

No DoubleOffTank
No DoubleBarrier

And yeah, Barrier Tanks are limited to 4 choices, but you can buff the crap out of them without worrying about balance much.
In reality, 4 juggernaut tier barrier tanks is probably more fun than “Rein or Lose”.

✅ Modified 1-3-2 that can be 1-1-2-2


Off tanks being fun and having agency and not being allowed to be played together is why no one queues for tanks btw.

Maybe rather than lobbying for more restrictions on player choice that would undoubtedly just exacerbate the queue times problems, we ask for reworks or balancing to tanks so 2 off tanks is viable and main tanks are more fun?


you forgot about no long q time.

better you dont know how many offtank players switch for main.

Believe me I’ve asked for that a lot, but I think it’s not a realistic possibility.

Sigma is an off tank and Winston and ball are both viable and main tanks. Winston is being one tricked at 4400 and ball has been one tricked since his release consistently by a handful of people at 4600. They are more than viable and both main tanks